Date: September 24, 2017
Do we know? Majority of Muslims celebrate January 1 each year as New Year but do not pay much attention to our own Islamic New Year that begins on Muharram 1. This year we have already entered in our New Year but without any observance and without even saying a Takbeer! Let us remember, the Islamic calendar starts with the month of Muharram. Some months of the Islamic calendar have more virtues than the other, and Muharram is one among them. This month is highly important because on the first day of Muharram our beloved Prophet Mohammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him (SAW) left Mecca and traveled to Madinah with his close companion Abu Baker (may Allah be pleased with him). This journey is called as migration in Islamic history. The purpose of this migration, as we know, was to safeguard his life and calling to Islam. The most significant day of this month is the 10th day which is known as “ASHURA.” When Prophet (SAW) came to Madinah he found the Jews fasting on this day of the month. Upon enquiry, he came to know that the Jews fasted on this day to thank GOD for saving Moses (Alaih-is Salam) and his companions and drowned Firoun and his people. Moosa (Alaih-is Salam) fasted on this day to thank Allah (SWT). On hearing this Prophet (SAW) said,” we are worthier of Moosa (Alaih-is Salam) than you and so we will also fast to thank Allah (SWT). But to stand apart from the Jews Rasool Ullah (SAW) asked his companions to fast on the 9th and 10th of this month or the 10th and 11th. Although the fast of the month of Muharram is not obligatory, the one who fasts on these days will be rewarded greatly by Allah (SWT). Every minute of our life is a gift from Allah (SWT) and we should try to make it useful and to please HIM, SWT. Every single day or month is special if we use it correctly, therefore, follow what was taught and practiced by Rasool Ullah (SAW) and please ALLAH (SWT) by doing so.
"The best of what a man leaves behind are three: a righteous child who supplicates for him, ongoing charity the reward of which reaches him, and knowledge that is acted upon after him."
Sunan Ibn Mājah
"Every day two angels come down from Heaven and one of them says, 'O Allah! Compensate every person who spends in Your Cause,' and the other (angel) says, 'O Allah! Destroy every miser.'"
Sahih Bukhari
Ramadan Journal- Day 2 is a great piece of writing from Umm Salihah’s blog Happy Muslim Mama. The author talks about a beautiful Hadith about Ramadan which is the Prophet&8217;s (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) sermon on Ramadan delivered on the last Friday of the preceding month (Shaban). The Hadith reveals many good advices to devotees and a number of promises too. An abridged meaning of this great Hadith is as follows: This is exactly the blessed month of Allah. Ramadan is the month of forgiveness and blessings to the humanity. Its days, nights and hours are the best things in a year. Each of your breath can glorify Allah and his deeds. You have to fast and recite Quran and other holy books of Islam so that Allah would mercy up on you and he will give you a healthy body and heart. You must be compassionate to orphans. If you have committed any sins, you should repent to Allah and raise your hands in dua during Ramadan times. If you give Iftar to a fasting person, your sins would be forgiven. No matter the quantity of the Iftar. It can be a cup of water. That can free you from your past sins. If you honour an orphan, Allah will honour you. If you spread mercy and kindness to others, Allah will spread his mercy up on you. If you cuts a beautiful relation, Allah will cut the mercy from you. If you performs a recommended prayer in this month, Allah will keep the fire of hell away from you. If you performs an obligatory prayer, Allah will reward with seventy prayers in this month. If you prays a lot of time during this month, Allah will reward for you.If you recite one verse of the holy Quran, you will get the rewards of reciting the whole Qur’an during other months. Obeying this wonderful things in the holy month of Ramadan can keep the door of heaven for you, not the hell.
