Lit., "love for those who are near (al-qurba)". Some commentators take this to mean "those who are near to me", i.e., Muhammad's kinsfolk: but quite apart from the objection that such a "personal" demand would conflict with the preceding assurance, "No reward do I ask of you", the deliberate ommission of any possessive pronoun in respect of the term al-qurba indicates that it is not limited to any personal relationship but, rather, alludes to a relationship common to all human beings: namely, the fellowship of man - a concept which implies the fundamental ethical postulate to care for one another's material and spiritual welfare.
This could also be a call to all believers to love and respect the immediate family of the Prophet (ﷺ).
This could also be a call to all believers to love and respect the immediate family of the Prophet (ﷺ).
No sort of tangible reward does the prophet of Allah ask for proclaiming the Glad Tidings of Allah. But at least he has the right to ask that his kith and kin should not persecute him and put all sorts of obstacles in his way, as did the Quraish against the holy Prophet.
Heaven may be pictured to our minds in various forms. This is one of the highest, and Allah announces it freely to the righteous.
Cf. xxxv. 29-30, and notes 3915 (for increase) and 3917 (for Allah's appreciation of service).