and foremost shall be the foremost.
They will be nearest to Allah,
in the gardens of bliss.
Most of them will be from the former
and a few from the later generations.
They shall have the jewelled couches,
reclining on them facing each other,
and there shall wait on them the eternal youths
with goblets, shining beakers and cups of pure wine,
- which will neither pain their heads nor take away their senses.
They shall have fruits of their own choice
and flesh of fowls that they may desire,
and dark eyed Huris (damsels),
as lovely as well guarded pearls
as a reward for their good deeds that they had done.
There they shall not hear any vain talk nor sinful words,
but only the greetings of "Peace be upon you! Peace be upon you!"
Then if the dying person is one of those near to Us,
for him there is comfort and bounty, and a garden of bliss.
Then the inmates of the fire will cry out to the residents ofparadise: "Give us some water or some of the food which Allah hasprovided you." They will reply: "Allah has prohibited both ofthese things to the unbelievers,
who took their religion to be mere amusement and play and weredeceived by their earthly life." Allah will say: "Today We willforget them as they forgot the meeting of this Day; and mocked atOur revelations."
We said: "O Dawood! We have made you a vicegerent in the earth,so rule among the people with justice and do not follow your owndesires lest they mislead you from the Way of Allah. As for thosewho go astray from the Way of Allah, they shall surely have asevere punishment because of forgetting the Day of Reckoning.
Who is more unjust than the one who, when reminded of the revelations of his Rabb, turns away from them and forgets what his own hands have done? In regards to such people, We have cast veils over their hearts, so they do not understand this Qur'an, and have become hard of hearing. Call them as you may towards the guidance, they will never be guided.
Your Rabb is Most Forgiving, the Lord of Mercy. Had it been His Will to seize them for their sins, He would have hastened their punishment, but for that there is an appointed time, after which they will not find any refuge.
All those nations whom We destroyed for their wrong doings were given respite and an appointed time for their destruction.
Shaitan has gained possession of them, and caused them to forgetAllah's warning. They are the party of shaitan. Beware! Surely itis the party of shaitan that shall be the loser.
The hypocrite men and the hypocrite women, they are all alike.They enjoin what is evil, forbid what is just, and withhold theirhands from doing good. They have forgotten Allah; so He hasforgotten them. In fact the hypocrites are transgressors.
Now taste the reward for your forgetting the meeting of this Day- We too have forgotten you now - taste the everlastingpunishment in consequence of your misdeeds."
Be not like those who forgot Allah, as a result Allah caused themto forget themselves, it is they who are the transgressors.
Many among the people of the Book (Jews and Christian) wish theycould somehow turn you back to unbelief; due to their selfishenvy, after the truth has become quite clear to them. Forgivethem and bear with them until Allah brings about His decision;rest assured that Allah has power over everything.
Surely Allah does not forgive shirk (associating any partner withHim); and may forgive sins other than that if He so pleases. Thisis because one who commits shirk with Allah, does indeed invent agreat sinful lie.
If anyone does evil or wrongs his own soul and then seeks Allah'sforgiveness, he will find Allah Forgiving, Merciful.
Surely Allah will never forgive the one who commits the sin ofshirk and may forgive anyone else if He so pleases. One whocommits shirk has indeed gone far away from the Right Way.
Show forgiveness, speak for justice and avoid the ignorant.
avoid major sins and shameful deeds, forgive even when they areangry;
The recompense for an injury is an injury proportionate to it;but if a person forgives and makes reconciliation he shall berewarded by Allah; He does not like the wrongdoers.
To those who avoid the major sins and shameful deeds and areguilty of only small offence, surely for them your Rabb will haveabundant forgiveness. He knew you well when He created you fromearth and when you were just embryos in your mother's wombs,therefore, do not claim piety for yourselves. He knows best whois really Godfearing pious.
Therefore, hastenly strive for the forgiveness of your Rabb andfor the paradise which is as vast as the heaven and the earth,prepared for those who believe in Allah and His Rasools. Such isthe grace of Allah, which He bestows on whom He pleases, andAllah is the Owner of mighty grace.
But Allah would not punish them while you were present in theirmidst. Nor does Allah punish people while they are asking Hisforgiveness.
Show forgiveness, speak for justice and avoid the ignorant.
