Those who believe (embrace Islam), leave their homes (migrate),and make Jihad with their wealth and persons in the cause ofAllah, have higher rank in the sight of Allah. It is they whowill be truly successful.
Their Rabb gives them good news of His mercy, His good pleasure,and paradise with everlasting bliss.
They will live therein forever. Surely it is Allah with Whom isthe mighty reward.
Remember when We made the House (the Ka'bah) a center andsanctuary for mankind saying, "Take the station of Ibrahim as aplace of prayer;" We entrusted Ibrahim and Isma`il to cleanse OurHouse for those who walk around it, who meditate in it, and whokneel and prostrate in prayers.
Have you not seen those who speak very highly of their own purityeven though they are committing shirk. In fact, Allah purifieswhom He wishes. If the mushrikin are not purified no injustice,even equal to the thread of a date-stone, is being done to them.
The number of months ordained by Allah is twelve in the Book ofAllah since the day He created the heavens and the earth. Ofthese, four are sacred; that is the established principle ofDeen. Therefore, do not wrong yourselves by violating them. Butyou may fight against the mushrikin in all these months if theyfight against you in all of them. Know that Allah is with therighteous.
O believers! Do not violate the sanctity of the Symbols of Allah:the Sacred Month , the animals brought for sacrifice, thegarlands that mark such animals, and those people visiting theSacred House (Ka'bah) to seek the grace and good pleasure oftheir Rabb. When you put off your Ihram (pilgrimage is over) thenyou are allowed to hunt. Let not the hatred of some people - whoonce hindered you from the Sacred Mosque - incite you to committransgression. Cooperate with one another in righteousness andpiety, and do not cooperate in sin and transgression. Have fearof Allah. Allah is stern in punishment.
O believers! Do not violate the sanctity of the Symbols of Allah:the Sacred Month , the animals brought for sacrifice, thegarlands that mark such animals, and those people visiting theSacred House (Ka'bah) to seek the grace and good pleasure oftheir Rabb. When you put off your Ihram (pilgrimage is over) thenyou are allowed to hunt. Let not the hatred of some people - whoonce hindered you from the Sacred Mosque - incite you to committransgression. Cooperate with one another in righteousness andpiety, and do not cooperate in sin and transgression. Have fearof Allah. Allah is stern in punishment.
O believers! Do not violate the sanctity of the Symbols of Allah:the Sacred Month , the animals brought for sacrifice, thegarlands that mark such animals, and those people visiting theSacred House (Ka'bah) to seek the grace and good pleasure oftheir Rabb. When you put off your Ihram (pilgrimage is over) thenyou are allowed to hunt. Let not the hatred of some people - whoonce hindered you from the Sacred Mosque - incite you to committransgression. Cooperate with one another in righteousness andpiety, and do not cooperate in sin and transgression. Have fearof Allah. Allah is stern in punishment.
O believers! Do not violate the sanctity of the Symbols of Allah:the Sacred Month , the animals brought for sacrifice, thegarlands that mark such animals, and those people visiting theSacred House (Ka'bah) to seek the grace and good pleasure oftheir Rabb. When you put off your Ihram (pilgrimage is over) thenyou are allowed to hunt. Let not the hatred of some people - whoonce hindered you from the Sacred Mosque - incite you to committransgression. Cooperate with one another in righteousness andpiety, and do not cooperate in sin and transgression. Have fearof Allah. Allah is stern in punishment.
O believers! Do not violate the sanctity of the Symbols of Allah:the Sacred Month , the animals brought for sacrifice, thegarlands that mark such animals, and those people visiting theSacred House (Ka'bah) to seek the grace and good pleasure oftheir Rabb. When you put off your Ihram (pilgrimage is over) thenyou are allowed to hunt. Let not the hatred of some people - whoonce hindered you from the Sacred Mosque - incite you to committransgression. Cooperate with one another in righteousness andpiety, and do not cooperate in sin and transgression. Have fearof Allah. Allah is stern in punishment.
Do they not see that We have made for them a secure sanctuary inthe Ka'bah, while the people are being snatched away from allaround them? Do they still believe in falsehood and deny theblessings of Allah?
We have indeed sent down revelations demonstrating the Truth, andAllah guides to the Straight Way whom He pleases.
By the grace of your Rabb you are not a madman,
and you shall have a never ending reward.
