If any time you are tempted by Shaitan, seek refuge with Allah.It is He Who hears all and knows all.
Guard yourselves against temptation. The wrongdoers among you arenot the only ones who will be tempted; and know that Allah isstrict in retribution.
If any time you are tempted by Shaitan, seek refuge with Allah.It is He Who hears all and knows all.
If any time you are tempted by Shaitan, seek refuge with Allah.It is He Who hears all and knows all.
Those people have not valued the attributes of Allah, the way Hisattributes should be valued, who say: "Allah has never revealedanything to a human being." Ask them: "Who then sent down theBook (Torah) which Musa brought, a light and guidance formankind? You have transcribed it on separate sheets, publishingsome and suppressing much of that given knowledge, which neitheryou nor your forefathers previously possessed." If they do notanswer, then just say: "Allah" and leave them alone with thediscourse of their useless arguments.
Observe the orphans through testing their abilities until theyreach the age of marriage, then if you find them capable of soundjudgment, hand over to them their property; and do not consume itwastefully in haste lest they grow up to demand it. If theguardian is well-off, he should not take compensation from theorphan's property, but if he is poor let him take a just andreasonable remuneration. When you hand over their property tothem, call in some witnesses; even though Allah is sufficient intaking the accountability.
Baptism is from Allah; and who is better than Allah in baptizing?Him do we worship.
O believers! If you fear Allah He will grant you a criterion (tojudge between right and wrong), do away with your sins andforgive you. Allah is the Lord of Mighty Grace.
But if you are blessed with grace from Allah, he will say, as ifthere was no friendship between you and him: "I wish I had beenwith them; I could have attained a mighty good fortune!"
When it is said to them: "Come, the Rasool of Allah will pray foryour forgiveness," they shake their heads and you see themturning away with arrogance.
It is the same, whether you pray for their forgiveness or not,Allah is not going to forgive them. Surely Allah does not guidethe transgressors.
There is a disease of deception in their heart; and Allah letstheir disease increase, and they shall have painful punishmentfor the lies they have told.
Your real protecting friends are Allah, His Rasool, and thefellow believers - the ones who establish Salah, pay Zakah andbow down humbly before Allah.
At that time the hypocrites and all those who had malice in theirhearts were saying: "Their religion has deceived them." But youshould know that anyone who puts his trust in Allah will findAllah Mighty, Wise.
As for those whose hearts contain malice, it will add filth totheir existing filth, and they will die while they are stilldisbelievers.
He makes Shaitan's interjections a temptation for those whosehearts suffer from the disease of hypocrisy and whose hearts arehardened - that's why the wrongdoers are in such an extremedissension
Is there a disease in their hearts? Either they are skeptical, orelse they fear that Allah and His Rasool will deny them justice.Nay! In fact they are the ones who are the wrongdoers.
Remember, when the hypocrites and those in whose hearts there wasa disease were openly saying: "Allah and His Rasool promised usnothing but delusion!"
O wives of the Prophet! You are not like the other women: if youfear Allah, then you should not be complaisant while talking tothe men who are not closely related to you, lest the one in whoseheart is a disease may thereby be encouraged, and speak usingsuitable good words.
If the hypocrites, those in whose hearts is malice and thescandal mongers of Madinah do not desist; We shall rouse youagainst them, and their days in the city - as your neighbors -will be numbered.
The believers were asking: "Why is not a Surah revealed allowingus to fight?" But when a decisive Surah carrying the order ofallowing them to fight is revealed, you saw those in whose heartswas a disease looking at you like the one under the shadow ofdeath. Woe to them!
And the earth, how We have spread it out and set upon itmountains and caused to grow in it every kind of beautifulvegetation.