We have not created the Heavens and the Earth, and all that lies between them but to manifest the Truth.The Hour of Doom is sure to come, so overlook their misbehavior in a gracious manner.
Allah does not burden any human being with more than he can bear.Everyone will enjoy the credit of his deeds and suffer the debitsof his evil-doings.The believers say: "Our Rabb! Do notpunish us if we forget or make a mistake. Our Rabb! Do not placeon us a burden as You placed on those before us. Our Rabb! Laynot on us the kind of burden that we have no strength to bear.Pardon us, Forgive us, Have mercy on us. You are our Protector,help us against the unbelievers."
The Rasool has believed in the Guidance which has been revealedto him from his Rabb and so do the Believers. They all believe inAllah, His angels, His books and His Rasools. They say we do notdiscriminate against anyone of His Rasools. And they say: "Wehear and we obey. Grant us Your forgiveness, O Rabb; to You weshall all return."
Rush towards the forgiveness from your Rabb to a Paradise as vastas the Heavens and the earth which is prepared for the righteouspeople;
they are those who spend generously in the way of Allah, whetherthey are in prosperity or in adversity, who control their angerand forgive other people for Allah loves such charitable people,
who, if they commit an indecency or wrong their own souls,earnestly remember Allah and seek forgiveness for their sins; forno one can forgive sins except Allah, and those who do notknowingly persist in something wrong which they have done.
Such people will be rewarded with forgiveness from their Rabbplus gardens beneath which the rivers flow, to live thereinforever. How excellent is the reward for such laborers!
seek Allah's forgiveness, surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
If anyone does evil or wrongs his own soul and then seeks Allah'sforgiveness, he will find Allah Forgiving, Merciful.
You should seek forgiveness of your Rabb and turn to Him inrepentance; He will grant you good provisions till an appointedterm, and bestow His grace on everyone who has merit! But if youturn away (pay no heed), I fear for you the punishment of a GreatDay.
Nothing can prevent men from believing and seeking the forgiveness of their Rabb now that Guidance has come to them, unless they are waiting for the fate of former peoples to overtake them or the scourge to be brought to them face to face.
O Prophet say: "I am but a man like yourselves. It is revealed tome that your God is One God, therefore take the Right Way towardsHim and implore His forgiveness. Woe to the mushrikin (those whoassociate other gods with Allah);
Whatever affliction befalls you is the result of what your ownhands have done even though for many of your misdeeds He grantsforgiveness.
You cannot frustrate anything in earth and there is no protectoror helper for you besides Allah.
Among His signs are the ships which look like mountains upon theocean.
If He wants, He can cause the wind to become still and leave themmotionless on their backs - surely in this example there aresigns for every such person who patiently endures and isgrateful.
- Or He may cause them to drown in consequence of even a few oftheir misdeeds, though He forgives many of their misdeeds.
Surely your Rabb knows that you stand in prayers nearly two-thirds of the night, and sometimes one-half or one-third of it,so do others among your companions. Allah has the measures of thenight and the day. He knows that you will not be able to keep itup, so He has turned to you in Mercy, therefore, read from theQur'an as much as you easily can. He knows that there may be somesick people among you, and some others who travel through theland to seek Allah's bounty; and yet some others fighting for thecause of Allah. Therefore, read as much of the Qur'an as youeasily can. Establish the Salah (five time daily prayers) and paythe Zakah (poor due), and give to Allah a goodly loan. Whatevergood you will send forth for yourselves, you will find it withAllah, which will be much better and greater in reward. SeekAllah's forgiveness, surely Allah is Oft-Forgiving, MostMerciful.
O Muhammad, it is a great Mercy of Allah that you are very gentlewith them; had you been rough or hard-hearted, they would havedeserted you. Therefore pardon them and ask Allah's forgivenessfor them. Consult them in the conduct of affairs; and when youmake a decision to do something, then put your trust in Allah(hold fast to your decision). Allah loves those who put theirtrust in Him.
When it is said to them: "Come, the Rasool of Allah will pray foryour forgiveness," they shake their heads and you see themturning away with arrogance.
It is the same, whether you pray for their forgiveness or not,Allah is not going to forgive them. Surely Allah does not guidethe transgressors.