You are of the highest noble character.
Soon you will see - as they will see
- which of you is afflicted with madness.
The unbelievers would almost trip you up with their eyes whenthey hear Our revelations (The Qur'an), and say: "He (Muhammad)is surely crazy."
This (The Qur'an) is nothing but a Reminder to all the people ofthe world.
But Shaitan tempted them with the tree to disobey Allah'scommandment and caused them to be expelled from Paradise, and Wesaid: "Get out from here, some of you being enemies to others,and there is for you in the earth an abode and provisions for aspecified period."
The pagans call upon female deities beside Him; by doing so theycall nothing but the rebellious Shaitan
O believers! Do not follow the footsteps of Shaitan: becauseanyone who follows the footsteps of Shaitan is seduced by him tocommit acts of indecency and wickedness. If there had not beenthe grace and mercy of Allah upon you, none of you would haveever been purified from that sin, for it is Allah Alone Whopurifies whom He pleases, and Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing.
O believers! Allah will put you to trial by making game (thatwhich is to be hunted) well within the reach of your hands andyour spears, in order to see who fears Him, though unseen. Thereshall, therefore, be a painful punishment for those whotransgress after this warning.
If Shaitan tempts you, seek refuge with Allah; for He is the oneWho is All Hearing, Knowing.
Remember when Shaitan made their actions seem attractive to them,and said: "No one from mankind can overcome you today, for I willbe at hand to help you." Yet when the two armies came withinsight of each other he turned upon his heels saying: " I am donewith you, for I can see what you cannot. I fear Allah, for Allahis severe in punishment.
Once the matter has been decided, Shaitan will say: "In fact, thepromises which Allah made to you were all true; I too made somepromises to you but failed to keep any of them. However, I had nopower over you. I just invited you, and you accepted myinvitation. Now! Do not blame me, but blame yourselves. I cannothelp you, nor you can help me. I reject what you did before; thatyou associated me with Allah. Certainly such wrongdoers will havepainful punishment."
Allah said: "Get out of here, you are accursed.
surely he has no authority over those who believe and put theirtrust in their Rabb.
Never have We sent a Rasool or a prophet before you, O Muhammad,with whose wishes Shaitan did not tamper; but Allah abrogates theinterjections of Shaitan and confirms His own revelations, forAllah is All-Knowing, All-Wise.
O mankind! Have fear of your Rabb and fear that Day when nofather shall avail his son nor a son his father. Surely thepromise of Allah is true. Let not the life of this world deceiveyou, nor let the Deceiver (Shaitan) deceive you concerning Allah.
Once the matter has been decided, Shaitan will say: "In fact, thepromises which Allah made to you were all true; I too made somepromises to you but failed to keep any of them. However, I had nopower over you. I just invited you, and you accepted myinvitation. Now! Do not blame me, but blame yourselves. I cannothelp you, nor you can help me. I reject what you did before; thatyou associated me with Allah. Certainly such wrongdoers will havepainful punishment."
Serve Allah and do not commit shirk (associate any partner) withHim, and be good to your parents, kinfolks, orphans, thehelpless, near and far neighbors who keep company with you, thetravellers in need, and the slaves you own. Allah does not lovethose who are arrogant and boastful,
who are themselves stingy and enjoin others to be stingy, whohide the bounties which Allah has bestowed on them. For suchunbelievers We have prepared a disgraceful punishment.
Similarly, Allah does not like those who spend their wealth toshow off to the people, believing neither in Allah nor in theLast Day. In fact the one who chooses Shaitan as his companionhas chosen a very evil companion!
O mankind! Certainly the promise of Allah is true, therefore letnot the life of this world deceive you nor let the chief deceiver(Satan) deceive you about Allah.
Have you not seen those who claim that they believe in what hasbeen revealed to you and other prophets before you? Yet theydesire that the judgment (in their disputes) be made by Taghut(forces of Shaitan) though they were commanded to reject them,and Shaitan's wish is to lead them far astray into deep error.
Tell My servants that they should speak only what is the best.Surely shaitan stirs up trouble among them. The fact is thatshaitan is an open enemy to mankind.
Let not shaitan mislead you, for he is your open enemy.
Surely Shaitan (Satan) is your enemy: so take him as an enemy. Heis inviting his adherents towards his way so that they may becomecompanions of the blazing fire.