We have appointed none but angels as wardens of the fire; and Wehave made their number a trial for the unbelievers, so that thePeople of the Book may be convinced and the faith of the truebelievers may be increased, and that no doubts will be left forthe People of the Book and the believers, and that those in whosehearts there is a disease and the disbelievers may say: "Whatcould Allah mean by this parable?" Thus, Allah leaves to straywhom He wills and guides whom He pleases. No one knows the forcesof your Rabb except Himself, and this (Qur'an) is nothing but areminder to mankind.
Do not argue with the People of the Book except in good taste -except with those who are wicked among them - and say: "Webelieve in that which is sent down to us and that which is sentdown to you; Our God and your God is the same One God to Whom wesubmit as Muslims."
Do not associate another deity with Allah, lest you sit back,condemned, forsaken.
Shaitan threatens you with poverty and prompts you to commit whatis indecent, while Allah promises you His forgiveness andbounties, and Allah has boundless knowledge.
O believers! It is not lawful for you consider women as a part ofyour inheritance and retain them against their will in order thatyou may force them to give up a part of the dowry you have giventhem, unless they are guilty of proven fornication. Treat themwith kindness even if you dislike them; it is quite possible thatyou dislike something in which Allah has placed much good.
O believers! It is not lawful for you consider women as a part ofyour inheritance and retain them against their will in order thatyou may force them to give up a part of the dowry you have giventhem, unless they are guilty of proven fornication. Treat themwith kindness even if you dislike them; it is quite possible thatyou dislike something in which Allah has placed much good.
Men are overseers over women because Allah has given the one morestrength than other, and because men are required to spend theirwealth for the maintenance of women. Honorable women are,therefore, devoutly obedient and guard in the husband's absencewhat Allah require them to guard their husband's property andtheir own honor. As to those women from whom you feardisobedience, first admonish them, then refuse to share your bedwith them, and then, if necessary, beat them. Then if they obeyyou, take no further actions against them and do not make excusesto punish them. Allah is Supremely Great and is aware of youractions.
Men are overseers over women because Allah has given the one morestrength than other, and because men are required to spend theirwealth for the maintenance of women. Honorable women are,therefore, devoutly obedient and guard in the husband's absencewhat Allah require them to guard their husband's property andtheir own honor. As to those women from whom you feardisobedience, first admonish them, then refuse to share your bedwith them, and then, if necessary, beat them. Then if they obeyyou, take no further actions against them and do not make excusesto punish them. Allah is Supremely Great and is aware of youractions.
Have you not seen those who, though forbidden to hold secretcounsels, persistently do what was forbidden? They hold secretcounsels among themselves for sin, hostility and disobedience tothe Rasool. Yet when they come to you, they greet you in wordswhich Allah does not greet you with, and say to themselves: "Whydoes Allah not punish us for what we say?" Hell is enough forthem, they shall burn in its flames, what an evil destination!
O believers! When you confer together in private, do not talkabout sin and hostility and disobedience to the Rasool; but tocounsel about virtue and piety, and fear Allah, before whom youshall be brought together.
O Prophet! Fear Allah and do not obey the unbelievers and thehypocrites: certainly Allah is aware and wise.
We have enjoined man to show kindness to his parents; but if they(your parents) force you to commit shirk with Me, of which youhave no knowledge, do not obey them. To Me is your return and Iwill inform you of what you have done.
O Prophet! Fear Allah and do not obey the unbelievers and thehypocrites: certainly Allah is aware and wise.
But the ones who disobey Allah and His Rasool and transgress Hislimits will be cast to Hellfire to live therein forever, and theyshall have a humiliating punishment.
Just imagine how they will feel when We shall bring a witnessfrom every nation and call upon you , O Muhammad, to testifyagainst them?
On that Day (the Day of Judgement) those who rejected faith anddisobeyed the Rasool will wish that they were levelled withearth; for they will not be able to hide a single word fromAllah!
These are verses of the Glorious Book.
Go to Fir'on and tell him: "We are the Rasools from the Rabb ofthe Worlds.
It is not fitting for a believing man or a believing woman tohave an option in their affairs when a matter has been decided byAllah and His Rasool; and whoever disobeys Allah and His Rasoolhas indeed strayed into a clearly wrong path.
