Lit., "whose providers you are not"; i.e., all living organisms - whether plants or animals - which are not tended by man but are nevertheless provided for. In its wider sense, this phrase stresses the notion that all living beings - man included - are provided for by God, and by Him alone (cf. 11:6 ).
See last note. 'We provide sustenance of every kind, physical, mental, spiritual, etc., for you (i.e. for mankind). But We do more. We provide for everyone of Our creatures. And there are those of which mankind is not even cognisant. We provide for them also. There are those who may at first sight appear hostile to man, or whom man may consider hostile, such as wild and noxious animals. They are Our creatures, and We provide for them also, as they are Our creatures. But there is due order and balance in the economy of Our universal Plan.'