Tell My servants that they should speak only what is the best.Surely shaitan stirs up trouble among them. The fact is thatshaitan is an open enemy to mankind.
Surely Shaitan (Satan) is your enemy: so take him as an enemy. Heis inviting his adherents towards his way so that they may becomecompanions of the blazing fire.
When We said to the angels: "Prostrate yourself before Adam," all prostrated themselves except Iblees (Shaitan), who was one of the Jinns and chose to disobey the command of his Rabb. Would you then take him and his children as your protectors rather than Me, even though they are your enemies? What a bad substitute the wrongdoers have chosen!
If Shaitan tempts you, seek refuge with Allah; for He is the oneWho is All Hearing, Knowing.
Those who fear Allah, when they are tempted by Shaitan, they havebut to remember Allah and they shall see the light (right courseof action)!
As for Shaitan's brothers, they drag them deeper into error andnever relax their efforts.
And what reason do you have not to fight in the cause of Allah,to rescue the helpless oppressed old men, women, and children whoare crying: "Our Rabb! Deliver us from this town whose people areoppressors; send us a protector by Your grace and send us ahelper from Your presence?"
and accepted what the shaitans falsely attributed to the kingdomof Sulaiman; not that Sulaiman was an unbeliever, it was theshaitans who were unbelievers: they taught witchcraft to thepeople and that which was revealed to the two angels, Harut andMarut in the city of Babylon. Yet these two angels never taughtmagic to anyone without saying: "We have been sent to tempt you;do not renounce your faith." Inspite of this warning those peoplekept on learning, from the angels, the magic which could causediscord between husband and wife; although they could harm nonewith it except with Allah's permission. They learned, indeed,what harmed them and did not profit them; even though they knewfully well that the buyers of magic would have no share in thehappiness of the Hereafter. Surely, they sold their souls for abad price, if they could understand it!
If they would have believed (accepted Islam) and kept themselvesaway from evil, there would have been a better reward from Allah,if they could understand it!
O Mankind! Eat of what is lawful and clean on the earth and donot follow the footsteps of Shaitan, surely he is your openenemy.
He enjoins you to commit evil and indecency and to say certainthings against Allah about which you have no knowledge.
O believers enter into Islam completely and do not follow thefootsteps of Shaitan, surely he is your clear-cut enemy.
The pagans call upon female deities beside Him; by doing so theycall nothing but the rebellious Shaitan
on whom Allah has laid His curse; and who has said: "I will takea good portion of Your servants and mislead them.
I will create in them false desires and order them to slit theears of cattle. I will order them to tamper with Allah'screation." Therefore, whoever takes Shaitan as a guardian insteadof Allah, has indeed become a clear-cut loser.
Shaitan makes promises to stir up in them false desires; butShaitan makes them promises only to deceive them.
The home of such people who follow him will be hell, from wherethey will find no way to escape.
Of the animals you have, some are for transportation and some forslaughter. Eat of that which Allah has provided for you and donot follow the footsteps of Shaitan; surely he is your openenemy.
- you will not have any authority over My devotees except thosemisguided ones who follow you.
They will be all destined for Hell,
Allah said: "Go away! Hell is your reward, and the reward ofthose who follow you, an ample reward it shall be.
Yet there are some among people, who in their ignorance, argueabout Allah and follow every rebellious devil,
though they are doomed to seduce whoever takes them as theirfriends and lead him to the punishment of burning fire.
O believers! Do not follow the footsteps of Shaitan: becauseanyone who follows the footsteps of Shaitan is seduced by him tocommit acts of indecency and wickedness. If there had not beenthe grace and mercy of Allah upon you, none of you would haveever been purified from that sin, for it is Allah Alone Whopurifies whom He pleases, and Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing.
Iblees said: "I swear by Your Honor, I will mislead them all
except your chosen sincere devotees among them."
Allah said: "Fair enough and now what I am going to say is alsofair:
that I will fill hell with you and all of those who follow youamong them."
Those who turn back to unbelief after the guidance has becomeclear are seduced by Shaitan who gives them false hopes.
That is why they said to those who showed an aversion to whatAllah has revealed: "We shall obey you in some matters," andAllah knows their secret talks.
Then what will they do when the angels carry off their souls,smiting their faces and their backs?
That will happen because they followed the way that called forthe wrath of Allah and hated to adopt the way of His pleasure,therefore He made all their deeds void.
