We wrote this in The Zaboor (Psalms xxxvii, 29) after thereminder (Torah given to Musa): that as for the land, Myrighteous servants shall inherit it."
As for those who believe and do good deeds, We shall cleanse themof their sins and We shall reward them according to the best oftheir deeds.
Our Rabb! We have heard someone calling to the true faith saying;'Believe in your Rabb,' so we have believed. Our Rabb! Forgive usour sins, remove from us our evil deeds and make us die with therighteous.
which guides to the Right Way. We have believed in it andhenceforth shall worship none besides Our Rabb.
Whoever shall do good deeds, provided he is a believer, hisendeavor will not be rejected: We are recording it all for him.
O believers! When you confer together in private, do not talkabout sin and hostility and disobedience to the Rasool; but tocounsel about virtue and piety, and fear Allah, before whom youshall be brought together.
The example of these two kinds of people is like two men, one ofwhom is blind and deaf, and the other who can see and hear. Arethey equal when compared? Will you not then learn a lesson fromthis example?
Would anyone of you like that his garden, which is full of palmtrees, grape vines, and all kinds of fruits and watered byrunning streams, be blasted and consumed by a fiery whirlwind atthe time when he has become too old and his children are toofeeble to earn anything? Thus Allah makes His revelations clearto you so that you may think over them.
they believe in Allah and the Last Day they enjoin good andforbid evil and rush in emulating each other in good deeds. Theseare the righteous people.
O believers! Do not violate the sanctity of the Symbols of Allah:the Sacred Month , the animals brought for sacrifice, thegarlands that mark such animals, and those people visiting theSacred House (Ka'bah) to seek the grace and good pleasure oftheir Rabb. When you put off your Ihram (pilgrimage is over) thenyou are allowed to hunt. Let not the hatred of some people - whoonce hindered you from the Sacred Mosque - incite you to committransgression. Cooperate with one another in righteousness andpiety, and do not cooperate in sin and transgression. Have fearof Allah. Allah is stern in punishment.
Rest assured that the believers (Muslims), the Jews, the Sabiansand the Christians - whoever believes in Allah and the Last Dayand does righteous deeds - will have nothing to fear or toregret.
We have enjoined man to treat his parents with kindness. Withmuch trouble his mother bore him, and much pain did she give himbirth. His bearing and his weaning took thirty months. When hereaches the age of full strength and becomes forty years old, hesays: "My Rabb! Grant me the grace that I may thank you for thefavors which You have bestowed on me and on my parents, and thatI may do good deeds that will please You, and grant me goodchildren. Surely I turn to You in repentance and surely I am ofthose who are Muslims."
Such are the people from whom We shall accept the best of theirdeeds and overlook their misdeeds. They shall be among theresidents of paradise: true is the promise that has been made tothem in this life.
I will turn away from My signs the eyes of those who are unjustlyarrogant in the land, so that even if they see each and everysign they will not believe in it. If they see the Right Waybefore them they will not follow it; but if they see a crookedway they will follow it; this is because they denied Ourrevelations and were heedless of them.
O wives of the Prophet! If any of you were guilty of openindecency, her punishment will be increased to double and this iseasy for Allah.
JUZ (PART): 22 Those of you (O wives of the Prophet Muhammad)who obey Allah and His Rasool and practice righteousness, shallbe granted double reward, and for them We have prepared agenerous provision.
Give glad tidings to those who believe in this Book and do gooddeeds in accordance with its teachings for them there will beGardens beneath which rivers flow. Whenever they will be givenfruits to eat they will say: "This is similar to the one we usedto eat before on earth," for the fruits will resemble the fruitson the earth for their easy identification and enjoyment; and forthem there will be chaste virgin spouses, and they shall livetherein for ever.
Rest assured that Believers (Muslims), Jews, Christians andSabians - whoever believes in Allah and the last day and performgood deeds - will be rewarded by their Rabb; they will havenothing to fear or to regret.
As for those who believe and do good deeds, they will be theresidents of Paradise and live there forever.
Those who believe and do good deeds, establish regular prayers,and give regular charity will have their reward with their Rabb.They will have nothing to fear or to regret.
As for those who have faith and do righteous deeds, We shall soonadmit them to gardens beneath which rivers flow to live thereinforever. This is the promise of Allah, true indeed, and who canbe truer in his words than Allah?
