You shall give full measure, when you measure, and weigh witheven scale; this is the best way and will prove to be the best inthe end.
O Muhammad tell them: I did not find in what has been revealed tome anything forbidden to be eaten by one who wishes to eat it,except the meat of an already dead animal, or running blood orthe flesh of swine (pork) - for these are unclean - or flesh ofan animal which has become profane because of slaughtering in thenames other than Allah. Even so, if anyone is forced in ahelpless situation, intending neither disobedience nortransgression, you will find your Rabb Forgiving, Merciful.
He has only forbidden you to eat carrion (meat of dead a body),blood, pork, and that over which any name other than Allah hasbeen invoked. But if one is forced by necessity, intendingneither to break the Divine Law nor to transgress limits, thensurely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
You are forbidden to eat the meat of any animal that dies byitself (dead body), blood, the flesh of swine (pork) and that onwhich any name other than Allah has been invoked; also that whichis strangled to death , killed by a violent blow, killed by aheadlong fall and of those beaten or gored to death; and thatwhich has been partly eaten by a wild animal unless you are ableto slaughter it before its death; also that which is sacrificedon altars or is divided by raffling of arrows. All these aresinful acts. Today the unbelievers have given up all their hopeof vanquishing your religion. Have no fear of them, fear Me.Today I have perfected your religion for you, completed my favorupon you and approved Al-Islam as a Deen (way of life for you).Anyone who is compelled by hunger to eat what is forbidden, notintending to commit sin, will find Allah Forgiving, Merciful.
so that they may witness the benefits which are made availablehere for them, and pronounce the name of Allah over the cattlewhich We have provided as food for them, on the appointed days,then eat meat themselves and feed the indigent and needy.
O Muhammad tell them: I did not find in what has been revealed tome anything forbidden to be eaten by one who wishes to eat it,except the meat of an already dead animal, or running blood orthe flesh of swine (pork) - for these are unclean - or flesh ofan animal which has become profane because of slaughtering in thenames other than Allah. Even so, if anyone is forced in ahelpless situation, intending neither disobedience nortransgression, you will find your Rabb Forgiving, Merciful.
For eight heads of cattle, male and female, there aresuperstitions. Take a pair of sheep and a pair of goats, forexample, and ask them, "Of these, has He forbidden you the males,females or their fetuses? Answer me based on knowledge, notsuperstition, if what you say is true."
Likewise ask them about a pair of camels and a pair of cows, "Ofthese, has He forbidden you the males, females or their fetuses?"If they answer, then ask them: "Were you present when Allah gaveyou these commandments?" If not then Who can be more unjust thanthe one who forges a lie against Allah, so that he may misleadmankind without having any knowledge? Surely Allah does not guidethe unjust people.
O Muhammad tell them: I did not find in what has been revealed tome anything forbidden to be eaten by one who wishes to eat it,except the meat of an already dead animal, or running blood orthe flesh of swine (pork) - for these are unclean - or flesh ofan animal which has become profane because of slaughtering in thenames other than Allah. Even so, if anyone is forced in ahelpless situation, intending neither disobedience nortransgression, you will find your Rabb Forgiving, Merciful.
O Muhammad tell them: I did not find in what has been revealed tome anything forbidden to be eaten by one who wishes to eat it,except the meat of an already dead animal, or running blood orthe flesh of swine (pork) - for these are unclean - or flesh ofan animal which has become profane because of slaughtering in thenames other than Allah. Even so, if anyone is forced in ahelpless situation, intending neither disobedience nortransgression, you will find your Rabb Forgiving, Merciful.
Do they not see that We have made for them a secure sanctuary inthe Ka'bah, while the people are being snatched away from allaround them? Do they still believe in falsehood and deny theblessings of Allah?
Will they not ponder upon the Qur'an? Are there locks upon theirhearts?
-- This Book (Al-Qur'an) which We have sent down to you (OMuhammad) is highly blessed, so that they may ponder upon itsverses and the men of understanding may learn a lesson from it.
Do they not ponder over the Word of Allah or has anything newcome to them which did not come to their forefathers?
Possessor of the Highest Rank, the Master of the Throne ofAuthority sends down the Spirit by His command on those of Hisservants whom He chooses, that he (the Prophet who received therevelations) may warn mankind of the Day when they shall meetHim.
The Day when they all shall come forth from their graves withnothing hidden from Allah. It will be asked: "Whose is theKingdom today?" No one shall dare to speak, and Allah Himselfwill say: "It is Allah's, the One, the Irresistible.
