Indeed there was a sign (lesson) for you in the two armies whichmet on the battlefield (of Badr): one was fighting for the causeof Allah and the other had rejected Allah; the believers saw withtheir own eyes that the unbelievers were twice their number. Butthe result of the battle proved that Allah strengthens with Hisown aid whom He pleases. Surely there is a lesson in this forthose who have sight.
Indeed there was a sign (lesson) for you in the two armies whichmet on the battlefield (of Badr): one was fighting for the causeof Allah and the other had rejected Allah; the believers saw withtheir own eyes that the unbelievers were twice their number. Butthe result of the battle proved that Allah strengthens with Hisown aid whom He pleases. Surely there is a lesson in this forthose who have sight.
O believers! Remember the favor of Allah, which he bestowed onyou, when you were attacked by your enemy's army (during thebattle of Trench/Confederates) and We unleashed against themviolent winds and invisible forces. Allah saw all that you weredoing.
When the enemy attacked you from above and from below; when youreyes were petrified due to fear and your hearts leaped up to yourthroats, and you began to entertain all sorts of doubts aboutAllah,
there, the believers were put to test; and were shaken withtremendous shaking.
Remember, when the hypocrites and those in whose hearts there wasa disease were openly saying: "Allah and His Rasool promised usnothing but delusion!"
And a party of them said: "O people of Yathrib (Madinah)! Youcannot stand the attack much longer. Go back to your city". Andyet another party of them sought leave of the Prophet saying: "Infact our houses are insecure," whereas they were not insecure.They intended nothing but to run away from the battlefront.
Had the city been entered from all sides, and had they beenincited to sedition, they would have little hesitation to becomepartners in it.
Ask them: "Who can protect you from Allah if He intends to harmyou or who can prevent Him if He intends to show you mercy?" Theywill find none besides Allah to protect or help them.
When the true believers saw the confederate forces they said:"This is what Allah and His Rasool had promised us: Allah and hisRasool were absolutely true." This increased them all the more intheir faith and their zeal in obedience.
Allah turned back the unbelievers; they retreated in their ragewithout gaining any advantage, and Allah was sufficient to fighton behalf of the believers; for Allah is All-Powerful,All-Mighty.
And brought down, from their fortresses, those people of the Book(The Jews of Bani Qurayzah) who supported the invaders, and castterror into their hearts. As a result, some of them you slew andsome you took as prisoners.
Thus He made you heirs of their lands, their houses and theirgoods, and also the land (Khayber) on which you had never setyour foot before. Truly, Allah has power over all things.
O Muhammad, remember that morning when you left your household atan early hour to assign the believers to their battle-posts (inthe battle of Uhud): Allah hears and knows everything.
Remember when two of your companies became fainthearted and Allahprotected them through strengthening their hearts. In Allahshould the believers put their trust.
Muhammad is no more than a Rasool of Allah, like the Rasools thatpassed away before him. If he dies or is killed will you turnback on your heels (become unbelievers)? He that turns back onhis heels will do no harm to Allah; but Allah will reward thethankful.
Even after that, they broke their covenant; as a result, We laidon them Our curse and hardened their hearts. They tempered withwords out of their context and neglected much of what they wereenjoined. You will always find most of them deceitful except fora few of them. Yet forgive them and overlook their misdeeds.Allah loves those who are kind to others.
Today I have rewarded them for their fortitude, and they are theones who have achieved bliss."
You are forbidden to eat the meat of any animal that dies byitself (dead body), blood, the flesh of swine (pork) and that onwhich any name other than Allah has been invoked; also that whichis strangled to death , killed by a violent blow, killed by aheadlong fall and of those beaten or gored to death; and thatwhich has been partly eaten by a wild animal unless you are ableto slaughter it before its death; also that which is sacrificedon altars or is divided by raffling of arrows. All these aresinful acts. Today the unbelievers have given up all their hopeof vanquishing your religion. Have no fear of them, fear Me.Today I have perfected your religion for you, completed my favorupon you and approved Al-Islam as a Deen (way of life for you).Anyone who is compelled by hunger to eat what is forbidden, notintending to commit sin, will find Allah Forgiving, Merciful.
We have subjected these animals to them, that they may ride onsome and eat the flesh of others,
It is Allah Who has provided you with cattle, that you may usesome for riding and some for food;
and there are also other advantages in them for you; they takeyou where you wish to go carrying you on their backs as shipscarry you by the sea.
When the time to fulfill Our word comes to pass, We will bringout from the earth a monster that shall speak to them, becausethe people did not believe in Our revelations.
Men are overseers over women because Allah has given the one morestrength than other, and because men are required to spend theirwealth for the maintenance of women. Honorable women are,therefore, devoutly obedient and guard in the husband's absencewhat Allah require them to guard their husband's property andtheir own honor. As to those women from whom you feardisobedience, first admonish them, then refuse to share your bedwith them, and then, if necessary, beat them. Then if they obeyyou, take no further actions against them and do not make excusesto punish them. Allah is Supremely Great and is aware of youractions.
Can he who follows the clear guidance from his Rabb be comparedto him who is led by his own desires and whose foul deeds seemfair to him?
Likewise enjoin the believing women to lower their gaze and guardtheir modesty; not to display their beauty and ornaments exceptwhat normally appears thereof; let them draw their veils overtheir bosoms and not display their charms except to theirhusbands, their fathers, their fathers-in-law, their own sons,their stepsons, their own brothers, their nephews on eitherbrothers' or sisters' sides, their own womenfolk, their ownslaves, male attendants who lack sexual desires or small childrenwho have no carnal knowledge of women. Also enjoin them not tostrike their feet in order to draw attention to their hiddentrinkets. And O believers! Turn to Allah in repentance, all ofyou, about your past mistakes, so that you may attain salvation.
Men are overseers over women because Allah has given the one morestrength than other, and because men are required to spend theirwealth for the maintenance of women. Honorable women are,therefore, devoutly obedient and guard in the husband's absencewhat Allah require them to guard their husband's property andtheir own honor. As to those women from whom you feardisobedience, first admonish them, then refuse to share your bedwith them, and then, if necessary, beat them. Then if they obeyyou, take no further actions against them and do not make excusesto punish them. Allah is Supremely Great and is aware of youractions.
Behold! Your Rabb inspired the bees to build their hives in themountains, in the trees, and in anything which men may build forbeekeeping,
and feed on every kind of fruit and follow the smooth ways ofyour Rabb. From its belly comes forth a syrup of differentcolors, which contains a healing for mankind. Certainly in thisthere is a sign for those who think.
Behold! Your Rabb inspired the bees to build their hives in themountains, in the trees, and in anything which men may build forbeekeeping,
and feed on every kind of fruit and follow the smooth ways ofyour Rabb. From its belly comes forth a syrup of differentcolors, which contains a healing for mankind. Certainly in thisthere is a sign for those who think.
We have included the sacrificial camels among the Symbols ofAllah, for there is much good for you in them. Therefore,pronounce the name of Allah over them while standing, and whenthey fall down on their sides after slaughter, when theirmovement completely stops, then eat of their meat, feed thecontented (poor who do not ask) and the beggars (poor who ask).Thus We have subjected these animals to you so that you may begrateful.
Surely those who believe and do good deeds, are the best of allcreatures.
Their reward with their Rabb shall be the gardens of Eden,beneath which the rivers flow, to dwell therein forever. Allahshall be well pleased with them and they shall be well pleasedwith Him. That is for him who fears his Rabb.
Surely those who disbelieve from among the people of the Book andthe Mushrikin shall be in fire of hell, to dwell therein forever.They are the worst of all creatures.
The example of these two kinds of people is like two men, one ofwhom is blind and deaf, and the other who can see and hear. Arethey equal when compared? Will you not then learn a lesson fromthis example?
How it can be that Allah would guide those people who commit Kufr(reject faith) after their Iman (acceptance of faith),acknowledge that the Rasool is true, and clear proofs have cometo them? Allah does not guide such wrongdoers.