But the one who do righteous deeds, whether a male or a female -provided he or she is a believer - shall enter paradise and willnot be harmed a speck.
As for those who have faith and do righteous deeds, He will paythem their due compensation and give them more on His own fromHis grace, but He will inflict painful punishment on those whoare disdainful and arrogant, and they will find none (of those onwhom they rely) to protect or help them besides Allah.
The exception is for those people who are steadfast and do gooddeeds; they are the ones who will have forgiveness and a greatreward.
As for those who believe and do good deeds and humble themselvesbefore their Rabb, they will be residents of paradise to livetherein forever.
As for those who believe and do good deeds, for them there willbe prosperity and a beautiful place of final return."
Those who believe and do good deeds will be admitted to Paradise,beneath which rivers flow, to live therein forever with thepermission of their Rabb, and their greetings therein will be:"Peace!"
Whoever does righteous deeds, whether male or female, provided heis a believer, We shall surely grant him a new life, a life thatis good, and We will certainly reward such people according tothe noblest of their deeds in the hereafter.
Surely this Qur'an guides to the Way which is perfectly straightand gives the good news to the believers who do good that theyshall have a magnificent reward;
Your Rabb knows best what is in your hearts. If you do gooddeeds, certainly He is most forgiving to those who turn to Him inrepentance.
It is straightforward so that He may warn about the terrible punishment for the unbelievers from Him and give good news to the believers who do good deeds that they shall have a goodly reward,
which they will enjoy forever.
As for those who believe and do good deeds, rest assured that We do not waste the reward of him who does a good work.
They are the ones for whom there will be the Gardens of Eden, beneath which rivers flow; they will be adorned therein with bracelets of gold, they will wear green garments of fine silk and rich brocade and they will recline on soft couches. What an excellent reward and what a beautiful residence!
However, those who believe and do good deeds, they will be entertained with the Gardens of Paradise
to live therein for ever and they will never desire to go anywhere else.
O Muhammad, tell them: "I am but a human being like you; the revelation is sent to me to declare that your God is One God; therefore, whoever hopes to meet his Rabb, let him do good deeds and join no other deity in the worship of his Rabb."
However, those who repent, become believers and do good deeds,will be admitted to Paradise and will not be wronged in theleast.
They will be granted the Gardens of Eden which the Merciful haspromised to His servants, even though they have not seen them,and His promise shall be fulfilled.
There they will hear no nonsense, but only the words of peace;and they will be provided their sustenance day and night.
Such is the Paradise which We shall give as an inheritance tothose of Our Servants who lead a pious life.
Surely the Beneficent will bring about love for those who believeand do good deeds.
While he who will come to Him as a believer and has done gooddeeds shall have the highest ranks
- Gardens of Eden, beneath which rivers flow, live thereinforever; such is the reward of those who purify themselves fromevil.
but the one who is a believer and does good deeds shall fear notyranny or injustice.
Whoever shall do good deeds, provided he is a believer, hisendeavor will not be rejected: We are recording it all for him.
As for those who believe and do good deeds, Allah will admit themto gardens beneath which the rivers flow. Surely Allah does whatHe wants.
As for those who have faith and do good deeds, Allah willcertainly admit them to gardens beneath which rivers flow. Theyshall be decked with pearls and bracelets of gold, and theirgarments will be of silk.
This is because during their life on earth, they were guided toaccept the pure words of Allah and they were shown the Way of theAll-Praiseworthy.
Those who accept the true faith and do good deeds shall beforgiven and provided honorable sustenance;
On that Day the Kingdom will be that of Allah's; He will judgebetween them; so those who have embraced the true faith and donegood deeds shall enter the gardens of delight;
Allah has promised those of you who believe and do good deedsthat He will most surely make them vicegerent in the earth as Hemade their ancestors before them, and that He will establish forthem their religion, the one which He has chosen for them, andthat He will change their present state of fear into peace andsecurity. Let them worship Me Alone and not to commit shirk withMe; and if anyone rejects faith after this, it is they who arethe transgressors.
except the one who repents, becomes a true believer, and startsdoing good deeds, for then Allah will change his evil deeds intogood, and Allah is Most Forgiving, Most Merciful.
He that repents and does good deeds, has truly turned to Allahwith good turning.
However, an exception is made for those (poets) who believe, dogood deeds, engage much in the remembrance of Allah and defendthemselves when wronged, showing no vindictiveness. The unjustoppressors will soon find out what vicissitudes their affairswill take.