Today every soul shall be rewarded for whatever it has earned;today there shall be no injustice; surely Allah is swift insettling accounts."
O Prophet, warn them of the Day that is drawing near, when thehearts will leap up to the throats with grief; when thewrongdoers will have neither friend nor intercessor who could begiven heed to.
Then the inmates of the fire will cry out to the residents ofparadise: "Give us some water or some of the food which Allah hasprovided you." They will reply: "Allah has prohibited both ofthese things to the unbelievers,
who took their religion to be mere amusement and play and weredeceived by their earthly life." Allah will say: "Today We willforget them as they forgot the meeting of this Day; and mocked atOur revelations."
they are the ones who are disregarding the revelations of their Rabb and the fact that they will meet Him for accountability of their deeds in the Hereafter, so their deeds will become null and will not carry any weight on the Day of Judgment.
Thus the reward of such people will be Hell; because they had no faith and because they took My revelations and My Rasools as a joke.
Those who do not expect to meet Us on the Day of Judgement say:"Why are not the angels sent down to us or why do we not see ourRabb?" Certainly they are too proud of themselves, and haverevolted in a great revolt.
On the Day when they see the angels, it will not be a Day ofrejoicing for the criminal; rather they will cry: "May there be astone barrier between us and the angels of punishment."
Then We shall turn to the deeds which they did, based on theirwrong opinions, and render them vain like blown dust.
As for those who disbelieve Allah's revelations and deny thatthey will ever meet Him, they are the ones who shall despair ofMy mercy and they the ones who shall have a painful punishment.
Have they not considered in their own minds that Allah createdthe heavens and the earth and all that lies between them for ajust reason and for a specified time? But the truth is that manyamong mankind do not believe in the meeting with their Rabb (theDay of Resurrection)!
They say: "What! Once we are lost in the earth, shall we becreated afresh?" Nay! They deny the fact that they will ever meettheir Rabb.
Say: "The angel of death (Izra'il) is assigned for you will carryoff your souls and bring you back to your Rabb."
If only you could visualize when the criminals will hang theirheads before their Rabb saying: "Our Rabb! We have seen and wehave heard; please send us back to the world and we will do gooddeeds: we are now convinced."
In response to that, it will be said: "Had We so willed, We couldhave given every soul its guidance. But My word which I had saidhas been fulfilled, that I shall fill hell with jinns and men alltogether."
Now taste the reward for your forgetting the meeting of this Day- We too have forgotten you now - taste the everlastingpunishment in consequence of your misdeeds."
It will be said: "Today We will forget you as you forgot themeeting of this Day of yours! Hellfire will be your home and nonewill be there to help you.
Still they are in doubt about meeting their Rabb! Yet it is HeWho encompasses everything.
O Muhammad, tell them: "I am but a human being like you; the revelation is sent to me to declare that your God is One God; therefore, whoever hopes to meet his Rabb, let him do good deeds and join no other deity in the worship of his Rabb."
Those people are indeed lost who deny that they will ever meetAllah. When the hour of Doomsday will overtake them all of asudden, they will exclaim: "Alas! How negligent we have beenabout this Hour." They will be carrying the burden of their sinson their backs; and evil indeed are the burdens that they carry!
On that Day when He will gather them all together, it will appearto them as if they had not stayed in this world but an hour of aday to get to know each other. At that time they will realizethat: in fact the losers are those who denied the meeting withAllah and were not rightly guided.
You should prepare for that Day when We will set the mountains in motion and you will see the earth as a barren waste; when We shall assemble mankind all together, leaving not even a single soul behind.
They all will be brought before your Rabb standing in rows and Allah will say: "Well! You see that you have returned to Us as We created you at first: even though you claimed that We had not fixed any time for the fulfillment of this promise of meeting with Us!"
Then the book of their deeds will be placed before them. At that time you will see the sinners in great terror because of what is recorded therein. They will say: "Woe to us! What kind of a book is this? It leaves out nothing small or large: all is noted down!" They will find all that they did recorded therein. Your Rabb will not be unjust to anyone in the least.
And those who annoy believing men and believing women, for nofault of theirs, shall bear the guilt of slander and an evidentsin.
Likewise men, beasts and cattle have their different colors. Infact, only those among His servants who possess knowledge fearAllah; surely Allah is All-Mighty, All-Forgiving.