The reward of such people is that upon them is the curse ofAllah, the angels and all mankind.
They shall remain under it for ever; neither will theirpunishment be lightened nor will they be given respite.
However, those who repent after this and mend their ways, thenverily Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
However, those who disbelieve after their belief (acceptance ofIslam) then go on adding to their disbelief, their repentancewill never be accepted; because they intentionally chose to goastray.
on the Day when some faces will be brightened with joy and othersdarkened with gloom. To the dark-faced sinner it will be said:"Did you adopt the way of disbelief after embracing the TrueFaith? Then taste the punishment for having adopted the way ofdisbelief."
As for those who accept the faith then renounce it, who againembrace it and again deny it and go on increasing in unbelief;Allah will neither forgive them nor guide them to the Right Way.
Make no excuses now: you have rejected faith after your belief;even if We may pardon some of you who were not serious inparticipating, We will punish others amongst you, because theyare criminals.
Anyone who is forced to deny faith after its acceptance, whilehis heart remains loyal to the faith shall be absolved; but anywho denies faith willingly after its acceptance and open hisbreast to unbelief, shall incur the wrath of Allah and shall besternly punished.
This is because such people love the life of this world more thanthe hereafter, and that Allah does not guide those who knowinglyreject faith.
Such are those whose hearts, ears and eyes are sealed by Allah;and they are the ones who are heedless.
There is no doubt that in the hereafter they will be the losers.
This is because they believed and then renounced their faith.Their hearts are sealed, therefore, they are devoid ofunderstanding.
As a matter of fact those who believe and do not taint theirfaith with wrongdoings will feel more secure and will be betterguided."
Allah took the covenant with the Prophets, saying: "Now that youhave been given the Book and Wisdom; there will come to you aRasool who will confirm that which is with you; you will have tobelieve in him and help him in his mission." Then He said "Do youaffirm this covenant and agree to take this heavyresponsibility?" The Prophets replied, "Yes, we do affirm." Allahsaid, "Very well, bear witness to this and I too bear witnesswith you."
Now if anyone turns back after this, he will become thetransgressor.
O people of the Book! Indeed Our Rasool has now come to youmaking clear to you the teaching of the Right Way, after a longbreak in the series of the Rasools, so that you may not be ableto say, "No one has come to give us good news or to warn us." Nowsomeone has come to give you good news and warn you so listen tohim. Allah has power over everything.
You are the best nation which has ever been raised for theguidance of mankind. You enjoin good, forbid evil, and believe inAllah. Had the People of the Book (Jews and Christians) believed,it would surely have been better for them; among them some arebelievers but most of them are transgressors.
If instead of this rebellious attitude the people of the Book hadbelieved and become Godfearing, We would certainly have removedtheir iniquities and admitted them to the gardens of Bliss(Paradise).
O people of the Book (Jews and Christians)! Believe in what Wehave now revealed (The Qur'an), confirming your own scriptures,before We obliterate your faces and turn them backward, or layOur curse on you as We laid Our curse on the Sabbath-breakers:and remember that Allah's command is always executed.
they believe in Allah and the Last Day they enjoin good andforbid evil and rush in emulating each other in good deeds. Theseare the righteous people.
There are some among the people of the Book who truly believe inAllah and what has been revealed to you, O Muhammad, and what hasbeen revealed to them before you. They humble themselves beforeAllah and do not sell the revelations of Allah for a petty price.For them, there will be a reward from their Rabb. Surely Allah isvery swift in settling the accounts.
O believers! Fear Allah as He should be feared and die not but astrue Muslims.
All together hold fast the rope of Allah (Faith of Islam) and benot divided among yourselves. Remember Allah's favors upon youwhen you were enemies; He united your hearts, so by His favor youbecame brethren; you were at the brink of the fiery pit and Hesaved you from it. Thus Allah makes His revelations clear to you,so that you may be rightly guided.
Let there arise from among you a band of people who should inviteto righteousness, enjoin good and forbid evil; such are the oneswho shall be successful.
You are the best nation which has ever been raised for theguidance of mankind. You enjoin good, forbid evil, and believe inAllah. Had the People of the Book (Jews and Christians) believed,it would surely have been better for them; among them some arebelievers but most of them are transgressors.
Anyhow, they can do no harm to you except a trifling annoyance;if they do fight against you, they will turn their backs and run,getting no help from anywhere.
By this procedure, it is more likely that they will bear truewitness or at least fear that their oaths could be contradictedby subsequent oaths. Have fear of Allah and listen; Allah doesnot guide to those who are disobedient transgressors.
O believers! Do not make intimate friendships with any but withyour own people. The unbelievers will not miss any opportunity tocorrupt you. They desire nothing but your destruction: theirmalice has become evident from what they say; and what theyconceal in their hearts is far worse. We have made Ourrevelations plain to you, if you do want to comprehend.
Do not be deceived by the free movement of the unbelievers inthis land.
O believers! Do not take your fathers and your brothers as yourfriends if they prefer Kufr (unbelief) over Iman (belief); forthose who turn away from this commandment shall be consideredwrongdoers.
O believers! Do not befriend those who have incurred the wrath ofAllah. Indeed they despair of the Hereafter, just as theunbelievers despair of those buried in the graves.
It is not befitting for a believer to kill a believer except byaccident, and whoever accidently kills a believer, he iscommanded to free a believing slave and pay bloodwit to thefamily of the victim, unless they forgo it as a charity. If thevictim is from a hostile nation, then the freeing of a believingslave is enough, but if he belonged to a nation with whom youhave a treaty, then bloodwit must be paid to his family alongwith the freeing of a believing slave. Those who do not have themeans (bloodwit and or a slave) must fast two consecutive months:a method of repentance provided by Allah. Allah is theKnowledgeable, Wise.
O believers! When you struggle in the way of Allah, investigatecarefully, and do not say to anyone who offers you a salutation:"You are not a believer" in order to seek worldly gain by this.Allah has abundant spoils for you. Remember that you yourselveswere in the same condition before, Allah has conferred His favorson you. Therefore, make a thorough investigation beforeconsidering someone an unbeliever. Allah is well aware of allyour actions.
Those believers who stay at home - having no physical disability- are not equal to those who make Jihad (struggle) in the causeof Allah with their wealth and their persons. Allah has granted ahigher rank to those who make Jihad with their wealth and theirpersons than to those who stay at home. Though Allah has promiseda good reward for all, Allah has prepared a much richer rewardfor those who make Jihad for Him than for those who stay at home
Those who believe (embrace Islam), leave their homes (migrate),and make Jihad with their wealth and persons in the cause ofAllah, have higher rank in the sight of Allah. It is they whowill be truly successful.
But the Rasool and those who believe with him, make Jihad withtheir wealth and their persons. They are the ones who will haveall the goodness, and they are the ones who will be successful.
When the angels of death cause those people to die who havewronged their souls, they ask: "What was your condition?" Theyreply: "We were oppressed in the earth." The angels say: "Was notthe earth of Allah spacious enough for you to emigrate and gosomewhere else?" Hell will be their abode and it is a very evilrefuge!
He has already revealed for you in the Book that when you hearAllah's revelations being denied or ridiculed by people, you mustnot sit with them unless they change the topic of their talk,otherwise you shall be considered guilty like them. Rest assuredthat Allah is going to gather the hypocrites and the unbelieversall together in hell.
When you see those who are engaged in arguments about Ourrevelations, turn away from them until they change their topic ofdiscussion. If Shaitan ever makes you forget this commandment,then as soon as you realize, withdraw from the company ofwrongdoers.
O believers! Do not choose unbelievers to be your protectingfriends instead of believers. Would you like to furnish Allah aclear proof against yourselves?
Ask them: "Should I tell you of those who will have even worsethan this in retribution from Allah? They are those whom Allahhas cursed; who have incurred His wrath; some of whom were turnedinto apes and pigs; who worshipped Taghut (forces of Shaitan);these are worse in rank and far more astray from the Right Way."
Allah has promised those who believe and do righteous deeds,forgiveness and mighty reward.
