See 10:31 and the corresponding note [49].
Sc., "inasmuch as you attribute divine qualities or powers to anyone or anything beside Him". For an explanation of the phrase anna tu'fakun (lit., "how turned-away you are", i.e., from the truth), see surah {5}, note [90].
As the primal Cause of all things is Allah, an appeal is made to man to turn to Allah instead of running after false fancies. Allah is not only the source, but the centre of all life and activity, and all affairs return to Him. The world is sustained, and human life is sustained, by Allah's grace and providence. "Sustenance" is to be taken, in Quranic language, for all that helps to maintain and develop every aspect of life, physical and spiritual. It would be the height of folly, then, for man to ignore Allah's gracious Message, as explained in His Revelation.