It is not proper for the Prophet and those who believe that theyshould beg forgiveness for the mushrikin, even though they betheir relatives, after it has been explained to them that theyare the inmates of hellfire.
Ibrahim (Abraham) prayed for his father's forgiveness only tofulfill a promise he had made to him. But when it became clear tohim that he was an enemy of Allah he disassociated himself fromhim. The fact is that Ibrahim was tenderhearted, forbearing.
Therefore, you should know that there is no god but Allah;implore Him to forgive your sins and to forgive the believing menand believing women; for Allah knows your activities and yourresting places.
O Prophet! When the believing women come to you to take the oathof allegiance , take their pledge: that they will not commitshirk with Allah, that they will not steal, that they will notcommit adultery, that they will not kill their children, thatthey will not give any cause for scandal which they may inventbetween either their hands or legs (a woman accusing anotherwoman of having an illicit relationship with a man and spreadssuch stories - or - a woman carrying an illegitimate child andmakes her husband believe that it is his), and that they will notdisobey you in any just matter, then accept their allegiance andpray to Allah for the forgiveness. Surely Allah is Oft-Forgiving,most Merciful.
Then return from where the others return and ask Allah'sforgiveness; surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
The righteous people are those who pray: "Our Rabb! We sincerelybelieve in You: please forgive our sins and save us from theagony of the Hellfire;"
Rush towards the forgiveness from your Rabb to a Paradise as vastas the Heavens and the earth which is prepared for the righteouspeople;
they are those who spend generously in the way of Allah, whetherthey are in prosperity or in adversity, who control their angerand forgive other people for Allah loves such charitable people,
who, if they commit an indecency or wrong their own souls,earnestly remember Allah and seek forgiveness for their sins; forno one can forgive sins except Allah, and those who do notknowingly persist in something wrong which they have done.
Such people will be rewarded with forgiveness from their Rabbplus gardens beneath which the rivers flow, to live thereinforever. How excellent is the reward for such laborers!
Our Rabb! We have heard someone calling to the true faith saying;'Believe in your Rabb,' so we have believed. Our Rabb! Forgive usour sins, remove from us our evil deeds and make us die with therighteous.
O believers! Fear Allah and always say the right thing;
He will bless your works and forgive your sins - for he thatobeys Allah and His Rasool, has indeed achieved the highestachievement.
Allah says: "O My servants who have transgressed against theirsouls, do not despair of Allah's mercy, for Allah forgives allsins. It is He Who is the Forgiving, the Merciful.
So be patient, the promise of Allah is true. Implore forgivenessfor your sins and celebrate the praises of your Rabb evening andmorning.
It is He Who accepts repentance from His servants and pardonstheir sins, and He knows whatever you do.
Therefore, you should know that there is no god but Allah;implore Him to forgive your sins and to forgive the believing menand believing women; for Allah knows your activities and yourresting places.
who are steadfast, sincere, obedient, and charitable, and whopray for forgiveness in the morning time.
Rush towards the forgiveness from your Rabb to a Paradise as vastas the Heavens and the earth which is prepared for the righteouspeople;
Therefore, hastenly strive for the forgiveness of your Rabb andfor the paradise which is as vast as the heaven and the earth,prepared for those who believe in Allah and His Rasools. Such isthe grace of Allah, which He bestows on whom He pleases, andAllah is the Owner of mighty grace.
The righteous people are those who pray: "Our Rabb! We sincerelybelieve in You: please forgive our sins and save us from theagony of the Hellfire;"
Our Rabb! We have heard someone calling to the true faith saying;'Believe in your Rabb,' so we have believed. Our Rabb! Forgive usour sins, remove from us our evil deeds and make us die with therighteous.
Say: "O Rabb, forgive, have Mercy, You are the Best of those whoshow mercy!"
Will they not then turn to Allah and seek His forgiveness? Allahis Forgiving, Merciful.
We have not created the Heavens and the Earth, and all that lies between them but to manifest the Truth.The Hour of Doom is sure to come, so overlook their misbehavior in a gracious manner.