Male or female, whoever is guilty of theft, cut off the hand(that was used in theft) of either of them as a punishment fortheir crime. This is exemplary punishment ordained by Allah.Allah is Mighty, Wise.
O believers! Turn to Allah in sincere repentance. It may well bethat your Rabb will remove from you your sins and admit you togardens beneath which rivers flow. On that Day Allah will nothumiliate the Prophet and those who believe with him. Their lightwill shine in front of them and on their right, and they willsay: "Our Rabb! Perfect our light for us and grant usforgiveness, for You have power over all things."
When it is said to them: "Come to what Allah has revealed andcome to the Rasool." They reply: "Sufficient for us are the wayson which we found our forefathers." What! Even though theirforefathers knew nothing and were not rightly guided?
The true believers are those whose hearts tremble with fear, whenthe name of Allah is mentioned, and whose faith grows stronger asthey listen to His revelations and they put their trust in theirRabb,
The true believers, both men and women, are protectors of oneanother. They enjoin what is just and forbid what is evil; theyestablish Salah, pay Zakah, and obey Allah and His Rasool. It isthey on whom Allah will have His mercy; surely Allah is Mighty,Wise.
Indeed Allah has purchased from the believers their persons andtheir wealth and in return has promised them paradise; they fightin the cause of Allah and slay and are slain. This is a truepromise which is binding on Him mentioned in Taurat (Torah), theInjeel (Gospel) and the Qur'an; and who is more true infulfilling his promise than Allah? Rejoice, therefore, in thebargain which you have made, and that is a mighty achievement.
Say: "O people! Doubt my Deen (religion) if you will, but neverwill I worship those that you worship besides Allah. I worshipAllah, Who has the power to cause your death, and I am commandedto be one of the believers."
They are the ones who fulfill their covenant with Allah and donot break their pledge;
- such are the ones who have believed and whose hearts findsatisfaction in the remembrance of Allah. Beware! It is theremembrance of Allah which provides tranquility to the hearts.
Indeed successful are those believers
Surely those who live cautiously for fear of their Rabb,
When it is recited to them they say: "We believe in it, surelythis is the Truth from our Rabb: indeed we were Muslims evenbefore this."
Only those people believe in Our revelations, who, when they arereminded of them, prostrate themselves in adoration and celebratethe praises of their Rabb and are not puffed up with pride.
Whatever you are given is nothing but a provision for thetransitory life of this world, better and ever lasting is thereward which Allah has for those who believe, put their trust intheir Rabb,
And know that Allah's Rasool is among you. If he were to followyou in most affairs, you would certainly be in trouble. Allah hasendeared this faith to you and beautified it in your hearts,making unbelief, wrongdoing, and disobedience abhorrent to you.It is they who are rightly guided
The true believers are those who believe in Allah and His Rasool,then never doubt; and make Jihad (exert their efforts) with theirwealth and their persons in the cause of Allah. Such are the oneswho are truthful in their claim to be the believers.
They are the ones who are the true believers; they will haveexalted ranks with their Rabb, forgiveness for their sins, andhonorable sustenance.
O believers! When you encounter an enemy in a combat, be firm andfrequently remember Allah so that you may be successful.
Obey Allah and His Rasool and do not argue with one another, lestyou lose courage and weaken your strength. Show patience, surelyAllah is on the side of the patient.
through putting affection in their hearts. If you had spent allthat is in the earth, you could not have so united their hearts;but Allah has united them. He is Mighty, Wise.
O Prophet! Rouse the believers to prepare for combat. If thereare twenty steadfast among you, they shall vanquish two hundred:if there are one hundred they shall overcome one thousand of theunbelievers, for they are a people who lack understanding.
Those who believed (embraced Islam), migrated and made Jihad(exerted their utmost struggle) with their wealth and theirpersons in the cause of Allah; as well as those who gave themasylum and help, are indeed the protecting friends of oneanother. As to those who believed (embraced Islam) but did notemigrate (to Dar-ul-Islam, the Islamic State), you are under noobligation to protect them until they emigrate; yet it is yourobligation to help them in the matters of faith if they ask foryour help, except against a people with whom you have a treaty.Allah is observant of all your actions.
Those who believed (embraced Islam), migrated and made Jihad(exerted their utmost struggle) in the cause of Allah, and thosewho gave them asylum and help - they are the true believers. Theyshall have forgiveness and honorable provisions.
Those who believed (embraced Islam), migrated and made Jihad(exerted their utmost struggle) with their wealth and theirpersons in the cause of Allah; as well as those who gave themasylum and help, are indeed the protecting friends of oneanother. As to those who believed (embraced Islam) but did notemigrate (to Dar-ul-Islam, the Islamic State), you are under noobligation to protect them until they emigrate; yet it is yourobligation to help them in the matters of faith if they ask foryour help, except against a people with whom you have a treaty.Allah is observant of all your actions.
Allah forgives you! But why did you (O Muhammad) gave them leaveto stay behind? (You yourself should have not given them leave)so that it would have become clear which of them spoke the truthand which of them invented false excuses.
The true believers, both men and women, are protectors of oneanother. They enjoin what is just and forbid what is evil; theyestablish Salah, pay Zakah, and obey Allah and His Rasool. It isthey on whom Allah will have His mercy; surely Allah is Mighty,Wise.
Indeed Allah has purchased from the believers their persons andtheir wealth and in return has promised them paradise; they fightin the cause of Allah and slay and are slain. This is a truepromise which is binding on Him mentioned in Taurat (Torah), theInjeel (Gospel) and the Qur'an; and who is more true infulfilling his promise than Allah? Rejoice, therefore, in thebargain which you have made, and that is a mighty achievement.
O believers! Should I tell you of a bargain that will save youfrom a painful punishment?
O believers! Have fear of Allah and be with those who aretruthful in word and deed.
It is not proper that the believers should go forth all together.Therefore, why not a squadron from each division stay behind sothat they may obtain the understanding of Deen (Al-Islam), andadmonish the people when they return to them so that they mayrefrain from un-Islamic conduct!
Be aware! The friend of Allah has nothing to fear or to regret.
With firm words, Allah makes the believers steadfast in the lifeof this world and in the hereafter; but Allah lets the wrongdoersgo astray. Allah does what He pleases.
O Prophet, tell My devotees who have believed, to establish Salah(regular five times daily prayers) and spend in charity openlyand secretly out of the sustenance which We have given them,before the coming of that Day in which there will neither betrading nor any friendship.
Tell My servants that they should speak only what is the best.Surely shaitan stirs up trouble among them. The fact is thatshaitan is an open enemy to mankind.
These are the heirs
The true believers are only those who believe in Allah and HisRasool, and who, when gathered with him on a matter requiringcollective action, do not depart until they have obtained hispermission - only those who ask your permission are the ones whotruly believe in Allah and His Rasool - so when they ask yourpermission to leave and attend to theirs private business, youmay give permission to those of them whom you deem appropriateand implore Allah to forgive them; surely Allah is Forgiving,Merciful.
As for those who believe and do good deeds, We shall cleanse themof their sins and We shall reward them according to the best oftheir deeds.
On that Day the punishment shall cover them from above and frombeneath their feet, and Allah will say: "Now taste the reward ofyour deeds."
O believers! Be not like those who slandered Musa, but Allahcleared him of what they said - for he was honorable in the sightof Allah.
Muhammad, the Rasool of Allah, and those with him are strongagainst the unbelievers and compassionate to each other amongthemselves. When you see them, you will find them making Rakuh(bowing down) and Sajud (prostrate in prayers), and craving forthe blessings from Allah and His good pleasure. They have mark ofSajud (prostration) on their foreheads, the traces of theirprostration. This is their similitude in the Taurat (Torah); andtheir similitude in the Injeel (Gospel): they are like the seedwhich puts forth its sprout, then strengthens it, then becomesthick and stands firmly on its stem, delighting the sowers of theseed, so that through them He may enrage the unbelievers. Yet tothose of them who will believe and do good deeds, Allah haspromised forgiveness and a great reward.
