Lit., "they did not break up their unity until after knowledge had come to them" - i.e., the knowledge that God is one, and that the teachings of all of His prophets were essentially the same. Cf. 2:213 and, more explicitly, 23:53 , which comes immediately after the statement that "this community of yours is one single community" (see also note [30] on 23:53 ).
For an explanation of this passage, see note [29] on 10:19 .
Lit., "who have become heirs to the divine writ after them": obviously referring to the Bible and its followers in later times.
Lit., "about it" - i.e., in doubt as to whether the relevant scripture has really been revealed by God, and, ultimately, as to whether there is any truth in the concept of "divine revelation" as such.
No community split into believers and disbelievers until they received the knowledge given by their prophet.
That He will delay their judgment until the Hereafter.
i.e., the Jews and Christians.
No community split into believers and disbelievers until they received the knowledge given by their prophet.
That He will delay their judgment until the Hereafter.
i.e., the Jews and Christians.
Cf. ii. 213. If you reject Truth after it has reached you, it can only be through selfish contumacy or envy.
Cf. x. 19, and n. 1407. Allah's decree has allowed a certain Term during which a sinner has the chance of repentance and forgiveness. Were it not so, sin would be punished at once, and the matter would be decided straightway. So also, when people reject Truth from selfish or contumacious motives, they get rope: perchance they may repent.
Cf. xiv. 9 and n. 1884. "Those who have inherited the Book" are the People of the Book, of the ages since the Book or Revelation came to them. Referring to the Jews and Christians, contemporary with our Prophet, how true it is that they were broken up into hostile sects which hated and persecuted each other! Islam came to unite them, and it did. For the present phases of Christianity and Judaism are of later growth.