Therefore, you should know that there is no god but Allah;implore Him to forgive your sins and to forgive the believing menand believing women; for Allah knows your activities and yourresting places.
Enjoin the believing men to lower their gaze and guard theirmodesty; that is chaster for them. Surely Allah is well aware oftheir actions.
Enjoin the believing men to lower their gaze and guard theirmodesty; that is chaster for them. Surely Allah is well aware oftheir actions.
Unclean women are for unclean men, and unclean men are forunclean women; and pure women are for pure men, and pure men arefor pure women. They are free from the slanderer's accusations;for them there shall be forgiveness and honorable provision fromAllah.
On the Day when He will assemble them all together, ( Allah willaddress the Jinns): "O assembly of Jinns! You seduced mankind ingreat number." And their votaries from among mankind will say:"Our Rabb, we have both enjoyed each other's fellowship but alas!Now we have reached the end of our term which You had decreed forus." Then Allah will say: "Now hellfire is your dwelling-place;you will live therein forever unless Allah ordains otherwise."Surely your Rabb is Wise, Knowledgeable.
That is how, in the hereafter, We will make wrongdoers thecomrades of one another on account of what they earned duringtheir life on Earth with evil friendship.
At that time Allah will also ask: "O Assembly of Jinns andmankind! Did not there come to you the Rasools from amongst youwho proclaimed to you My revelations and warned you about themeeting of this Day?" They will reply: "Yes they did, We bearwitness against our own souls." Today this worldly life hasdeceived them but on that Day they will testify againstthemselves that they were indeed kuffar (unbelievers).
They ask you about menstruation. "Tell them: This is adiscomfort; therefore, keep away from women (do not have sexualintercourse) during their menstrual periods and do not approachthem until they are clean again. When they have cleansedthemselves then you may approach them in the manner Allah hasenjoined for you. Surely Allah loves those who turn to Him inrepentance and keep themselves clean.
When the unbelievers see you they do not take you but for one tobe scoffed at, saying: "Is this the one who talks against yourgods?" And they themselves deny the mention of the Compassionate(Allah).
Ask them, "Who is there to protect you by night and by day fromthe wrath of the Compassionate?" Yet they turn away from theadmonition of their Rabb.
Who is more unjust than he who prevents people from the Masajid(place of worship) of Allah , forbids the mention of His nametherein, and strives to ruin them ? It is not proper for suchpeople to enter in them except with His fear. For them there isdisgrace in this world and grievous punishment in the Hereafter.
They ask you what food is lawful for them, say: All good cleanthings are lawful for you, as well as what you have taught yourhunting birds and beasts to catch, trained by you with theknowledge given to you by Allah. Eat what they catch and hold foryou, however, pronounce the name of Allah over it. Have fear ofAllah. Allah is swift in settling the accounts.
So eat of that meat on which Allah's name has been pronounced ifyou truly believe in His revelations.
Why should you not eat that on which Allah's name has beenpronounced, when He has clearly spelled out for you in detailwhat is forbidden - except in a case of extreme helplessness? Infact, many do mislead people by their appetites unchecked byknowledge. Your Rabb knows best those who transgress.
Eschew all sin whether open or secret: surely those who earn sinwill get due punishment for their wrongdoings.
Do not eat of that meat on which Allah's name has not beenpronounced, since that is most surely a transgression. In factthe shaitans inspire their friends that they should argue withyou, and if you obey them, most surely you will be considered amushrik.
Muhammad, the Rasool of Allah, and those with him are strongagainst the unbelievers and compassionate to each other amongthemselves. When you see them, you will find them making Rakuh(bowing down) and Sajud (prostrate in prayers), and craving forthe blessings from Allah and His good pleasure. They have mark ofSajud (prostration) on their foreheads, the traces of theirprostration. This is their similitude in the Taurat (Torah); andtheir similitude in the Injeel (Gospel): they are like the seedwhich puts forth its sprout, then strengthens it, then becomesthick and stands firmly on its stem, delighting the sowers of theseed, so that through them He may enrage the unbelievers. Yet tothose of them who will believe and do good deeds, Allah haspromised forgiveness and a great reward.
O Muhammad, We have not sent you but as a blessing for all theworlds.
O mankind! There has come to you an instruction from your Rabb, acure for whatever (disease) is in your hearts, a guidance and ablessing for the true believers.