Do those in whose hearts is a disease think that Allah will notreveal their malice?
Had We so pleased, We could have pointed them out to you and youwould have recognized them promptly by their faces. But you willsurely know them by the tone of their speech. Allah knows all ofyour actions.
O believers! Do not follow the footsteps of Shaitan: becauseanyone who follows the footsteps of Shaitan is seduced by him tocommit acts of indecency and wickedness. If there had not beenthe grace and mercy of Allah upon you, none of you would haveever been purified from that sin, for it is Allah Alone Whopurifies whom He pleases, and Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing.
The pagans call upon female deities beside Him; by doing so theycall nothing but the rebellious Shaitan
on whom Allah has laid His curse; and who has said: "I will takea good portion of Your servants and mislead them.
I will create in them false desires and order them to slit theears of cattle. I will order them to tamper with Allah'screation." Therefore, whoever takes Shaitan as a guardian insteadof Allah, has indeed become a clear-cut loser.
Shaitan makes promises to stir up in them false desires; butShaitan makes them promises only to deceive them.
The home of such people who follow him will be hell, from wherethey will find no way to escape.
To one group He has guided while the other group deserved to beleft in error due to their own choice; for they took the shaitansfor their protectors instead of Allah yet they think that theyare guided.
Is it not a guiding lesson to those who inherit the earth afterits former occupants, that if We please, We can punish them fortheir sins and seal their hearts so they would not hear?
When We said to the angels: "Prostrate yourself before Adam," all prostrated themselves except Iblees (Shaitan), who was one of the Jinns and chose to disobey the command of his Rabb. Would you then take him and his children as your protectors rather than Me, even though they are your enemies? What a bad substitute the wrongdoers have chosen!
though they are doomed to seduce whoever takes them as theirfriends and lead him to the punishment of burning fire.
On that Day the wrongdoer will bite his hands saying: "Oh! Wouldthat I had only taken the pathway alongside the Rasool!
Oh! Would that I had never chosen so-and-so for my companion.
He was the one who led me astray from the admonition even afterit had reached me." Shaitan is ever treacherous to man.
When We said to the angels: "Prostrate yourself before Adam," all prostrated themselves except Iblees (Shaitan), who was one of the Jinns and chose to disobey the command of his Rabb. Would you then take him and his children as your protectors rather than Me, even though they are your enemies? What a bad substitute the wrongdoers have chosen!
Let not shaitan mislead you, for he is your open enemy.
Once the matter has been decided, Shaitan will say: "In fact, thepromises which Allah made to you were all true; I too made somepromises to you but failed to keep any of them. However, I had nopower over you. I just invited you, and you accepted myinvitation. Now! Do not blame me, but blame yourselves. I cannothelp you, nor you can help me. I reject what you did before; thatyou associated me with Allah. Certainly such wrongdoers will havepainful punishment."
Shaitan has gained possession of them, and caused them to forgetAllah's warning. They are the party of shaitan. Beware! Surely itis the party of shaitan that shall be the loser.
Shaitan makes promises to stir up in them false desires; butShaitan makes them promises only to deceive them.
Once the matter has been decided, Shaitan will say: "In fact, thepromises which Allah made to you were all true; I too made somepromises to you but failed to keep any of them. However, I had nopower over you. I just invited you, and you accepted myinvitation. Now! Do not blame me, but blame yourselves. I cannothelp you, nor you can help me. I reject what you did before; thatyou associated me with Allah. Certainly such wrongdoers will havepainful punishment."
You may try to allure whomsoever you can with your seductivevoice, muster against them all your cavalry and infantry, betheir partner in their riches and their children, and promisethem what you will - the promises of shaitan are nothing butdeception
This (Qur'an) is not the word of an accursed Shaitan.
O children of Adam! Let not Shaitan seduce you in the same manneras he seduced your parents out of paradise through stripping themof their clothing in order to expose their nakedness. He and histribe watch you from where you cannot see them. We have permittedthe shaitans to be the guardians over the unbelievers.
Did I not enjoin you, O children of Adam, not to worship Shaitan,who is your open enemy,
and that you should worship Me which is the Right Way?
Yet, inspite of this, he (Shaitan) has led a great number of youastray. Had you no common sense?
This is the hell, of which you were repeatedly warned.