Those angels who bear the Throne of Allah and those who standaround it glorify their Rabb with His praises, believe in Him andimplore forgiveness for the believers, saying: "Our Rabb! Youembrace all things with your mercy and knowledge. Forgive thosewho repent and follow Your Way, and save them from the punishmentof the blazing fire.
As for those who say: "Our God is Allah," and then stay firm onit, the angels will descend on them, saying: "Let nothing fear orgrieve you. Rejoice for the good news of paradise that has beenpromised to you.
As for those who believe and do good deeds and believe in what isrevealed to Muhammad - the truth from their Rabb - He will removefrom them their evils and improve their condition.
Therefore, do not be fainthearted crying for peace, for you willsurely gain the upper hand. Allah is on your side and will neverlet your deeds be wasted.
If two parties among the believers fall into mutual fighting,make peace between them. Then if one of them transgresses againstthe other, fight the one who has transgressed until he returns tothe commands of Allah. Then, if he returns, make peace betweenthem with justice and be fair; for Allah loves those who are fairand just.
O believers! Avoid immoderate suspicion, for in some casessuspicion is a sin. Do not spy on one another, nor backbite oneanother (to say something about another behind ones back that ifone hears it, dislikes it). Would any of you like to eat theflesh of his dead brother? Surely you would abhor it. Fear Allah;for Allah is the Accepter of repentance, Merciful.
Has not the time arrived for the believers to submit with ferventhearts to Allah's warning and to the truth He has revealed, sothat they may not become like those who were given the Bookbefore this, even though their term was prolonged for them buttheir hearts became hardened? Today most among them aretransgressors.
Those who believe in Allah and His Rasool, they are the truthfuland the true witnesses in the sight of their Rabb; they shallhave their reward and their light. But those who disbelieve andreject Our revelations; they shall be the inmates of hellfire.
This is done so that you may not grieve for the things that youmiss, or be overjoyed at what you gain; for Allah does not loveany vainglorious boaster,
O believers! Fear Allah and believe in His Rasool (Muhammad,peace be upon him). He will grant you a double share of Hismercy, provide for you a light to walk with and forgive you yoursins. Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
O believers! Why do you say something which you don't do?
O believers! Be the helpers of Allah, just as Isa (Jesus) the sonof Maryam said to his disciples: "Who will be my helper in thecause of Allah?" And the disciples responded: "We will be yourhelpers in the cause of Allah." Then a group from the children ofIsrael believed in him (Isa) and another group disbelieved. Weaided the believers against their enemies, so they becamevictorious.
Allah! There is no god but Him, therefore, in Allah Alone let thebelievers put their trust.
and sat around it,
This is because Allah is the Protector of the believers while theunbelievers have no protector.
Therefore, do not be fainthearted crying for peace, for you willsurely gain the upper hand. Allah is on your side and will neverlet your deeds be wasted.
through putting affection in their hearts. If you had spent allthat is in the earth, you could not have so united their hearts;but Allah has united them. He is Mighty, Wise.
Now, if they turn away from you, (O Prophet) say: "Allah isall-sufficient for me. There is no god but Him. In Him I haveput my trust. He is the Rabb of the Mighty Throne."
The believers are brothers to one another, therefore, makereconciliation between your brothers and fear Allah, so that youmay be shown mercy.
Doomed be the makers of the ditch,
who lit the fuel-fed fire
and sat around it,
to watch what they were doing to the believers.
They tortured them for no other reason than that they believed inAllah, the All-Mighty, the Praise Worthy,
the One to Whom belongs the Kingdom of the heavens and earth, andAllah is Witness to all things.
So, O Muhammad, pronounce judgement among them according to thelaw which Allah has revealed and do not follow their vaindesires, and beware of them lest they tempt you away from a partof that which Allah has revealed to you. If they reject yourjudgement, then know that it is Allah's wish to scourge them forsome of their sins. In fact most of the people are transgressors.
It is not befitting for a believer to kill a believer except byaccident, and whoever accidently kills a believer, he iscommanded to free a believing slave and pay bloodwit to thefamily of the victim, unless they forgo it as a charity. If thevictim is from a hostile nation, then the freeing of a believingslave is enough, but if he belonged to a nation with whom youhave a treaty, then bloodwit must be paid to his family alongwith the freeing of a believing slave. Those who do not have themeans (bloodwit and or a slave) must fast two consecutive months:a method of repentance provided by Allah. Allah is theKnowledgeable, Wise.
The unbelievers are protectors of one of another. If you fail todo likewise, there will be disorder in the land and greatcorruption.
but We saved those who believed and had the fear of Allah.
Therefore, call them to the true Deen, stay firm on the Right Wayas you are commanded and do not follow their vain desires. Tellthem: "I believe in whatever Allah has revealed from the Book andI am commanded to do justice between you. Allah is Our Rabb andyour Rabb. We are responsible for Our deeds and you for yours.Let there be no dispute among us. Allah will bring us alltogether on the Day of Judgement and decide as to who is rightand who is wrong. Towards Him lies the goal.
Tell them: "O people of the Book! What makes you against us otherthan that we believe in Allah and in what has been revealed to usand what was revealed before? The fact is that most of you arerebellious transgressors."
Say: "Our Rabb will bring us all together, then He will rightlyjudge between us. He is the Judge Who knows everything."
Allah has indeed helped you in many battlefields and (recently)on the day of Hunain: when you were proud of your great numbers(the Muslim army was 12,000 strong and the unbelievers were only4,000), but the numbers availed you nothing. The earth, with allits vastness, seemed to close in upon you, and you turned yourbacks and fled.
But Allah sent down His sakeenah (peace and tranquility) upon HisRasool and the believers and sent down to your aid those forceswhich you could not see, and punished the unbelievers. Thus wasthe recompense for the unbelievers.
Be not like those who became divided into sects and who startedto argue against each other after clear revelations had come tothem. Those responsible for division and arguments will besternly punished
O believers! Fear Allah as He should be feared and die not but astrue Muslims.
Whoever shall do good deeds, provided he is a believer, hisendeavor will not be rejected: We are recording it all for him.
You will find the most violent in enmity to the believers are theJews and the mushrikin (pagan Arabs); and nearest in affection tothe believers are those who say: "We are Christians." That isbecause among them there are men that are priests and monks, whodo not behave arrogantly.
O believers! Do not make friendship with those who are enemies ofMine and yours. Would you show them friendship, when they havedenied the truth that has come to you and have driven the Rasooland yourselves out of your homes, simply because you believe inAllah, your Rabb? If it was indeed to strive in My way, and toseek My good pleasure that you left your homes, how can youbefriend in secret? I know all that you conceal, and all that youreveal. Any of you who does this, he indeed has gone astray fromthe Right Way.
If they overcome you, they would behave to you as enemies andstretch out their hands and their tongues towards you with evil,and they wish to see you become unbelievers.
On the Day of Resurrection, neither your relatives nor yourchildren shall avail you. Allah will judge between you, and He isobserving all your actions.
You have an excellent example in Ibrahim (Abraham) and hiscompanions. They said to their people plainly: "We are clear ofyou and your gods, whom you worship besides Allah. We renounceyou. Enmity and hate shall reign between us forever until youbelieve in Allah, the One and Only God." But do not emulate whatIbrahim said to his father: "I will pray for your forgiveness,although I have no power to get anything for you from Allah."Their collective prayer was: "Our Rabb! In You we have put ourtrust, to You we turn in repentance and to You is our final goal.
Our Rabb! Do not expose us to the plots of the unbelievers.Forgive us, our Rabb! You are the All-Mighty, the All-Wise."
Truly, in those there is an excellent example for everyone whoputs their hopes in Allah and the Last Day. He that gives no heedshould know that Allah is free of all wants, worthy of allpraise.
It may well be that Allah will put love between you and thosewith whom you are now at odds because of the order which is givento you, for Allah is All-Powerful, and Allah is Oft-Forgiving,Most Merciful.
Allah does not forbid you to be kind and equitable to those whohad neither fought against your faith nor driven you out of yourhomes. In fact Allah loves the equitable.
