Cf. {16: 1} -"God's judgment is [bound to] come: do not, then, call for its speedy advent!"
Lit., "is created out of haste" - i.e., he is by nature imbued with impatience: cf. last sentence of 17:11 . In the present context this refers to man's impatience regarding things to come: in this case - as is obvious from the sequence - his hasty refusal to believe in God's coming judgement.
Haste is in the very bone and marrow of man. If he is granted respite for his own sake, in order that he may have a further chance of repentance and coming back to Allah, he says impatiently and incredulously: "Bring on the Punishment quickly, that I may see if what you say is true!" Alas, it is too true! When the Punishment actually comes near and he sees it, he will not want it hastened. He will want more time and further delay! Poor creature of haste!