Now! Enter in it this Day because you persistently rejected thetruth."
- such are the ones who have believed and whose hearts findsatisfaction in the remembrance of Allah. Beware! It is theremembrance of Allah which provides tranquility to the hearts.
The people of Ibrahim (Abraham) had no answer except to say:"Kill him!" Or "Burn him!" But Allah saved him from the fire whenthey tried to burn him. Surely in this incidence there are signsfor those who believe.
O believers! Save yourselves and your families from hellfire,whose fuel is men and stones; in the charge of fierce and mightyangels who never disobey Allah's command and who promptly do whatthey are commanded to do.
They will say to the unbelievers: "O unbelievers! Make no excusesfor yourselves this Day. You are being rewarded according to yourdeeds."
So We opened the gates of heaven with pouring rain
and caused the earth to burst with gushing springs, and thewaters met to fulfill the decreed end.
We carried him in an Ark built with planks and nails,
which drifted on under Our care: a reward for him (Noah) who wasdenied by the unbelievers.
We have left that Ark as a sign, so is there any who would takeadmonition?
How terrible was My scourge and how clear My warning!
Woe to every slanderer and defamer,
who amasses wealth and keeps on counting it.
He thinks that his wealth will insure his status forever!
By no means! He shall be thrown into Hotamah.
What will make you understand what Hotamah is?
It is the fire kindled to a blaze by Allah Himself.
The one which will rise right to the hearts,
closing in upon them from every side
in outstretched columns.
and in your own creation and that of animals which are scatteredthrough the earth, there are signs for those who are firm infaith,
O Prophet, ask them: "Have you ever considered: if this Qur'an isreally from Allah and you deny it, who can be more astray thanyou who has gone too far in defying Him?"
Soon shall We show them Our signs in the universe and in theirown souls, until it becomes clear to them that this Qur'an isindeed the truth. Is it not enough that your Rabb is a witnessover everything?
Would you scorn a scripture such as this
and make it's denying a means of your livelihood?
Why is it not then that when you see a dying person's soul comeup to his throat
while you are helplessly watching
- and at that time We are nearer to him than you, although youcannot see Us.
Then why do you not - if you claim you are not subject toreckoning
- restore to the dying person his soul? Answer this, if what yousay be true!
Who can be more wicked than the one who invents a lie againstAllah, or says: "This was revealed to me," while nothing wasrevealed to him? Or the one who says: "I can reveal the like ofwhat Allah has revealed?" If you could only see these wrongdoerswhen they are in the agonies of death and the angels stretchforth their hands saying, "Take out your soul! Today you will berewarded with a disgraceful punishment for saying falsehoodagainst Allah which you had no right to say and showing arroganceagainst His revelations!"
Allah adds to what the angels said, "So you have come back to UsAlone as We created you at the first time, leaving behind allthat which We gave you in that world and We don't see with youyour intercessors, whom you claimed to be Allah's partners inyour affairs; all your ties have been cut off and what youpresumed has failed you."
but those who deny Our revelations and treat them with arrogance,shall be the inmates of hellfire to live therein forever.
Surely, the gates of the Heaven will not be opened for those whodeny Our revelations and treat them with arrogance; theiradmission into paradise will be as impossible as the passing of acamel through the eye of a needle. That is how We shall rewardthe criminals.
Hell shall be their bed and flames shall be their covering. Thatis how We shall reward the wrongdoers.
But as to those who disbelieved, Allah will say: "Were Myrevelations not recited to you? But you showed arrogance andbecame a people of criminals".
It will be commanded: "Gather all the wrongdoers, their spousesand those whom they used to worship
besides Allah and show them the way to hell.
When they will all be gathered and angels will start pushing themtowards hell, Allah shall say: "Stop for a while, they have to bequestioned:
"What is the matter with you today that you do not help eachother?"
Nay! On that Day they shall all be submissive.
Some of them will step forward to question one another.
The followers will say to their leaders: "It was you who used tocome at us from the right hand (right hand is a symbol ofauthority) and forced us towards the wrong way."
They will reply: "Nay! But it was you who had no faith.
we had no power over you, the fact is that you were an inordinatepeople;
true is the verdict which Our Rabb has passed upon us, we shallindeed taste the punishment of our sins:
We misled you, for we ourselves were astray."
So on that Day they shall all be partners in the punishment.