Allah only forbids you to make friendship with those who foughtyou on account of your faith and drove you out of your homes andbacked up others in your expulsion. Those who will take them forfriends are indeed the wrongdoers.
O believers! Do not befriend those who have incurred the wrath ofAllah. Indeed they despair of the Hereafter, just as theunbelievers despair of those buried in the graves.
O Prophet! Allah is all-sufficient for you and for the believerswho follow you.
Those who believed (embraced Islam), migrated and made Jihad(exerted their utmost struggle) with their wealth and theirpersons in the cause of Allah; as well as those who gave themasylum and help, are indeed the protecting friends of oneanother. As to those who believed (embraced Islam) but did notemigrate (to Dar-ul-Islam, the Islamic State), you are under noobligation to protect them until they emigrate; yet it is yourobligation to help them in the matters of faith if they ask foryour help, except against a people with whom you have a treaty.Allah is observant of all your actions.
Those who believed (embraced Islam), migrated and made Jihad(exerted their utmost struggle) in the cause of Allah, and thosewho gave them asylum and help - they are the true believers. Theyshall have forgiveness and honorable provisions.
As for the first pioneers who accepted Islam from the Muhajir(immigrants) and Ansar (supporters in Madinah) and those whofollow them in good deeds, Allah is well pleased with them andthey are pleased with Him. He has prepared for them gardensbeneath which rivers flow, wherein they shall live forever: thatis the mighty achievement.
If two parties among the believers fall into mutual fighting,make peace between them. Then if one of them transgresses againstthe other, fight the one who has transgressed until he returns tothe commands of Allah. Then, if he returns, make peace betweenthem with justice and be fair; for Allah loves those who are fairand just.
If two parties among the believers fall into mutual fighting,make peace between them. Then if one of them transgresses againstthe other, fight the one who has transgressed until he returns tothe commands of Allah. Then, if he returns, make peace betweenthem with justice and be fair; for Allah loves those who are fairand just.
and foremost shall be the foremost.
They will be nearest to Allah,
in the gardens of bliss.
Most of them will be from the former
and a few from the later generations.
They shall have the jewelled couches,
reclining on them facing each other,
and there shall wait on them the eternal youths
with goblets, shining beakers and cups of pure wine,
- which will neither pain their heads nor take away their senses.
They shall have fruits of their own choice
and flesh of fowls that they may desire,
and dark eyed Huris (damsels),
as lovely as well guarded pearls
as a reward for their good deeds that they had done.
There they shall not hear any vain talk nor sinful words,
but only the greetings of "Peace be upon you! Peace be upon you!"
Then if the dying person is one of those near to Us,
for him there is comfort and bounty, and a garden of bliss.
O Muhammad, it is a great Mercy of Allah that you are very gentlewith them; had you been rough or hard-hearted, they would havedeserted you. Therefore pardon them and ask Allah's forgivenessfor them. Consult them in the conduct of affairs; and when youmake a decision to do something, then put your trust in Allah(hold fast to your decision). Allah loves those who put theirtrust in Him.
You will find the most violent in enmity to the believers are theJews and the mushrikin (pagan Arabs); and nearest in affection tothe believers are those who say: "We are Christians." That isbecause among them there are men that are priests and monks, whodo not behave arrogantly.
When they (monks and priests) listen to that which is revealed tothe Rasool, you can see their eyes filled with tears, becausethey recognize the truth. They say: "Our Rabb! We believe,therefore, write us down among the witnesses of truth.
Do you think that you will be left alone (without trial)? WhileAllah has not yet demonstrated which of you had exerted yourutmost struggle (in the path of Allah) and did not take anyintimate friends other than Allah, His Rasool and the believers?Allah is well aware of all your actions.
Let not the believers make unbelievers their protectors ratherthan the believers; anyone who does so will have nothing to hopefor from Allah - except if you do so as a precaution to guardyourselves against their tyranny. Anyhow, Allah warns you to fearHim: because with Allah is your final refuge.
who choose the unbelievers to be their protectors rather thanbelievers. Are they seeking honor in being with them? Whereas allhonor belongs to Allah Alone.
O believers! Do not choose unbelievers to be your protectingfriends instead of believers. Would you like to furnish Allah aclear proof against yourselves?
Your real protecting friends are Allah, His Rasool, and thefellow believers - the ones who establish Salah, pay Zakah andbow down humbly before Allah.
Today all good clean things have been made lawful for you; andthe food of the People of the Book is also made lawful for youand your food is made lawful for them. Likewise, marriage withchaste free believing women and also chaste women among thePeople who were given the Book before you is made lawful for you,provided that you give them their dowries and desire chastity,neither committing fornication nor taking them as mistresses.Anyone who commits Kufr with Iman (rejects faith), all his gooddeeds will be in vain and in the Hereafter he will be one of thelosers.
O Muhammad, it is a great Mercy of Allah that you are very gentlewith them; had you been rough or hard-hearted, they would havedeserted you. Therefore pardon them and ask Allah's forgivenessfor them. Consult them in the conduct of affairs; and when youmake a decision to do something, then put your trust in Allah(hold fast to your decision). Allah loves those who put theirtrust in Him.
When those who believe in Our revelations come to you, say:"Peace be upon you. Your Rabb has decreed mercy upon Himself. Ifanyone among you commits evil because of ignorance and thereafterrepents and mends his ways; you will find Allah Forgiving,Merciful."
O Muhammad, it is a great Mercy of Allah that you are very gentlewith them; had you been rough or hard-hearted, they would havedeserted you. Therefore pardon them and ask Allah's forgivenessfor them. Consult them in the conduct of affairs; and when youmake a decision to do something, then put your trust in Allah(hold fast to your decision). Allah loves those who put theirtrust in Him.
Allah has promised you many spoils which you shall acquire, andhas given you these spoils of Khayber with all promptness. He hasrestrained the hands of enemies from you, so that it may serve asa sign to the believers and that He may guide you to the RightWay.
We sent before you Rasools to their respective people, and theybrought them clear signs. Some rejected them while othersbelieved, then We subjected the guilty ones to Our retributionand We aided the believers - it is due on Us to help theBelievers.
We surely will help Our Rasools and the believers both in thisworld's life and on the Day when the witnesses will take a standto testify.
Those who believed (embraced Islam), migrated and made Jihad(exerted their utmost struggle) with their wealth and theirpersons in the cause of Allah; as well as those who gave themasylum and help, are indeed the protecting friends of oneanother. As to those who believed (embraced Islam) but did notemigrate (to Dar-ul-Islam, the Islamic State), you are under noobligation to protect them until they emigrate; yet it is yourobligation to help them in the matters of faith if they ask foryour help, except against a people with whom you have a treaty.Allah is observant of all your actions.
Those who believed (embraced Islam), migrated and made Jihad(exerted their utmost struggle) with their wealth and theirpersons in the cause of Allah; as well as those who gave themasylum and help, are indeed the protecting friends of oneanother. As to those who believed (embraced Islam) but did notemigrate (to Dar-ul-Islam, the Islamic State), you are under noobligation to protect them until they emigrate; yet it is yourobligation to help them in the matters of faith if they ask foryour help, except against a people with whom you have a treaty.Allah is observant of all your actions.
Those who believed (embraced Islam), migrated and made Jihad(exerted their utmost struggle) in the cause of Allah, and thosewho gave them asylum and help - they are the true believers. Theyshall have forgiveness and honorable provisions.
Say: "O people of the Book! Why do you obstruct the believersfrom the path of Allah and desire that they follow the crookedway while you yourselves are witnesses to Allah's Covenant? Allahis not unmindful of what you do."
O believers! Whoever among you renounce Islam let him do so; soonAllah will replace them with others whom He will love and theywill love Him, who will be humble towards the believers, mightyagainst the unbelievers, striving hard in the way of Allah, andwill have no fear of reproach from any critic. Now this is thegrace of Allah which He bestows on whom He pleases. Allah hasboundless knowledge.
