Date: March 11, 2016
This is a wonderful article on suicide and its haram in Islam. The author of this article Saba Malik shares some knowledge he got from a depression mastery seminar by a prominent Muslim Shaykh, eight years back. Suicide is a sin in Islam. But the author still wonders that by knowing the fact that suicide is a bad activity, why Muslims still tries to kill themselves. Once the seminar finished, the author went up and asked the Shaykh that if a Muslim attempts or commits suicide, what happens to him. The Shaykh answered that definitely, he will go to hell. Mental illness, hallucinations, diseases, financial conditions, family problems etc. can cause one to commit suicide. Depression can be treated with some of the tools practiced in our day to day life and concentration. Following steps are helpful to avoid depression. 1. Regular salah 2. Medication 3. Psychotherapy or cognitive behavioral therapy 4. Regular exercise 5. Healthy eating 6. Good sleep hygiene 7. Keeping up with physical hygiene 8. Active and meaningful social relationships 9. Support groups or blog 10.Giving back to your community Dr. Al-Khater says that apart from the above tools, situational depression can be alleviated by practicing the following tools: 1. Using the Islamic creed 2. Doing righteous deeds 3. Offering salah and reciting prayers 4. Contemplating the worst cases 5. Having good opinions 6. Living with a realistic – not idealistic – point of view 7. Behaving well towards other and yourself 8. Having hope Above all, prayer and preach Allah is the best solution to forget the thoughts about committing suicide.
"The best of what a man leaves behind are three: a righteous child who supplicates for him, ongoing charity the reward of which reaches him, and knowledge that is acted upon after him."
Sunan Ibn Mājah
"Every day two angels come down from Heaven and one of them says, 'O Allah! Compensate every person who spends in Your Cause,' and the other (angel) says, 'O Allah! Destroy every miser.'"
Sahih Bukhari
Common question that come across many in Islam religion is that to whom I should seek questions. Those who have deep understanding of the religion, and those who are well known for his religiosity and those who are established people of deep understanding. Don’t put your religious understanding with those who doesn’t have any religious understanding. The person to whom you are seeking religious knowledge should be striving and speaker of truth. When you seek knowledge, seek it from a tree that has fruits. Knowledge is not a bunch of information. It must incorporate some intellect and it must sound understanding. One who is having the right attitude and keeping away from sins is the right person to seek information and questions. You can seek knowledge from renowned persons and scholars who are providing speeches through internet videos; YouTube videos etc. while approaching a source for your doubts, be careful, consider and consult.
Read MoreDid you ever think that women are the being to live under men? If yes, you are mistaken and you are an ignorant person. Qur&8217;an says that Islam women can be leaders and administrators and judges. Allah has created his servants to lead an equal life. There is no inequality in treating women and men in Islam. Islam teaches that women are entitled to be perfect rulers because they are created to be more sensitive in certain regards, as entities whose compassionate aspects are more pronounced and who live by a profound love and affection, and also in terms of the establishment of justice. Even if the rules and sayings are like this, still womanhood is getting only secondary importance. The ugly idea that women cannot be trusted and that their every word needs to be treated with suspicion predominates in bigotry. But you have to understand that the Qur&8217;an totally eliminates this perverse way of thinking. Qur&8217;an says that women are the valuable servants to be respected, whose words are to be trusted and who need to be tended carefully, like plants. So we must protect, respect and care women in all spheres. From now on, if any one still thinks that Qur&8217;an addresses men and that this makes men superior, they must understand the truth, they are still interpreting the Qur&8217;an in a non proper way. The Qur&8217;an imposes more responsibilities on men because of the value attached to women. This is a blessing for women.
Read MoreThis is a great article by Muhammad Zafar, who talks about the evil side of suicide. Did you ever think of suicide? If not, you are beloved to Allah and he will take care of you till your death. Committing suicide or thinking of suicide is a great evil, that Allah hates it the most. . You don’t have the right to even think of committing suicide. Always you must be in a state of matured thinking. Don’t care much for failure anymore. If you are moody, start to look at things differently. Spend time with friends and start to get into the things that can entertain you. Stop comparing yourself to others and worrying about the things that would benefit you. Engage with your friends, family, brothers at the Mosque and even strangers (for Allah) and in a short time, you will feel better. Engage your time in doing activities like reading books, listen to lectures, sit down and converse with your mom. The more you do it, and the more you went out of your way to do it, the more your life will get balanced. That balance will bring more happiness in your life.
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