Thus, shall We deal with the criminals;
for when they were told: "There is no god except Allah," theyused to puff themselves up with pride
and say: "What! Should we give up our gods for the sake of a madpoet?"
Whereas he had come with the truth and had confirmed the messageof prior Rasools.
Then it will be said: "You are surely going to taste the painfulpunishment:
and this reward is nothing except what you had done.
The Messiah (Jesus) never disdained to be the worshipper of Allahnor do the angels who are nearest to Allah. Whosoever disdainsHis worship and is arrogant will be brought before Him alltogether.
And your Rabb says: "Call on Me, I will answer your prayers.Surely those who are too arrogant to worship Me shall soon enterhell in humiliation."
As for those who have faith and do righteous deeds, He will paythem their due compensation and give them more on His own fromHis grace, but He will inflict painful punishment on those whoare disdainful and arrogant, and they will find none (of those onwhom they rely) to protect or help them besides Allah.
They use their faith as a disguise, and thus debar others fromthe Way of Allah. Evil is indeed what they do.
O believers! When you deal with each other in lending for a fixedperiod of time, put it in writing. Let a scribe write it downwith justice between the parties. The scribe, who is given thegift of literacy by Allah, should not refuse to write; he isunder obligation to write. Let him who incurs the liability(debtor) dictate, fearing Allah his Rabb and not diminishinganything from the settlement. If the borrower is mentally unsoundor weak or is unable to dictate himself, let the guardian of hisinterests dictate for him with justice. Let two witnesses fromamong you bear witness to all such documents, if two men cannotbe found, then one man and two women of your choice should bearwitness, so that if one of the women forgets anything the othermay remind her. The witnesses must not refuse when they arecalled upon to do so. You must not be averse to writing (yourcontract) for a future period, whether it is a small matter orbig. This action is more just for you in the sight of Allah,because it facilitates the establishment of evidence and is thebest way to remove all doubts; but if it is a common commercialtransaction concluded on the spot among yourselves, there is noblame on you if you do not put it in writing. You should havewitnesses when you make commercial transactions. Let no harm bedone to the scribe or witnesses; and if you do so, you shall beguilty of transgression. Fear Allah; it is Allah that teaches youand Allah has knowledge of everything.
O believers! When you deal with each other in lending for a fixedperiod of time, put it in writing. Let a scribe write it downwith justice between the parties. The scribe, who is given thegift of literacy by Allah, should not refuse to write; he isunder obligation to write. Let him who incurs the liability(debtor) dictate, fearing Allah his Rabb and not diminishinganything from the settlement. If the borrower is mentally unsoundor weak or is unable to dictate himself, let the guardian of hisinterests dictate for him with justice. Let two witnesses fromamong you bear witness to all such documents, if two men cannotbe found, then one man and two women of your choice should bearwitness, so that if one of the women forgets anything the othermay remind her. The witnesses must not refuse when they arecalled upon to do so. You must not be averse to writing (yourcontract) for a future period, whether it is a small matter orbig. This action is more just for you in the sight of Allah,because it facilitates the establishment of evidence and is thebest way to remove all doubts; but if it is a common commercialtransaction concluded on the spot among yourselves, there is noblame on you if you do not put it in writing. You should havewitnesses when you make commercial transactions. Let no harm bedone to the scribe or witnesses; and if you do so, you shall beguilty of transgression. Fear Allah; it is Allah that teaches youand Allah has knowledge of everything.
Woe to those who write the Book with their own hands and thensay: "This is from Allah," so that they may sell it for a pettyprice! Woe to them for what their hands have written and woe tothem for what they have earned.
The Jews say: "The fire shall not touch us except for a fewdays." O Muhammad, say: "Have you obtained such a promise fromAllah which He would not break ? Or do you assert against Allahwhat you do not know?"
Yea! Those who commit evil and become encircled in sin are theinmates of Hellfire; they shall live there forever.
Woe to those who write the Book with their own hands and thensay: "This is from Allah," so that they may sell it for a pettyprice! Woe to them for what their hands have written and woe tothem for what they have earned.
The Jews say: "The fire shall not touch us except for a fewdays." O Muhammad, say: "Have you obtained such a promise fromAllah which He would not break ? Or do you assert against Allahwhat you do not know?"
Yea! Those who commit evil and become encircled in sin are theinmates of Hellfire; they shall live there forever.