When you see them, their good stature pleases you; and when theyspeak, you listen to what they say. Yet they are as worthless ashollow pieces of propped up timber. Every shout they hear, theythink it to be against them. They are your enemies, so guardyourselves against them. May Allah destroy them! How perversethey are!
As for those who believe and do good deeds and believe in what isrevealed to Muhammad - the truth from their Rabb - He will removefrom them their evils and improve their condition.
It is not proper that the believers should go forth all together.Therefore, why not a squadron from each division stay behind sothat they may obtain the understanding of Deen (Al-Islam), andadmonish the people when they return to them so that they mayrefrain from un-Islamic conduct!
Therefore, do not be fainthearted crying for peace, for you willsurely gain the upper hand. Allah is on your side and will neverlet your deeds be wasted.
Do you think that you will be left alone (without trial)? WhileAllah has not yet demonstrated which of you had exerted yourutmost struggle (in the path of Allah) and did not take anyintimate friends other than Allah, His Rasool and the believers?Allah is well aware of all your actions.
During their life on earth, the culprits used to mock at thebelievers,
and wink at one another as they passed them by.
When they returned to their own people they returned jesting.
And when they saw the believers, they used to say: "These are thepeople who have surely gone astray,"
although they had not been sent as guardians over them.
On that Day, the believers shall be laughing at the unbelievers,
as they recline on couches and gaze at them:
"Have not the unbelievers been fully rewarded for what they usedto do?"
It is not befitting for a believer to kill a believer except byaccident, and whoever accidently kills a believer, he iscommanded to free a believing slave and pay bloodwit to thefamily of the victim, unless they forgo it as a charity. If thevictim is from a hostile nation, then the freeing of a believingslave is enough, but if he belonged to a nation with whom youhave a treaty, then bloodwit must be paid to his family alongwith the freeing of a believing slave. Those who do not have themeans (bloodwit and or a slave) must fast two consecutive months:a method of repentance provided by Allah. Allah is theKnowledgeable, Wise.
Whoever kills a believer intentionally, his punishment is hell tolive therein forever. He shall incur the wrath of Allah, Who willlay His curse on him and prepare for him a woeful punishment.
During their life on earth, the culprits used to mock at thebelievers,
and wink at one another as they passed them by.
When they returned to their own people they returned jesting.
And when they saw the believers, they used to say: "These are thepeople who have surely gone astray,"
although they had not been sent as guardians over them.
On that Day, the believers shall be laughing at the unbelievers,
as they recline on couches and gaze at them:
"Have not the unbelievers been fully rewarded for what they usedto do?"
And those who annoy believing men and believing women, for nofault of theirs, shall bear the guilt of slander and an evidentsin.
Muhammad, the Rasool of Allah, and those with him are strongagainst the unbelievers and compassionate to each other amongthemselves. When you see them, you will find them making Rakuh(bowing down) and Sajud (prostrate in prayers), and craving forthe blessings from Allah and His good pleasure. They have mark ofSajud (prostration) on their foreheads, the traces of theirprostration. This is their similitude in the Taurat (Torah); andtheir similitude in the Injeel (Gospel): they are like the seedwhich puts forth its sprout, then strengthens it, then becomesthick and stands firmly on its stem, delighting the sowers of theseed, so that through them He may enrage the unbelievers. Yet tothose of them who will believe and do good deeds, Allah haspromised forgiveness and a great reward.
Do not look at the worldly wealth which We have given todifferent people among them, nor grieve at their condition. Leavethem alone, attend to the believers in kindness,
and lower your wing of kindness to those of the believers whofollow you,
We have made you a moderate Ummah (nation) so that you maytestify against mankind and that your own Rasool may testifyagainst you. We decreed your former Qiblah only to distinguishthose who are the real followers of the Rasool from those whowould back away from the faith. It was indeed a hard test exceptfor those whom Allah has guided. Allah wants not to make yourfaith fruitless. Allah is Compassionate and Merciful to mankind.
O unbelievers! You wanted a decision; lo! The decision, in shapeof the believers' victory, has come to you. Now if you desist, itwill be better for you, and if you repeat your act of war againstthe believers, so shall We repeat the act of providing themassistance, and your forces, however large in number they may be,shall avail you nothing, for verily Allah is with the believers.
O Prophet, tell the unbelievers that if they desist from unbelieftheir past shall be forgiven; but if they persist in sin, letthem reflect upon the fate of their forefathers.
O believers, fight them until there is no more mischief and theDeen of Allah (way of life prescribed by Allah) is establishedcompletely; but if they do stop from mischief, then surely Allahis observant of all their actions.
Doomed be the makers of the ditch,
who lit the fuel-fed fire
and sat around it,
to watch what they were doing to the believers.
They tortured them for no other reason than that they believed inAllah, the All-Mighty, the Praise Worthy,
the One to Whom belongs the Kingdom of the heavens and earth, andAllah is Witness to all things.
O Muhammad, it is a great Mercy of Allah that you are very gentlewith them; had you been rough or hard-hearted, they would havedeserted you. Therefore pardon them and ask Allah's forgivenessfor them. Consult them in the conduct of affairs; and when youmake a decision to do something, then put your trust in Allah(hold fast to your decision). Allah loves those who put theirtrust in Him.
The true believers, both men and women, are protectors of oneanother. They enjoin what is just and forbid what is evil; theyestablish Salah, pay Zakah, and obey Allah and His Rasool. It isthey on whom Allah will have His mercy; surely Allah is Mighty,Wise.
Whoever kills a believer intentionally, his punishment is hell tolive therein forever. He shall incur the wrath of Allah, Who willlay His curse on him and prepare for him a woeful punishment.
If two parties among the believers fall into mutual fighting,make peace between them. Then if one of them transgresses againstthe other, fight the one who has transgressed until he returns tothe commands of Allah. Then, if he returns, make peace betweenthem with justice and be fair; for Allah loves those who are fairand just.
Does it seem strange to the people that We revealed Our will to aman from among themselves, saying: "Warn mankind and give thegood news to the Believers that they are on sound footing withtheir Rabb?" The disbelievers say: "This man is indeed an obviousmagician!"
Say, "The Holy Spirit (Gabriel) has brought it down piecemealintact from your Rabb to strengthen the faith of the believers,and to give guidance and good news to the Muslims."
Tua Sin. These are verses of the Qur'an, the Glorious Book;
a guide and good news for the believers,
Say, "The Holy Spirit (Gabriel) has brought it down piecemealintact from your Rabb to strengthen the faith of the believers,and to give guidance and good news to the Muslims."
If two parties among the believers fall into mutual fighting,make peace between them. Then if one of them transgresses againstthe other, fight the one who has transgressed until he returns tothe commands of Allah. Then, if he returns, make peace betweenthem with justice and be fair; for Allah loves those who are fairand just.
The believers are brothers to one another, therefore, makereconciliation between your brothers and fear Allah, so that youmay be shown mercy.
They ask you about booty (spoils of war). Tell them: "The Bootybelongs to Allah and His Rasool: so fear Allah, end yourdisputes, and correct the relations between yourselves: obeyAllah and His Rasool if you are true believers."
Those who persecute the believing men and believing women and donot repent, shall receive the punishment of hell, wherein theyshall have the punishment of conflagration.
As for those that taunt the believers who give freely andridicule those who find nothing to give except the fruits oftheir labor; Allah will throw back their ridicule on them andthey shall have a painful punishment.
O Prophet! It is the same, whether you ask forgiveness for themor not; even if you ask for their forgiveness seventy times,Allah is not going to forgive them: because they have disbelievedAllah and His Rasool. Allah does not guide those who aretransgressors.
Therefore, O Muhammad, fight; in the path of Allah, you areaccountable for no one except for yourself. Urge the believers tofight, it may be that Allah will overthrow the might of theunbelievers, for Allah is the strongest in might and severe inpunishment.
O Prophet! Allah is all-sufficient for you and for the believerswho follow you.
We saved him and his companions by Our mercy and We cut off theroots of (annihilated) those who denied Our revelations and didnot become believers.