Let not those among you who are endowed with grace and amplitudeof means swear to withhold their help from their relatives, theindigent and those who left their homes for the cause of Allah -rather let them forgive and overlook - do you not wish that Allahshould forgive you? Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
Even after that, they broke their covenant; as a result, We laidon them Our curse and hardened their hearts. They tempered withwords out of their context and neglected much of what they wereenjoined. You will always find most of them deceitful except fora few of them. Yet forgive them and overlook their misdeeds.Allah loves those who are kind to others.
O Prophet, tell the believers to bear with those who do not fearthe coming of the bad days from Allah, so that He may Himselfrecompense those people according to what they have earned.
If you do good deeds openly or in private or forgive an evil,then surely Allah is Pardoning, Powerful.
Rush towards the forgiveness from your Rabb to a Paradise as vastas the Heavens and the earth which is prepared for the righteouspeople;
they are those who spend generously in the way of Allah, whetherthey are in prosperity or in adversity, who control their angerand forgive other people for Allah loves such charitable people,
Many among the people of the Book (Jews and Christian) wish theycould somehow turn you back to unbelief; due to their selfishenvy, after the truth has become quite clear to them. Forgivethem and bear with them until Allah brings about His decision;rest assured that Allah has power over everything.
Those who endure with fortitude and forgive others, surelyexhibit great courage in conducting their affairs.
We ordained in Taurat for them: "A life for a life, an eye for aneye, a nose for a nose, an ear for an ear, a tooth for a toothand for a wound an equal retaliation." But if anyone remits theretaliation by way of charity it will be an act of atonement forhim; those who do not judge by the law which Allah has revealed,they are the wrongdoers.
Today all good clean things have been made lawful for you; andthe food of the People of the Book is also made lawful for youand your food is made lawful for them. Likewise, marriage withchaste free believing women and also chaste women among thePeople who were given the Book before you is made lawful for you,provided that you give them their dowries and desire chastity,neither committing fornication nor taking them as mistresses.Anyone who commits Kufr with Iman (rejects faith), all his gooddeeds will be in vain and in the Hereafter he will be one of thelosers.
Who but a foolish man would renounce the faith of Ibrahim? Wechose him in this worldly life while in the Hereafter he will beamong the righteous.
Leave those people alone, who take their religion as mere playand amusement and are deceived by the life of this world.However, keep on admonishing them with this (The Qur'an), lesttheir souls be damned by their own sinful deeds. They will nothave any protector or intercessor to rescue them from Allah, andif they seek to offer every imaginable ransom, it shall not beaccepted from them. Such are those who are damned by their ownsinful deeds. They will get boiling water to drink and painfultorture for their rejection of the Truth.
Allah does not mind using the similitude of a gnat or an evenmore insignificant creature to teach a lesson. Those who believeknow that it is the truth from their Rabb; but the unbelieverssay: "What does Allah mean by such a similitude?" By such asimilitude Allah confounds many and enlightens many. He confoundsnone except the transgressors:
None dispute the revelations of Allah but those who disbelieve;so let not their affluent activity in the land deceive you.
But if We let him taste any favor after adversity has afflictedhim, then he says: "All my sorrows are gone from me," and hebecomes jubilantly arrogant.
Good deeds are not equal to the evil ones. Repel other's evildeeds with your good deeds. You will see that he with whom youhad enmity, will become your close friend.
But none will attain this quality except those who patientlyendure and none will attain this quality except those who aretruly fortunate.
If any time you are tempted by Shaitan, seek refuge with Allah.It is He Who hears all and knows all.
O believers! Do not put yourselves ahead of Allah and His Rasool.Fear Allah; surely Allah hears all and knows all.
The mothers shall breast-feed their offspring for two whole yearsif the father wishes the breast-feeding to be completed. Thereasonable cost of their maintenance and clothing will be theresponsibility of the child's father. No one should be chargedwith more than they can afford. Neither a mother should be madeto suffer on account of her child nor a father on account of hischild. The father's heirs are under the same obligation. But ifwith mutual agreement they both decide to wean the child there isno blame on them. If you decide to have a foster-mother for youroffspring there is no blame on you provided you pay what you havepromised to pay in an honorable manner. Fear Allah and bewarethat Allah observes your actions.