There is a lesson in these stories of former people for the menof common sense. This story of Yusuf revealed in the Qur'an isnot an invented tale, but a confirmation of previous scriptures -a detailed exposition of all things, and is a guidance andblessing for the people who believe.
We have revealed to you the Book (The Qur'an) so that you mayclearly explain to them the reality of those things in which theydiffer - it is a guidance and blessing for those people whobelieve.
O Muhammad, warn them about that Day when We shall call a witnessfrom every nation to testify against it, and We shall call you OMuhammad to testify against your people: that is why We have sentdown to you this Book (The Qur'an) to explain everything - aguide, a blessing and good news for Muslims.
We have revealed the Qur'an which is a healing and a mercy to thebelievers, while to the wrongdoers it adds nothing but loss.
It is certainly a guide and blessing to true believers.
Is it not enough for them that We have sent down to you this Book(AL-Qur'an) which is recited to them, surely in it is a blessingand a reminder for those who believe.
or lest you say: "If the Book had been revealed to us, we couldhave followed its guidance better than them," a veritable signhas now come to you from your Rabb as a guidance and mercy. Whothen is more unjust than the one who denies the revelations ofAllah and turns away from them? Very soon those who turn awayfrom Our revelations will face dreadful punishment for theiraversion.
For We have certainly brought them a Book which provides cleardetails based on knowledge and which is a guidance and blessingfor the true believers.
Yet before it the Book of Musa was revealed which was a guide andblessing; and this Book (Qur'an) confirms it. It is revealed inthe Arabic language to forewarn the wrongdoers and to give goodnews to those who have adopted the righteous conduct.
It is Allah Who sends the winds to raise the clouds, then Hespreads them in the sky and breaks them into fragments as Hepleases, then you see raindrops falling from their midst. When Heshowers this rain upon those of His servants whom He pleases, lo!They are filled with joy,
though before its coming they may have lost all hope.
Just look at the traces of Allah's Mercy! How He gives life tothe earth after its death. Surely the same way He will give lifeto the dead; for He has power over all things.
And if after affliction We vouchsafe him a favor from Ourself, heis sure to say: "I deserve this, I do not think that the Hourwill ever come; and even if I am brought back to my Rabb, I wouldstill get good treatment from Him." The fact, however, is that Weshall tell the disbelievers the truth of all that they had doneand We shall make them taste a severe punishment.
When We bestow favors on man, he turns away and drifts off toanother side; and when an evil befalls him, he comes with lengthysupplications.
If We let man taste any mercy from Us, then withdraw it from him,he becomes despairing, ungrateful.
Allah says: "O My servants who have transgressed against theirsouls, do not despair of Allah's mercy, for Allah forgives allsins. It is He Who is the Forgiving, the Merciful.
Turn in repentance to your Rabb, and submit to Him before therecomes to you the scourge: for then, there shall be none to helpyou.
And if after affliction We vouchsafe him a favor from Ourself, heis sure to say: "I deserve this, I do not think that the Hourwill ever come; and even if I am brought back to my Rabb, I wouldstill get good treatment from Him." The fact, however, is that Weshall tell the disbelievers the truth of all that they had doneand We shall make them taste a severe punishment.
When We bestow favors on man, he turns away and drifts off toanother side; and when an evil befalls him, he comes with lengthysupplications.
When We give mankind a taste of blessing, they rejoice, but whensome evil afflicts them because of their own misdeeds, lo! Theyare in despair.
Now if they give no heed, they should know that We have not sentyou, O Muhammad, to be their keeper. Your only duty is to conveyMy message. Man is such that when We give him a taste of OurMercy, he is very happy about it; but when, through his ownfault, an evil afflicts him, he becomes utterly ungrateful."
Why should Allah punish you if you are grateful and a truebeliever? Allah knows the grateful.
Can he who is obedient, pass the hours of night prostrating inworship or standing in adoration, fearing the hereafter and hopeto earn the Mercy of his Rabb, be compared to the man who doesnot? Are the knowledgeable and the ignorant equal? In fact, nonewill take heed except the people of understanding.
Allah does not burden any human being with more than he can bear.Everyone will enjoy the credit of his deeds and suffer the debitsof his evil-doings.The believers say: "Our Rabb! Do notpunish us if we forget or make a mistake. Our Rabb! Do not placeon us a burden as You placed on those before us. Our Rabb! Laynot on us the kind of burden that we have no strength to bear.Pardon us, Forgive us, Have mercy on us. You are our Protector,help us against the unbelievers."
