Lit., "embellished speech" or "varnished falsehood" (Lane III, 1223) "by way of delusion" - i.e., half-truths which entice man by their deceptive attractiveness and cause him to overlook all real spiritual values (see also {25:30-31}). - Regarding my rendering of jinn as "invisible beings", see note [86] above and Appendix III. The term shayatin (lit., "satans"), on the other hand, is often used in the Qur'an in the sense of evil forces inherent in man as well as in the spiritual world (cf. 2:14 , and the corresponding note). According to several well-authenticated Traditions, quoted by Tabari, the Prophet was asked, "Are there satans from among men?" - and he replied, "Yes, and they are more evil than the satans from among the invisible beings (al-jinn)." Thus, the meaning of the above verse is that every prophet has had to contend against the spiritual - and often physical - enmity of the evil ones who, for whatever reason, refuse to listen to the voice of truth and try to lead others astray.
What happened in the history of the Holy Prophet happens in the history of all righteous men who have a Message from God. The spirit of evil is ever active and uses men to practice deception by means of highly embellished words and plausible excuses and objections. God permits these things in His Plans. It is not for us to complain. Our faith is tested, and we must stand the test steadfastly.