Lit., "are better in thy Sustainer's sight as regards merit, and better as regards hope". The expression al-baqiyat as-salihat ("good deeds, the fruit whereof endures forever") occurs in the Qur'an twice - in the above verse as well as in {19: 76}.
This refers to good deeds that will benefit the believer in the Hereafter such as prayers or praises of Allah such as saying: ‘Subḥâna-Allâh’ (Glory be to Allah), ‘Alḥamdulillâh’ (Praise be to Allah), ‘Lâ ilâha illa-Allâh’ (There is no god ˹worthy of worship˺ except Allah), and ‘Allâhu akbar’ (Allah is the Greatest).
Other things are fleeting: but Good Deeds have a lasting value in the sight of Allah. They are best as (or for) rewards in two ways: (1) they flow from us by the Grace of Allah, and are themselves rewards for our Faith: (2) they become the foundation of our hopes for the highest rewards in the Hereafter.