Forbidden to you for marriage are: your mothers, your daughters,your sisters, your paternal aunts, your maternal aunts, daughtersof your brothers, daughters of your sisters, your foster-mothers,your foster-sisters, the mothers of your wives, yourstepdaughters under your guardianship from those wives with whomyou have consummated your marriage, but there is no blame on youin marrying your stepdaughters if you have not consummated yourmarriage with their mothers, whom you have divorced, and thewives of your own real sons; and you are also forbidden to takein marriage two sisters at one and the same time except whathappened prior to this commandment; surely Allah is Forgiving,Merciful.
Forbidden to you for marriage are: your mothers, your daughters,your sisters, your paternal aunts, your maternal aunts, daughtersof your brothers, daughters of your sisters, your foster-mothers,your foster-sisters, the mothers of your wives, yourstepdaughters under your guardianship from those wives with whomyou have consummated your marriage, but there is no blame on youin marrying your stepdaughters if you have not consummated yourmarriage with their mothers, whom you have divorced, and thewives of your own real sons; and you are also forbidden to takein marriage two sisters at one and the same time except whathappened prior to this commandment; surely Allah is Forgiving,Merciful.
Do not argue with the People of the Book except in good taste -except with those who are wicked among them - and say: "Webelieve in that which is sent down to us and that which is sentdown to you; Our God and your God is the same One God to Whom wesubmit as Muslims."
Those who accuse a chaste woman of fornication and do not producefour witnesses to support their allegation, shall be flogged witheighty lashes and their testimony shall not be accepted everafter, for they are the ones who are wicked transgressors
- except those who repent thereafter and mend their conduct; forAllah is surely Forgiving, Merciful.
Those who accuse a chaste woman of fornication and do not producefour witnesses to support their allegation, shall be flogged witheighty lashes and their testimony shall not be accepted everafter, for they are the ones who are wicked transgressors
- except those who repent thereafter and mend their conduct; forAllah is surely Forgiving, Merciful.
Woe to those who defraud,
That usury which you give to increase the wealth of people, doesnot increase with Allah: but the Zakah that you give to seek thepleasure of Allah, shall be repaid to you many times over.
If it had been the will of your Rabb that all the people of theworld should be believers, all the people of the earth would havebelieved! Would you then compel mankind against their will tobelieve?
O Prophet proclaim: "This is the Truth from your Rabb. Now let him who will, believe in it, and him who will, deny it." As for those who reject it, for such wrongdoers We have prepared a Fire whose flames will hem them in like the walls of a tent. When they cry for help, they will be showered with water as hot as molten brass, which will scald their faces. What a dreadful drink and what a horrible residence!
Who created you, fashioned you, proportioned you,
In fact the sadaqat (Zakah) collection is for the poor, thehelpless, those employed to administer the funds, those whosehearts need to be won over to the truth, ransoming the captives,helping the destitute, in the Way of Allah and for the wayfarer.That is a duty enjoined by Allah; and Allah is All-Knowledgeable,Wise.
O believers! When the call for Salah (prayer) is made on Friday(the day of congregational prayers), hasten to the remembrance ofAllah and cease your business. That is better for you if you butknew.
When you finish the Salah, then disperse through the land andseek the bounty of Allah (go back to your normal business).Remember Allah frequently, so that you may prosper.
Those who are still weak in Iman (faith), when they see somebargain or some sport they rush to it and leave you standing. OProphet declare to them that what Allah has in store for them isfar better than any sport and bargain, and Allah is the bestprovider.
Those who are still weak in Iman (faith), when they see somebargain or some sport they rush to it and leave you standing. OProphet declare to them that what Allah has in store for them isfar better than any sport and bargain, and Allah is the bestprovider.
O believers! When the call for Salah (prayer) is made on Friday(the day of congregational prayers), hasten to the remembrance ofAllah and cease your business. That is better for you if you butknew.
When you finish the Salah, then disperse through the land andseek the bounty of Allah (go back to your normal business).Remember Allah frequently, so that you may prosper.
Those who are still weak in Iman (faith), when they see somebargain or some sport they rush to it and leave you standing. OProphet declare to them that what Allah has in store for them isfar better than any sport and bargain, and Allah is the bestprovider.
Those who are still weak in Iman (faith), when they see somebargain or some sport they rush to it and leave you standing. OProphet declare to them that what Allah has in store for them isfar better than any sport and bargain, and Allah is the bestprovider.