Lit., "for the safeguarding of the Quraysh", i.e., as the custodians of the Ka'bah and the tribe in the midst of which the Last Prophet, Muhammad, was to appear. Thus, the "security of the Quraysh" is a metonym for the security of the Ka'bah, the focal point of the Faith based on the concept of God's oneness, for the sake of which the army of Abrahah was destroyed (see introductory note as well as preceding surah).
I.e., the two annual trade caravans - to the Yemen in winter and to Syria in summer - on which the prosperity of Mecca depended.
I.e., the Ka'bah (see note [102] on 2:125 ).
Cf. Abraham's prayer, "O my Sustainer! Make this a land secure, and grant its people fruitful sustenance" 2:126 .