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DonateThis Surah also belongs to the group of Surahs revealed during the last period of the Prophet's residence at Makkah when the persecution of the Muslims was at its worst stage.
This Surah is an admonition and a warning to the disbelievers who were rejecting Allah's Message and devising cunning schemes to defeat the mission of the Prophet.
The Surah takes its name from v. 35 in which mention has been made of Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham). But it does not mean that it contains the life story of Prophet Abraham. The name is merely a symbol like the names of many other surahs, i.e., the Surah in which Abraham's mention has been made.
It appears from the tone of the Surah that it belongs to that group of the Surahs which were revealed during the last stage of the Makkan period. For instance, v. 13 ("The disbelievers warned their Messengers, 'you shall have to return to our community or we will assuredly expel you from our land'") clearly indicates that the persecution of the Muslims was at its worst at the time of the revelation of this Surah, and the people of Makkah were bent on expelling the Believers from there like the disbelievers of the former Prophets. That is why in v. 14 they have been warned, "We will destroy these evil doers," and the Believers have been comforted as were the believers before them, "and after them settle you in the land" Likewise the stern warning contained in the concluding portion (vv. 43-52 also confirms that the Surah relates to the last stage of the Makkan Period.
This Surah is an admonition and a warning to the disbelievers who were rejecting the Message of the Holy Prophet and devising cunning schemes to defeat his Mission. But warning, reproof, censure and reproach dominate admonition. This is because a good deal of admonition had already been made in the preceding Surahs, but in spite of this their obduracy, enmity, antagonism, mischief, persecution etc. had rather increased.
1 to 3 - This Book is revealed to bring the mankind out from darkness into light
4 to 4 - All Rasools speak the language of their own people
5 to 6 - Prophet Musa was sent to lead his people out from darkness into light
7 to 12 - If all the dwellers of earth become nonbelievers, it makes no difference to Allah and In Allah let the believers put their trust
13 to 17 - Allah punishes the wrongdoers and blesses those who dread His eminence
18 to 21 - Allah has based the creation of the heavens and the earth on Truth
22 to 22 - Shaitan has no power over human beings - he only invites and people follow
23 to 23 - Greetings in Paradise will be 'Peace'
24 to 27 - Example of a "good word" and a "bad word"
28 to 34 - Those who show ingratitude towards Allah's favors shall be cast into Hell and Allah has given you countless favors
35 to 41 - The prayer of Prophet Ibrahim for the city of Mecca and its residents and The prayer of Prophet Ibrahim which is made a part of five daily prayers
42 to 51 - Never think that Allah is unaware of the unjust, or that He will ever break His promise made to His Rasools
52 to 52 - Allah is the One and Only God