My mission is only to deliver what I receive from Allah and makeHis messages known. As for those who disobey Allah and HisRasool, they shall be put in the fire of hell to live thereinforever."
We have enjoined man to show kindness to his parents; but if they(your parents) force you to commit shirk with Me, of which youhave no knowledge, do not obey them. To Me is your return and Iwill inform you of what you have done.
If they argue with you to commit shirk, of which you have noknowledge, then do not obey them; however you should still treatthem kindly in this world, but follow the way of that individualwho has turned to Me. After all, to Me is your return; then Iwill inform you about the reality of all that you have done."
Disgrace will be branded on them wherever they are found exceptwhen they get refuge under the favor of Allah or the patronage ofother people; they have incurred the wrath of Allah and have beenbranded with misery because they disbelieved Allah's revelationsand slew His prophets unjustly and because they disobeyed andtransgressed the limits.
But the ones who disobey Allah and His Rasool and transgress Hislimits will be cast to Hellfire to live therein forever, and theyshall have a humiliating punishment.
Say: "I will never disobey my Rabb, for I fear the torment of aMighty Day."
He who is delivered from the torment of that Day, has indeedreceived Allah's Mercy; and this is a clear cut achievement.
And who is more wicked than the one who forges a lie againstAllah or rejects the Truth when it reaches him? Is not the hell afitting abode for such disbelievers?
As for those who strive in Our cause, We will surely guide themto Our ways; rest assured that Allah is with the righteous.
It is not fitting for a believing man or a believing woman tohave an option in their affairs when a matter has been decided byAllah and His Rasool; and whoever disobeys Allah and His Rasoolhas indeed strayed into a clearly wrong path.
Say: "Surely, I am afraid if I disobey my Rabb, the punishment ofa mighty Day."
My mission is only to deliver what I receive from Allah and makeHis messages known. As for those who disobey Allah and HisRasool, they shall be put in the fire of hell to live thereinforever."
O believers! Do not enter the houses of the Prophet withoutpermission, nor stay waiting for meal time: but if you areinvited to a meal, enter, and when you have eaten disperse and donot seek long conversation. Such behavior annoys the Prophet, hefeels shy in asking you to leave, but Allah does not feel shy intelling the truth. If you have to ask his wives for anything,speak to them from behind a curtain. This is more chaste for yourhearts and for theirs. It is not proper for you to annoy theRasool of Allah, nor ever to marry his wives after him; thiswould be a grievous offence in the sight of Allah.
Likewise enjoin the believing women to lower their gaze and guardtheir modesty; not to display their beauty and ornaments exceptwhat normally appears thereof; let them draw their veils overtheir bosoms and not display their charms except to theirhusbands, their fathers, their fathers-in-law, their own sons,their stepsons, their own brothers, their nephews on eitherbrothers' or sisters' sides, their own womenfolk, their ownslaves, male attendants who lack sexual desires or small childrenwho have no carnal knowledge of women. Also enjoin them not tostrike their feet in order to draw attention to their hiddentrinkets. And O believers! Turn to Allah in repentance, all ofyou, about your past mistakes, so that you may attain salvation.
Likewise enjoin the believing women to lower their gaze and guardtheir modesty; not to display their beauty and ornaments exceptwhat normally appears thereof; let them draw their veils overtheir bosoms and not display their charms except to theirhusbands, their fathers, their fathers-in-law, their own sons,their stepsons, their own brothers, their nephews on eitherbrothers' or sisters' sides, their own womenfolk, their ownslaves, male attendants who lack sexual desires or small childrenwho have no carnal knowledge of women. Also enjoin them not tostrike their feet in order to draw attention to their hiddentrinkets. And O believers! Turn to Allah in repentance, all ofyou, about your past mistakes, so that you may attain salvation.