However, the one who has repented in this life, and believed, anddone good deeds may hope to be among those who will achievesalvation.
As for those who believe and do good deeds, We shall cleanse themof their sins and We shall reward them according to the best oftheir deeds.
Those who have accepted the true faith and do good deeds shall beadmitted among the righteous.
Those who embrace true faith and do good deeds shall be lodged inthe mansions of paradise beneath which the rivers flow, to livetherein forever. What an excellent reward for the doers of gooddeeds;
the ones who have shown patience and put their trust in theirRabb.
Those who have embraced the faith and have done good deeds shallbe made happy in a garden of paradise.
Those who disbelieved will bear the burden of their disbelief,and those who have done good deeds will be made ready for theirhome in paradise,
so that He may, out of His mercy, reward those who have believedand done good deeds. Surely He does not like the disbelievers.
As for those who believe and do good deeds, there will be gardensof delight,
wherein they shall live forever. The promise of Allah is true: Heis the Almighty, the Wise.
As for those who believe and do good deeds, they shall be awardedthe gardens of paradise as a reward of their labors.
The Hour is going to come and the Day of Judgement shall beestablished, to reward those who have believed and done gooddeeds; it is them for whom there is forgiveness and an honorablesustenance."
It is neither your wealth nor your children which bring youcloser to Us even one jot, but those who believe and do gooddeeds; for them, there will be a double reward for their deedsand in high mansions shall they live in peace.
And they say: "What sort of Rasool is he who eats food and walksthrough the streets? Why has no angel been sent down with him tothreaten the disbelievers?
Should We treat those who believe and do good deeds like thosewho create mischief in the earth? Should We treat the righteouslike the sinners?
As for those who fear their Rabb, they shall be led towardsparadise in groups. When they reach there, its gates will beopened, and its keepers will say: "Peace be upon you! You havedone well, now enter to live therein forever."
They will say: "Praise be to Allah Who has truly fulfilled Hispromise and gave us this land to inherit, now we can live inparadise wherever we like." How excellent will be the reward forthe righteous?
The blind and those who can see are not alike, nor are thebelievers who do good deeds equal to the wicked; yet you seldomthink.
As for those who believe and do good deeds, they will have anever ending reward.
He who does good deeds, does it for his own soul; and he whocommits evil does so at his own peril: Your Rabb is never unjustto His servants.
You will see that the wrongdoers will be fearing the badconsequences of their deeds which will surely befall them. Whilethose who believe and do good deeds shall dwell in the luxuriousgardens of paradise, and shall receive from their Rabb all thatthey wish for; that will surely be the magnificent blessing.
Such a blessing is the good news which Allah gives to Hisservants who believe and do good deeds. O Prophet, say to them:"I do not ask you any recompense except your love for being myclose relatives." He that does a good deed shall be repaid manytimes over. Surely Allah is oft-Forgiving, most Appreciative.
He answers the prayers of those who believe and do good deeds andgives them even more out of His bounty. As for the unbelievers,they shall have severe punishment.
He that does a righteous deed, does it for his own good; and hethat commits evil, does so at his own peril. In the end, you allwill be brought back to your Rabb.
Do the evil doers think that We shall hold them equal with thosewho believe and do good deeds, and that their lives and deathsshall be alike? Bad is their judgment!
As for those who believed and did righteous deeds, their Rabbwill admit them into His mercy. That will be a gloriousachievement.
As for those who believe and do good deeds and believe in what isrevealed to Muhammad - the truth from their Rabb - He will removefrom them their evils and improve their condition.
Surely Allah will admit those who believe and do good deeds togardens beneath which rivers flow. While those who areunbelievers, they are to enjoy only this life and eat as cattleeat; but in the hereafter, the fire shall be their abode.
Muhammad, the Rasool of Allah, and those with him are strongagainst the unbelievers and compassionate to each other amongthemselves. When you see them, you will find them making Rakuh(bowing down) and Sajud (prostrate in prayers), and craving forthe blessings from Allah and His good pleasure. They have mark ofSajud (prostration) on their foreheads, the traces of theirprostration. This is their similitude in the Taurat (Torah); andtheir similitude in the Injeel (Gospel): they are like the seedwhich puts forth its sprout, then strengthens it, then becomesthick and stands firmly on its stem, delighting the sowers of theseed, so that through them He may enrage the unbelievers. Yet tothose of them who will believe and do good deeds, Allah haspromised forgiveness and a great reward.