Remember how you were made the heirs of 'Ad and settled in theland, capable of building mansions in the valleys and carving outhomes in the mountains. Therefore, remember the favors of Allahand do not spread mischief in the land."
As for the first pioneers who accepted Islam from the Muhajir(immigrants) and Ansar (supporters in Madinah) and those whofollow them in good deeds, Allah is well pleased with them andthey are pleased with Him. He has prepared for them gardensbeneath which rivers flow, wherein they shall live forever: thatis the mighty achievement.
There are others who built a Masjid for mischievous motives(Masjid-e-Zirar), to spread disbelief and to disunite thebelievers, and an outpost for one (Abu 'Amir) who had made waragainst Allah and His Rasool before. They will indeed swear thattheir intentions are nothing but good; but Allah declares thatthey are absolute liars.
You should never stand to offer Salah in it. Certainly the Masjidfounded on piety from the very first day is more deserving thatyou should stand to offer Salah in it; for in it there are menwho love to be purified; and Allah loves those who purifythemselves.
Who is a better person; he who lays the foundation of hisbuilding on piety to Allah and His good pleasure, or he who laysthe foundation of his building on an undermined bank that willtumble down with him into the fire of Hell? Allah does not guidesuch wrongdoers.
The foundation of those who so build is never free from suspicionand shakiness in their hearts until their hearts are cut topieces. Allah is Knowledgeable, Wise.
The Prophet is closer to the believers than their own selves andhis wives are as their mothers. Blood relatives have a greaterclaim on one another than the other believers and the Muhajirin(early Muslims who migrated from Makkah to Madinah) according tothe Book of Allah: although you are permitted to some good(through leaving bequests) for your friends . This has beenwritten in the Book of Allah.
That is because they hate the revelations of Allah; therefore, Herendered their deeds fruitless.
If two parties among the believers fall into mutual fighting,make peace between them. Then if one of them transgresses againstthe other, fight the one who has transgressed until he returns tothe commands of Allah. Then, if he returns, make peace betweenthem with justice and be fair; for Allah loves those who are fairand just.
These hypocrites are the ones who wait and watch to see how thewind blows. If Allah grants you a victory, they say: "Were we notwith you?" And if the unbelievers gain success, they will say tothem: "Were we not strong enough to fight against you? Yet weprotected you from the believers (Muslims)." Allah will judgebetween you and them on the Day of Resurrection. Allah will notleave the way for the unbelievers to triumph over the believers.
Anyone who is hostile to the Rasool after guidance has beenplainly conveyed to him and follows a path other than that of thebelievers, We shall leave him in the path he has chosen and casthim into Hell; which is an evil refuge.
We have made you a moderate Ummah (nation) so that you maytestify against mankind and that your own Rasool may testifyagainst you. We decreed your former Qiblah only to distinguishthose who are the real followers of the Rasool from those whowould back away from the faith. It was indeed a hard test exceptfor those whom Allah has guided. Allah wants not to make yourfaith fruitless. Allah is Compassionate and Merciful to mankind.
O Prophet! When the believing women come to you to take the oathof allegiance , take their pledge: that they will not commitshirk with Allah, that they will not steal, that they will notcommit adultery, that they will not kill their children, thatthey will not give any cause for scandal which they may inventbetween either their hands or legs (a woman accusing anotherwoman of having an illicit relationship with a man and spreadssuch stories - or - a woman carrying an illegitimate child andmakes her husband believe that it is his), and that they will notdisobey you in any just matter, then accept their allegiance andpray to Allah for the forgiveness. Surely Allah is Oft-Forgiving,most Merciful.
O believers! When the believing women seek refuge with you, testthem. Allah best knows their faith. If you find them truebelievers, do not send them back to the unbelievers. They are notlawful to the unbelievers, nor are the unbelievers lawful tothem. Return to their unbelieving husbands what they have spenton them. There is no blame on you if you marry such women,provided you give them their dowers. Do not hold on to yourmarriages with unbelieving women. Demand what you have spent onthem and let the unbelievers do the same. This is the order ofAllah which He has decreed between you. Allah is All-Knowing,All-Wise.
If you do not get back the demanded amount that you have spent onyour disbelieving wives from the unbelievers, and your turncomes, to pay the demanded amount of Muslim wives to theunbelievers, you can offset the amount and pay those whose wiveshave fled the equivalent of the amount they have spent on theirdisbelieving wives. Fear Allah, in Whom you believe.
But those who rebukes his parents and say: "Uff (as if to say, donot bothering me)! Do you threaten me with a resurrection,whereas many a generations have passed before me and none hascome back from among them?" And they both cry for Allah's helpand say: "Woe to you! Be a good believer. Surely the promise ofAllah is true." But he replies: "This is nothing but tales of theancients."
Such are the people against whom the verdict of torment hasproved true and they will be among the prior people of the jinnsand the men that have passed away before them. Indeed they willbe the losers.
O believers! When the believing women seek refuge with you, testthem. Allah best knows their faith. If you find them truebelievers, do not send them back to the unbelievers. They are notlawful to the unbelievers, nor are the unbelievers lawful tothem. Return to their unbelieving husbands what they have spenton them. There is no blame on you if you marry such women,provided you give them their dowers. Do not hold on to yourmarriages with unbelieving women. Demand what you have spent onthem and let the unbelievers do the same. This is the order ofAllah which He has decreed between you. Allah is All-Knowing,All-Wise.
If you do not get back the demanded amount that you have spent onyour disbelieving wives from the unbelievers, and your turncomes, to pay the demanded amount of Muslim wives to theunbelievers, you can offset the amount and pay those whose wiveshave fled the equivalent of the amount they have spent on theirdisbelieving wives. Fear Allah, in Whom you believe.
O Prophet! When the believing women come to you to take the oathof allegiance , take their pledge: that they will not commitshirk with Allah, that they will not steal, that they will notcommit adultery, that they will not kill their children, thatthey will not give any cause for scandal which they may inventbetween either their hands or legs (a woman accusing anotherwoman of having an illicit relationship with a man and spreadssuch stories - or - a woman carrying an illegitimate child andmakes her husband believe that it is his), and that they will notdisobey you in any just matter, then accept their allegiance andpray to Allah for the forgiveness. Surely Allah is Oft-Forgiving,most Merciful.
And for the believers Allah has set an example in the wife ofFir'on (Pharaoh), who said: "My Rabb! Build for me a house as aspecial favor from You in paradise, deliver me from Fir'on andhis misdeeds, and save me from the wicked nation."
Say: "We believe in Allah and that which is revealed to us; andwhat was revealed to Ibrahim (Abraham), Isma'il (Ishmael), Ishaq(Isaac), Ya'qoob (Jacob) and their descendants, and that whichwas given to Musa (Moses), Isa (Jesus) and other Prophets fromtheir Rabb. We do not discriminate any of them, and to Allah wehave surrendered ourselves (in Islam)."
The beduin Arabs say: "We have believed." Tell them: "You havenot believed; rather say 'We have become Muslims;' for faith hasnot yet found its way into your hearts. If you obey Allah and HisRasool, He will not deny you the reward of your deeds; surelyAllah is Forgiving, Merciful."
The true believers are those who believe in Allah and His Rasool,then never doubt; and make Jihad (exert their efforts) with theirwealth and their persons in the cause of Allah. Such are the oneswho are truthful in their claim to be the believers.
O Prophet say to those who claim to have believed: "Do youapprise Allah of your religion? Whereas, Allah knows all that isin the heavens and the earth and He has full knowledge ofeverything."
They think they have conferred upon you a favor by embracingIslam. Tell them: "You have conferred upon me no favor byaccepting Islam. It was Allah Who has conferred a favor upon youin guiding you to the true faith; admit this, if you are men oftruth.
On that Day the hypocrite men and hypocrite women will say to thetrue believers: "Wait for us, that we may borrow some of yourlight." But they will be told: "Go away! Seek your lightelsewhere." So a wall with a gate shall be set up between them.Inside there shall be mercy, and outside all along there shall bepunishment of hell.