Say: "O Rabb, forgive, have Mercy, You are the Best of those whoshow mercy!"
Say: "It is the grace and mercy of Allah (that He has sent thisQur'an), so let the people rejoice over it, for it is better than(the worldly riches) they are collecting."
This Qur'an is nothing but a Reminder to all the Worlds;
and before long, you will certainly know its truth."
This (The Qur'an) is nothing but a Reminder to all the people ofthe world.
This is but a Message to all the people of the world,
to each one who wishes to follow the Right Way.
Yet your wishes are of no avail unless Allah, the Rabb of theworlds, pleases so.
Whenever We have sent a Warner to a town, its wealthy residentshave said: "We surely disbelieve in what you are sent with".
They say: "We have more wealth and children, which indicates thatour gods are happy with us so we shall never be punished."
O Prophet tell them: "Surely my Rabb gives abundantly to whom Hewills and sparingly to whom He pleases, but most people do notunderstand this."
When Our judgement came to pass, We saved Hud and those whobelieved with him through a special grace from Us - We did savethem from a horrifying scourge.
Such were the people of 'Ad. They denied the revelations of theirRabb, disobeyed His Rasool, and followed the command of everystubborn oppressor.
They were followed by a curse in this world, and cursed theyshall be on the Day of Resurrection. Beware! 'Ad denied theirRabb. Beware! Gone are 'Ad, the people of Hud.
He grants wisdom to whom He pleases; and whoever is grantedwisdom is indeed given a great wealth, yet none except people ofunderstanding learn a lesson from it.
He is the One Who has revealed to you the Book. Some of itsverses are decisive - they are the foundation of the Book - whileothers are allegorical. Those whose hearts are infected withdisbelief follow the allegorical part to mislead others and togive it their own interpretation, seeking for its hiddenmeanings, but no one knows its hidden meanings except Allah.Those who are well grounded in knowledge say: "We believe in it;it is all from our Rabb." None will take heed except the peopleof understanding.
They listen with ridicule to each fresh warning that comes tothem from their Rabb and remain engaged in the sports.
Their hearts are preoccupied with worldly affairs; thesewrongdoers say to each other in private: "Is this man (Muhammad)not a human being like yourselves? Would you follow witchcraftwith your eyes open?"
The Rasool has believed in the Guidance which has been revealedto him from his Rabb and so do the Believers. They all believe inAllah, His angels, His books and His Rasools. They say we do notdiscriminate against anyone of His Rasools. And they say: "Wehear and we obey. Grant us Your forgiveness, O Rabb; to You weshall all return."
O Rasool! Deliver the message which has been revealed to you fromyour Rabb, and if you do not, you are not doing justice to yourmission. Allah will protect you from the mischief of the people.Rest assured that Allah will not let the unbelievers succeedagainst you.
O Muhammad! Whether We let you see, within your lifetime, a partof what We threaten them with or cause you to die before We smitethem, your mission is only to deliver the Message and it is forUs to take accountability.
Those who are charged with the mission of conveying the messageof Allah are to fear Him, they are supposed to fear none butAllah; for Allah is sufficient to settle their account.
Well! Wait for the Day when the sky will pour down visible smoke.
Enveloping all mankind; this will be a painful punishment.
Then the mankind will say: "Our Rabb! Remove from us thispunishment, surely we have become real believers."
But how can the acceptance of Our Message at that time bebeneficial to them? A Rasool (Muhammad), who made the thingsclear, has come to them
yet they deny him, saying: "He is a madman, taught by others!"
We shall remove the affliction (famine from which they weresuffering) for a while, but you will revert to the same old ways.
One day We shall seize them with a mighty onslaught to exact Ourretribution.
O Prophet, leave to Me those who reject this revelation. We shalllead them step by step to their ruin, in ways that they cannotperceive.
I shall even put up with them for a while; for My plan is foolproof.
Or have you, O Prophet, demanded a compensation from them, thatthey are overburdened with debt?
Or do they have the knowledge of the unseen and they are writingit down?
So wait with patience for the Judgement of your Rabb and be notlike the man of the fish (reference is to the Prophet Jonah whowas swallowed by a whale), who cried when he was in distress.
but the one who will turn away from My reminder shall live ameager life and We shall raise him back to life as a blind personon the Day of Resurrection."
He will say: "O Rabb! Why have you raised me up blind here, whileI was clear-sighted before?"
