Lit., "and [lying] on their sides".
Lit., "in vain" (batilan): see note[11] on 10:5 .
That is, in all postures, which again is symbolical of all circumstances, personal, social, economic, historical and other.
It is the thought of Salvation that connects all these glories with man. Otherwise man would be a miserable, contemptible creature in these beauties and wonders of Nature. With his high destiny of Salvation he can be lifted even higher than these glories!
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I.e., the suffering which a sinner will have to undergo in the life to come will be a consequence of the spiritual disgrace which he has already brought upon himself by his actions in this world.
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Lit., "a caller".
The caller is Muḥammad (ﷺ).
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I.e., "you all are members of one and the same human race, and therefore equal to one another".
See surah {2}, note [203], and surah {4}, note [124].
In Islam the equal status of the sexes is not only recognised but insisted on. If sex distinction, which is a distinction in nature, does not count in spiritual matters, still less of course would count artificial distinctions, such as rank, wealth, position, race, colour, birth, etc,
Here, and in iii. 198 below, and in many places elsewhere, stress is laid on the fact that whatever gift, or bliss will come to the righteous, its chief merit will be that it proceeds from Allah Himself. "Nearness to Allah" expresses it better than any other term.
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Râbiṭo refers to watching over the borders of one’s homeland. It can also mean keeping up one’s prayers.
The full meaning of Sabr is to be understood here, viz.: Patience, perseverance, constancy, self-restraint, refusing to be cowed down. These virtues we are to exercise for ourselves and in relation to others; we are to set an example, so that others may vie with us, and we are to vie with them, lest we fall short; in this way we strengthen each other and bind our mutual relations closer, in our common service to Allah.
Prosperity (falah here and in other passages is to be understood in a wide sense, including prosperity in our mundane affairs as well as in spiritual progress. In both cases it implies happiness and the attainment of our wishes, purified by the love of Allah.
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