Lit., "the darknesses" or "the deep darkness".
Zulumat: dark recesses, terrrible lurking dangers, as in deserts or mountains, or forests, or seas.
There are two readings, but they both ultimately yield the same meaning. (1) Khufyatan= silently, secretly, from the depth of your inner heart, suggesting unspeakable terror. (2) Khifatan= out of terror or fear or reverence, as in vii. 205.
In continuation of the four heads of argument refered to in n. 876, we have three more heads here in vi. 63-65: (5) your calling upon Him in times of danger shows that in the depths of your hearts you feel His need; (6) God's Providence saves you, and yet you ungratefully run after false gods; (7) it is not only physical calamitites that you have to fear; your mutual discords and vengeances are even more destructive, and only faith in God can save you from them.