Therefore, proclaim to them a painful punishment,
except those who embrace the true faith and do good deeds; forthem there will be a never ending reward.
As for those who believe and do good deeds, they shall havegardens beneath which rivers flow; which will be the greatestsuccess.
then We abase him to the lowest of the low
except those who believe and do good deeds - for they shall havea never ending reward.
Surely those who believe and do good deeds, are the best of allcreatures.
Their reward with their Rabb shall be the gardens of Eden,beneath which the rivers flow, to dwell therein forever. Allahshall be well pleased with them and they shall be well pleasedwith Him. That is for him who fears his Rabb.
Surely mankind is in loss,
except those who believe and do good deeds; exhort one another tothe truth and exhort one another to patience.
To Him you shall all return. Allah's promise is true. He is theOne Who originates the process of Creation and repeats it (willbring it back to life) so that He may justly reward those whobelieved in Him and did righteous deeds. As for those whodisbelieved, they shall have boiling fluids to drink and shallundergo a painful punishment because they rejected the truth.
O Rasools! Eat of pure things and do good deeds, certainly I haveknowledge of all your actions.
These people will never refrain from wrongdoing until when deathcomes to anyone of them, he will say: "O Rabb! Send me back,
so that I may do good deeds in the world that I have leftbehind." Never! This is just a statement which carries no value,it will be too late because there will be a barrier between themand the world they have just left till the Day they are raised tolife again.
Section 1 He (the Prophet) frowned and turned away
when there came to him the blind man (Ibn Umme Maktum, who cameto the Prophet and interrupted his conversation with the chiefsof Makkah).
How could you tell? He might have sought to purify himself
or become reminded and might have benefited from Our reminder.
As for him who is indifferent,
to whom you were attending;
you will not be held responsible if he would not purify himself.
Yet to him who came to you with zeal on his own
and with fear of Allah in his heart,
you gave no heed.
It should not be so! Indeed, this is but an admonition;
let him who wants, accept it.
You may put off any of your wives you please and take to your bedany of them you please, and there is no blame on you if you callback any of them you had temporarily set aside. This is mostproper, so that their eyes may be cooled and they may not grieve,and that they will remain satisfied with what you give them. Obelievers! Allah knows all that is in your hearts; for Allah isAll-Knowing, Most Forbearing.
You shall give to your relatives their due and to the needy andto the wayfarers. You shall not be a spendthrift
Divorced women must keep themselves waiting for three menstrualperiods, it is not lawful for them to hide what Allah has createdin their wombs if they believe in Allah and the Last Day. In suchcases their husbands have a right to take them back in thatperiod if they desire reconciliation. Women have rights similarto those exercised against them in an equitable manner, althoughmen have a status (degree of responsibility) above them. Allah isMighty, Wise.
It is He Who sends down rainwater from the sky and therewithproduces vegetation of all kinds: He brings forth green cropsproducing grain piled up in the ear, palm-trees laden withclusters of dates hanging within reach, gardens of grapes,olives, and pomegranates; though their fruit resembles in kindyet is different in variety. Look at their fruits as they yieldand ripen. Behold! In these things there are signs for truebelievers.
O believers! When you are asked to make room in your meetings,make room, Allah will make room for you in the Hereafter. And ifyou are told to rise up, then rise up: Allah will raise to higherranks those of you who have faith and knowledge. Allah is awareof all your actions.
Therefore, wait for the judgement of your Rabb with patience, Weare surely watching over you. Glorify your Rabb with His praiseswhen you wake up,
Then they should accomplish their needful acts of shaving orcutting their hair and taking a bath, fulfill their vows and gofor Tawaf-e-Ziyarah to the Ancient House.
It is He Who has made the earth a floor for you and the sky acanopy; and it is He Who sends down rain from the sky for thegrowth of fruits for your sustenance. Therefore, do not knowinglyset up rivals to Allah.
All praise be to Allah, the One Who has created the heavens andthe earth and made darkness and the light; yet the unbelieversset up equal partners with their Rabb.
They set up equals with Allah to mislead people from His Way.Tell them: "Well, you may enjoy yourself for a while, but yourfinal destination is going to be hellfire."
Those despised weaklings will say to the arrogant: "No! It wasyou who plotted day and night, bidding us to disbelieve in Allahand to set up equals with Him," - They will feel ashamed oncethey see the punishment, and We shall put yokes on the necks ofthose disbelievers; can there be any other reward except for whatthey did?