Allah will say: "Just as Our revelation came to you and youplayed blind; so are you blind today."
Thus do We reward the one who is a transgressor and does notbelieve in the revelations of his Rabb. The punishment of theHereafter is more terrible and more lasting.
Well! Wait for the Day when the sky will pour down visible smoke.
Enveloping all mankind; this will be a painful punishment.
Then the mankind will say: "Our Rabb! Remove from us thispunishment, surely we have become real believers."
But how can the acceptance of Our Message at that time bebeneficial to them? A Rasool (Muhammad), who made the thingsclear, has come to them
yet they deny him, saying: "He is a madman, taught by others!"
We shall remove the affliction (famine from which they weresuffering) for a while, but you will revert to the same old ways.
One day We shall seize them with a mighty onslaught to exact Ourretribution.
Therefore, neglect those who ignore Our warnings and seek onlythe life of this world.
surely this word (The Qur'an) is brought by a noble Messenger(Gabriel),
possessor of mighty power, having very high rank with the Ownerof the Throne (Allah),
who is obeyed in heaven, and is trustworthy.
O people of Makkah! Your companion has not gone mad;
he (Muhammad) indeed saw him (Gabriel) in the clear horizon
and he is not stingy to withhold the knowledge of the unseen.
This (Qur'an) is not the word of an accursed Shaitan.
Where then are you going?
Muhammad is not the father of any of your men (he is not going toleave any male heirs). He is the Rasool of Allah and the Seal ofthe Prophets. Allah has the knowledge of all things.
It is He Who has raised among the unlettered people a Rasool oftheir own, who recites to them His revelations, purifies them,and teaches them the Book and Wisdom, though prior to this theywere in gross error,
he is also sent for others of them who have not yet joined them(become Muslims). He is the Mighty, the Wise.
O Prophet, We have sent you to the entire mankind, to give themgood news and forewarn them, but most men do not know.
O wives of the Prophet! If any of you were guilty of openindecency, her punishment will be increased to double and this iseasy for Allah.
JUZ (PART): 22 Those of you (O wives of the Prophet Muhammad)who obey Allah and His Rasool and practice righteousness, shallbe granted double reward, and for them We have prepared agenerous provision.
O wives of the Prophet! You are not like the other women: if youfear Allah, then you should not be complaisant while talking tothe men who are not closely related to you, lest the one in whoseheart is a disease may thereby be encouraged, and speak usingsuitable good words.
Stay in your homes and do not display your finery as women usedto do in the days of ignorance (pre-Islamic days); establishSalah, pay Zakah, and obey Allah and His Rasool. O women of thehousehold of Rasool, Allah only intends to remove uncleanlinessfrom you and to purify you completely.
Therefore, hastenly strive for the forgiveness of your Rabb andfor the paradise which is as vast as the heaven and the earth,prepared for those who believe in Allah and His Rasools. Such isthe grace of Allah, which He bestows on whom He pleases, andAllah is the Owner of mighty grace.
How many townships have rebelled against the commandments oftheir Rabb and His Rasools! Stern was Our reckoning with them andexemplary was Our punishment.
So they tasted the fruit of their misdeeds, and the fruit oftheir misdeeds was perdition.
Allah has prepared for them a severe punishment in the Hereafter.Therefore, fear Allah! O men of understanding and faith. Allahhas indeed sent down to you an admonition;
O Rasools! Eat of pure things and do good deeds, certainly I haveknowledge of all your actions.
Therefore, hastenly strive for the forgiveness of your Rabb andfor the paradise which is as vast as the heaven and the earth,prepared for those who believe in Allah and His Rasools. Such isthe grace of Allah, which He bestows on whom He pleases, andAllah is the Owner of mighty grace.
Thus the reward of such people will be Hell; because they had no faith and because they took My revelations and My Rasools as a joke.
Never think that Allah will break the promise which He made toHis Rasools: surely Allah is Mighty in power, the Lord ofRetribution.
Glory be to Him Who took His devotee (Muhammad) one night fromMasjid-al-Haram (in Makkah) to Masjid-al-Aqsa (in Jerusalem),whose vicinity We have blessed, so that We may show him some ofOur signs: surely He is the One Who is the Hearer, the Observer.
Let them know that whoever is an enemy to Allah, His angels, HisRasools, Jibra'el (Gabriel) and Mika'el (Michael); Allah is anenemy to such unbelievers.