They will call out the believers, saying: "Were we not on yourside?" "Yes," they will reply, "but you led yourselves intotemptation, you wavered, you doubted, and were deceived by yourvain desires until Allah's command came, while the arch-deceiver(shaitan) deceived you concerning Allah till the last moment."
They will be told, "Today no ransom shall be accepted from you,or from the unbelievers. Your abode is the fire: which you havejustly earned, and it is an evil refuge."
Therefore, believe in Allah and His Rasool, and in the Lightwhich We have revealed. Allah is well aware of all your actions.
Today all good clean things have been made lawful for you; andthe food of the People of the Book is also made lawful for youand your food is made lawful for them. Likewise, marriage withchaste free believing women and also chaste women among thePeople who were given the Book before you is made lawful for you,provided that you give them their dowries and desire chastity,neither committing fornication nor taking them as mistresses.Anyone who commits Kufr with Iman (rejects faith), all his gooddeeds will be in vain and in the Hereafter he will be one of thelosers.
O believers! When the believing women seek refuge with you, testthem. Allah best knows their faith. If you find them truebelievers, do not send them back to the unbelievers. They are notlawful to the unbelievers, nor are the unbelievers lawful tothem. Return to their unbelieving husbands what they have spenton them. There is no blame on you if you marry such women,provided you give them their dowers. Do not hold on to yourmarriages with unbelieving women. Demand what you have spent onthem and let the unbelievers do the same. This is the order ofAllah which He has decreed between you. Allah is All-Knowing,All-Wise.
If you do not get back the demanded amount that you have spent onyour disbelieving wives from the unbelievers, and your turncomes, to pay the demanded amount of Muslim wives to theunbelievers, you can offset the amount and pay those whose wiveshave fled the equivalent of the amount they have spent on theirdisbelieving wives. Fear Allah, in Whom you believe.
O Prophet! When the believing women come to you to take the oathof allegiance , take their pledge: that they will not commitshirk with Allah, that they will not steal, that they will notcommit adultery, that they will not kill their children, thatthey will not give any cause for scandal which they may inventbetween either their hands or legs (a woman accusing anotherwoman of having an illicit relationship with a man and spreadssuch stories - or - a woman carrying an illegitimate child andmakes her husband believe that it is his), and that they will notdisobey you in any just matter, then accept their allegiance andpray to Allah for the forgiveness. Surely Allah is Oft-Forgiving,most Merciful.
O Prophet! We have made lawful to you the wives to whom you havegiven their dowers; and those ladies whom your right handspossess (from the prisoners of war) whom Allah has assigned toyou; and the daughters of your paternal uncles and aunts, and thedaughters of your maternal uncles and aunts, who have migratedwith you; and the believing woman who gave herself to the Prophetif the Prophet desires to marry her - this permission is only foryou and not for the other believers; We know what restrictions Wehave imposed on the other believers concerning their wives andthose whom their right hands possess. We have granted you thisprivilege as an exception so that no blame may be attached toyou. Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
Therefore, hastenly strive for the forgiveness of your Rabb andfor the paradise which is as vast as the heaven and the earth,prepared for those who believe in Allah and His Rasools. Such isthe grace of Allah, which He bestows on whom He pleases, andAllah is the Owner of mighty grace.
If instead of this rebellious attitude the people of the Book hadbelieved and become Godfearing, We would certainly have removedtheir iniquities and admitted them to the gardens of Bliss(Paradise).
There are some among the people of the Book who truly believe inAllah and what has been revealed to you, O Muhammad, and what hasbeen revealed to them before you. They humble themselves beforeAllah and do not sell the revelations of Allah for a petty price.For them, there will be a reward from their Rabb. Surely Allah isvery swift in settling the accounts.
We shall unite the true believers with those of their descendantswho follow them in their faith, and shall not deny them thereward of their good deeds - everyone is responsible for hisdeeds
- and We shall provide them fruits, and such meats as theydesire.
They will pass from hand to hand a cup of wine which shall causeno idle talk, nor sinful urge;
and there shall wait for them young boys, exclusively appointedfor their service, who will be as handsome as treasured pearls.
They will converse with one another about their worldly life
and say: "When we were living among our kinfolk, we were troubledby many fears.
But Allah has been gracious to us; He has delivered us from thefiery scourge.
Indeed we used to pray only to Him. Surely He is the Beneficent,the Merciful."
O believers! When the believing women seek refuge with you, testthem. Allah best knows their faith. If you find them truebelievers, do not send them back to the unbelievers. They are notlawful to the unbelievers, nor are the unbelievers lawful tothem. Return to their unbelieving husbands what they have spenton them. There is no blame on you if you marry such women,provided you give them their dowers. Do not hold on to yourmarriages with unbelieving women. Demand what you have spent onthem and let the unbelievers do the same. This is the order ofAllah which He has decreed between you. Allah is All-Knowing,All-Wise.
If you do not get back the demanded amount that you have spent onyour disbelieving wives from the unbelievers, and your turncomes, to pay the demanded amount of Muslim wives to theunbelievers, you can offset the amount and pay those whose wiveshave fled the equivalent of the amount they have spent on theirdisbelieving wives. Fear Allah, in Whom you believe.
O Prophet! When the believing women come to you to take the oathof allegiance , take their pledge: that they will not commitshirk with Allah, that they will not steal, that they will notcommit adultery, that they will not kill their children, thatthey will not give any cause for scandal which they may inventbetween either their hands or legs (a woman accusing anotherwoman of having an illicit relationship with a man and spreadssuch stories - or - a woman carrying an illegitimate child andmakes her husband believe that it is his), and that they will notdisobey you in any just matter, then accept their allegiance andpray to Allah for the forgiveness. Surely Allah is Oft-Forgiving,most Merciful.
For you are the same people, who used to make fun of some of Myworshippers who prayed: 'Our Rabb, We believe in You; pleaseforgive us and have mercy on us, for You are the Best of thosewho show mercy!'
But you ridiculed them so much, that you even forgot My veryexistence, and went on laughing at them.
Today I have rewarded them for their fortitude, and they are theones who have achieved bliss."
Those who accuse chaste but careless believing women are cursedin this life, and in the Hereafter they shall have a grievouspunishment.
Such people should not forget that Day when their own tongues,their own hands and their own feet will testify against theirmisdeeds.
On that Day, Allah will give them the full reward they deserve,then they will realize that Allah is the One Who manifests theTruth.
Say: "We believe in Allah and that which is revealed to us; andwhat was revealed to Ibrahim (Abraham), Isma'il (Ishmael), Ishaq(Isaac), Ya'qoob (Jacob) and their descendants, and that whichwas given to Musa (Moses), Isa (Jesus) and other Prophets fromtheir Rabb. We do not discriminate any of them, and to Allah wehave surrendered ourselves (in Islam)."
It is Allah Who has made for you mates from your own species andHe is the One Who gives you sons and grandsons through thosewives, and provides for you good things to eat: will they then,after knowing all that, believe that falsehood and disbelieveAllah's favors?
Tell them: "Allah is sufficient as a witness between me and you -for He knows all that is in the heavens and the earth - those whobelieve in falsehood and disbelieve Allah, it is they who shallbe the losers."
Do they not see that We have made for them a secure sanctuary inthe Ka'bah, while the people are being snatched away from allaround them? Do they still believe in falsehood and deny theblessings of Allah?
It may well be that, if he divorce you all, his Rabb will givehim in your place better wives than yourselves, submissive,faithful, obedient, penitent, worshippers and keepers of fasting;be they previously married or virgins.
Allah took the covenant with the Prophets, saying: "Now that youhave been given the Book and Wisdom; there will come to you aRasool who will confirm that which is with you; you will have tobelieve in him and help him in his mission." Then He said "Do youaffirm this covenant and agree to take this heavyresponsibility?" The Prophets replied, "Yes, we do affirm." Allahsaid, "Very well, bear witness to this and I too bear witnesswith you."
Now if anyone turns back after this, he will become thetransgressor.