When some trouble befalls man, he cries to his Rabb and turns toHim in repentance; but no sooner does He bestow on him His favorthan he forgets what he has prayed for and sets up rivals toAllah, thus misleading others from His Way. Tell such people:"Enjoy your unbelief for a little while; certainly you will be ofthe inmates of hellfire."
Ask them: "Do you really deny the One Who created the earth intwo periods and do you set up rivals in worship with Him while Heis the Rabb of the worlds.
who set up other gods besides Allah. Throw him into severepunishment."
His companion will say: "Our Rabb! I did not mislead him. Hehimself had gone far astray."
Allah will say: "Do not dispute with each other in My presence. Igave you warning beforehand.
My words cannot be changed, nor am I unjust to My servants."
Do not set up another god besides Allah, surely I am assigned byHim as a plain Warner to you all."
He is the One Who has made the earth a cradle for you, traced theroads on it for you to walk on; and sends down water from the skywith which We produce pairs of various kinds of vegetation
The people of Hijr also denied their Rasool.
The Romans have been defeated (by the Persians, in Syria - A.D.615; the Prophet Muhammad's sympathies were with the Romans whowere Christians, while the pagan Arabs were on the side of thePersians who were idol worshippers)
O believers! When you are asked to make room in your meetings,make room, Allah will make room for you in the Hereafter. And ifyou are told to rise up, then rise up: Allah will raise to higherranks those of you who have faith and knowledge. Allah is awareof all your actions.
You may put off any of your wives you please and take to your bedany of them you please, and there is no blame on you if you callback any of them you had temporarily set aside. This is mostproper, so that their eyes may be cooled and they may not grieve,and that they will remain satisfied with what you give them. Obelievers! Allah knows all that is in your hearts; for Allah isAll-Knowing, Most Forbearing.
Therefore, O Muhammad, fight; in the path of Allah, you areaccountable for no one except for yourself. Urge the believers tofight, it may be that Allah will overthrow the might of theunbelievers, for Allah is the strongest in might and severe inpunishment.
O Prophet! Allah is all-sufficient for you and for the believerswho follow you.
Leave those people alone, who take their religion as mere playand amusement and are deceived by the life of this world.However, keep on admonishing them with this (The Qur'an), lesttheir souls be damned by their own sinful deeds. They will nothave any protector or intercessor to rescue them from Allah, andif they seek to offer every imaginable ransom, it shall not beaccepted from them. Such are those who are damned by their ownsinful deeds. They will get boiling water to drink and painfultorture for their rejection of the Truth.
Who is more unjust than he who prevents people from the Masajid(place of worship) of Allah , forbids the mention of His nametherein, and strives to ruin them ? It is not proper for suchpeople to enter in them except with His fear. For them there isdisgrace in this world and grievous punishment in the Hereafter.
Establish Salah (prayers); give Zakah (charity); and bow downwith those who bow down in worship.
Surely those who are close to your Rabb do not feel too proud toworship Him; they declare His glory and prostrate themselvesbefore Him.
Those that turn to Allah in repentance, serve Him, praise Him,move about in the land for His sake, make Rakuh (bow down inprayer) and Sajud (prostrate themselves in prayer), enjoin whatis good and forbid what is evil, and observe the limits(permissions and prohibitions) set by Allah (they are the oneswho make such a bargain with Allah). O Prophet, proclaim the goodnews to such believers.
O believers! Bow down, prostrate yourselves, worship your Rabband do good deeds so that you may attain salvation.
Muhammad, the Rasool of Allah, and those with him are strongagainst the unbelievers and compassionate to each other amongthemselves. When you see them, you will find them making Rakuh(bowing down) and Sajud (prostrate in prayers), and craving forthe blessings from Allah and His good pleasure. They have mark ofSajud (prostration) on their foreheads, the traces of theirprostration. This is their similitude in the Taurat (Torah); andtheir similitude in the Injeel (Gospel): they are like the seedwhich puts forth its sprout, then strengthens it, then becomesthick and stands firmly on its stem, delighting the sowers of theseed, so that through them He may enrage the unbelievers. Yet tothose of them who will believe and do good deeds, Allah haspromised forgiveness and a great reward.
When they are asked to bow down before Allah, they do not bowdown.
Woe on that Day to the disbelievers!