Read MoreAre you eagerly waiting for the month of Ramadan? If yes, that’s quite awesome and deserves praises. Many Muslims waits the month of Ramadan with mixed feelings. Some love to fast and celebrate Ramadan. Some fear genuinely by thinking of the long hours of fasting. And most of countries will be hot in this season. When you analyze a day of a real Muslim, prayer is a pure but difficult thing to perform. There will be lack of prayer hall at your office or schools. But at any cost, we the Muslims perform prayers everyday without fail. Likewise fasting is very hard and difficult. There will be pain and ache in body parts due to hunger and thirst. But here lies the exact challenge and worship. At the very month of Ramadan, we must learn to live by helping others and giving zakat to the deserving people. If you fast in the month of Ramadan, your sins will be forgiven by Allah. Fasting is a complete act o worship and forgiveness. Make good decisions in this Ramadan such as love Allah, set good goals for future, help poor and love your family.
Read MoreThe month of Safar is one of the 12 months of the Hijri calendar, the month succeeds Muharram. Safar literally means ‘empty’ or a house that is empty. According to some scholars, it is named because of emptying (Isfaar) of Mecca. People used to travel extensively in this month. Some scholars say that the Arabs believed in the sacredness of the holy months: Dhul Qadha, Dhul Hijjah, Muharram and Rajab. They did not indulge in war or any other crime in theses months and used to wait for such months to be over. In Safar they used to fight other tribes during this month. Among the superstitions of the pre-Islamic days, the month of Safar was considered to be inauspicious and taken as an ill omen. It was believed that the month would bring calamities along with a lot of diseases and economies would be destroyed. The pagans didn’t start any important work or new project in this month. Islam is a religion of truth & veracity. It’s the religion which illuminated the world with belief in Tawheed (Oneness of God, the Exalted) and Risalat (Prophethood). With the emergence of Islam, the superstitions and heresies of all kinds that prevailed at the time of pre-Islamic era, have been ended. Unfortunately, many of the Muslims have imbibed these superstitions. On one hand, omens and bad lucks have been associated with the month and, on the other hand, self-made solutions for such things was proposed as well. Today too, some Muslims are still holding the incorrect beliefs regarding the month of Safar. Some of the erroneous believes are as follows: * A nikah performed in the month of Safar would not be successful. Sayyadina Ali (Radi Allahu anhu) and Sayyiditina Fatima (Radi Allahu anha) got married, in the latter days of Safar 2 A.H. * This month is full of calamities and misfortune. * To commence any important business, venture etc. during this month will be of great loss. * The first to the 13th of Safar is ill-fortune and evil. * A person who distributes food or money on the 13th day of Safar will be saved from its bad luck. What Muslims should do? * Shun all types of erroneous beliefs regarding the month of Safar. * Note that the most unfortunate person is he who disobeys Allah’s commandments e.g. does not perform the five daily Salah etc. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: "Pray, O Allah! - Cause not any of us to be a wretched destitute" Then he asked: "Do you know who is a wretched destitute? " Upon the request of the Sahabah he replied, "A wretched destitute is he who neglects his salaat." (Hadith). * We all should understand that all conditions which befalls us, favorable or unfavorable, good or bad are from Allah, (as a result of our actions). "Whichever misfortune befalls you, it is due to the things your hands have wrought, and He forgives many a sin." (Al-Quran: 42:30). This can be confirmed by the following Hadith: _"I have heard Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) saying, the descending of illness and evil superstition befalling in the month of Safar is not true."_ - Jabir (Radi Allahu anhu) (Muslim) There is nothing ominous in the month of Safar. Evil deeds & incorrect beliefs are ominous and should be given up & repented for. It’s incorrect to delay or postpone marriage or its proposal or a journey, etc. because of such beliefs. Rejecting the fake beliefs of the days of ignorance, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said, ‘Belief in ill-omen is Shirk (polytheistic) (thrice he said) and the owl’s ominousness is nothing.’ The Mushriks of Arabia believed that a house near which an owl screeches will be ruined, hence, Rasoolullah Sallallaahu Alaihi Wasallam refuted this belief as false. Then, he said, ‘There is nothing ominous about the Month of Safar’. (Bukhari) The polytheists believed the Month of Safar up to the 13th day to be inauspicious, hence, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) rejected this superstition. It’s therefore wrong for all Muslims, who are the followers of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), to adopt the ways of the non-Muslims and to entertain the very beliefs which he had come to change. May Allah, the Exalted grant all Muslims the ability to accept and practice all the beautiful teachings of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), Aameen.
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