Date: September 9, 2016
1. The last messenger of Allah, the Prophet Muhammad was born in Mecca,a city in Hejaz in Saudi Arabia. 2. Prophet Muhammad is known as the last messenger of Allah. 3. Prophet’s father, Abdullah ibn Abdul-Muttalib, died before the Prophet was born. 4. Prophet Muhammad’s mother’s name was Aminah bint Wahb, and she passed away when Prophet Muhammad was just six years old. 5. It was Prophet Muhammad’s grand father, who raised him until he died two years later. 6. After the demise of his grand father, Abu Talib, Prophet Muhammad’s uncle raised him. It was Abu Talib, who protected Prophet Muhammad for later years. 7. Prophet Muhammad was well known by his character because of his honesty and trustworthiness. 8. When he was 40 years old, Prophet Muhammad received his first revelation from Allah from the caves of Hira through Angel Jibreel.
"The best of what a man leaves behind are three: a righteous child who supplicates for him, ongoing charity the reward of which reaches him, and knowledge that is acted upon after him."
Sunan Ibn Mājah
"Every day two angels come down from Heaven and one of them says, 'O Allah! Compensate every person who spends in Your Cause,' and the other (angel) says, 'O Allah! Destroy every miser.'"
Sahih Bukhari
Prophet Muhammad once said that there are five qualities to act up on by an Islam. 1. Guard yourself against things forbidden, you will be the most worshipful of people. 2. Be content with what God has allotted you, you will be the richest of people. 3. Be good to your neighbour, you will be a believer. 4. Love for people what you love for yourself, you will be a Muslim. 5. Do not laugh much; much laughing deadens the heart. Prophet is the wisest in this universe and his goodness of mind was only excelled by his goodness of character, whose creation and nobility was not narrowed or ruffled by anything. Prophet was a person whose doors kept open for all his devotees&8217; questions and doubts. Muhammad never said no to anything for which he was asked. We the mankind must follow prophet&8217;s style that to constantly mindful of God, waste no time in useless talk and chant his prayers. He lived his time as a common man and lead a legendry simple life. He used to do the house works himself. Prophet was a person who never satisfied his hunger and gave a share to the needy at the same time. Prophet is the greatest teacher to mankind on how to live in this universe and we must follow his path by leaving the sins and gaining the goodness.
Read MorePart I Salah (Prayer) is one of the Five Pillars in the faith of Islam and an obligatory religious duty for every Muslim. It is a physical, mental, and spiritual act of devotion that is to be performed five times every day at prescribed times. In this ritual, the believer starts stand-up, bows, prostrates themselves, and completes while sitting in the prayer platform. At the time of each posture, the believer delivers or recites certain sections, phrases and prayers. The term salah is generally translated as "prayer" but this definition is little unclear. Muslims use the words "dua" or "prayer" when mentioning to the common description of prayers which is "reverent requests made to God". Many scientific studies are done on belief and worshiping approaches. A team of scholars from Malaysia recently answered this query by learning how Muslim prayer affects alpha waves in the brain, and their results show a profound connection between mind and body. The study was completed using brain scanning technology, such as magnetic-resonance imaging and electroencephalograms (EEG), to know how the brain responds to spiritual or divine practice. Islamic prayer, or salat, needs the believer to go through more than a few distinct bodily postures while performing specific supplications. The sequence of positions is fixed, and it’s repeated many times for each act of prayer. Believers start out standing, then bow at the waist till their upper bodies are corresponding with the ground, with their hands pressed against the knees. Then, they come back to a standing posture before bowing down to the fully prostrate posture and touching the foreheads on to the ground. After bowing, believers sit up on their knees temporarily before coming back to a final bowing position. The same cycle will start again. Each of the stage in this prayer cycle will last for a few seconds, and the total prayer cycle lasts around 30 seconds and a full minute. During the study, the researchers studied brain waves at variety of postures with and without vocal prayers. To learn more into this and understand how these different postures mark brain waves, they fitted the helpers with EEG monitors around the frontal, central, temporal, parietal, and occipital regions and told the volunteers to complete a series of prayer cycle. Consequently, they found substantial increases in alpha movement in volunteers’ parietal and occipital but, amazingly, only during the bowing stage of the salat. In contrast, alpha wave stages didn’t vary much at all amid inactive state and prayer in the standing, bowing, or kneeling positions. This following study dig through the effect of Islamic prayer (salat) on a relative power (RPα) of electroencephalography (EEG) and autonomic nervous movement and the connection between them by means of spectral scrutiny of EEG and heart rate variability (HRV). !(/img/equation.png) where fmax=95 Hz, fl=8 Hz, fh=13 H During the prayer salat, a remarkable increase (p
Read MoreMarriage is a religious duty and a moral safeguard in the society. Marriage is the most legal way to indulge in intimacy between a man and woman. Delaying marriage without a legitimate reason is a sin in Islam. We should not get engaged for many months and the marriage should be solemnized quickly in order to allow the newlyweds to start their new life in the most pure manner. Keeping the engaged couples without a Nikkah is a great sin and it is similar to widowing. Get your Nikkah as soon as possible and complete your studies. To delay marriage in Islam is prohibited.
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