O wives of the Prophet! You are not like the other women: if youfear Allah, then you should not be complaisant while talking tothe men who are not closely related to you, lest the one in whoseheart is a disease may thereby be encouraged, and speak usingsuitable good words.
Stay in your homes and do not display your finery as women usedto do in the days of ignorance (pre-Islamic days); establishSalah, pay Zakah, and obey Allah and His Rasool. O women of thehousehold of Rasool, Allah only intends to remove uncleanlinessfrom you and to purify you completely.
Their doom is because Allah has revealed the Book with the truth;surely those who seek causes of dispute in the Book (The Qur'an)are in extreme schism (divergence).
Have you not seen those who claim that they believe in what hasbeen revealed to you and other prophets before you? Yet theydesire that the judgment (in their disputes) be made by Taghut(forces of Shaitan) though they were commanded to reject them,and Shaitan's wish is to lead them far astray into deep error.
O believers! Obey Allah, obey the Rasool and those charged withauthority among you. Should you have a dispute in anything, referit to Allah and His Rasool, if you truly believe in Allah and theLast Day. This course of action will be better and more suitable.
O believers! Obey Allah, obey the Rasool and those charged withauthority among you. Should you have a dispute in anything, referit to Allah and His Rasool, if you truly believe in Allah and theLast Day. This course of action will be better and more suitable.
Have you not seen those who claim that they believe in what hasbeen revealed to you and other prophets before you? Yet theydesire that the judgment (in their disputes) be made by Taghut(forces of Shaitan) though they were commanded to reject them,and Shaitan's wish is to lead them far astray into deep error.
Have you not seen the behavior of those (Jews) who have beengiven a portion of the Book? When they are invited to settletheir disputes according to the Book of Allah, some of them turnback and decline.
This is because they say: "The fire of Hell shall not touch us;even if it does, it will be for a few days." In their religionthey are deceived by their own self-invented beliefs.
What will they do when We will gather them together on the Daywhich is sure to come, when every soul will be given what it hasearned and there shall be no injustice?
Have you not seen the behavior of those (Jews) who have beengiven a portion of the Book? When they are invited to settletheir disputes according to the Book of Allah, some of them turnback and decline.
This is because they say: "The fire of Hell shall not touch us;even if it does, it will be for a few days." In their religionthey are deceived by their own self-invented beliefs.
What will they do when We will gather them together on the Daywhich is sure to come, when every soul will be given what it hasearned and there shall be no injustice?
we used to join those who wasted their time in vain talk,
O believers! Obey Allah, obey the Rasool and those charged withauthority among you. Should you have a dispute in anything, referit to Allah and His Rasool, if you truly believe in Allah and theLast Day. This course of action will be better and more suitable.
O Prophet tell them: Whatever the subject of your dispute is, itsjudgement belongs to Allah: Such is Allah my Rabb, in Him I haveput my trust, and to Him I turn in repentance.
How is it that when you are afflicted with a loss, after youyourselves had inflicted losses twice as heavy upon your enemy inthe battle of Badr, you exclaimed: "Whose fault was that?" Say tothem: "It was your own fault," Allah has power over everything.
Then which of your Rabb's blessings would you doubt?
Then which of your Rabb's blessings would you doubt?
As to the righteous, they will be in the midst of gardens andsprings,
joyfully receiving what their Rabb shall give them; for they werebefore that (during their life on earth) righteous people,
They used to sleep but little in the night time,
pray for forgiveness in the early morning,
Only those who deny it seek to hasten it on; but the believersdread its coming and know that its coming is the truth. Behold!Those who dispute concerning the hour of doom are far astray.
Obey Allah and His Rasool and do not argue with one another, lestyou lose courage and weaken your strength. Show patience, surelyAllah is on the side of the patient.
If anyone disputes with you concerning this matter (the birth ofJesus) after full knowledge has come to you, say: "Come! Let usgather our sons and your sons, our women and your women,ourselves and yourselves: then let us earnestly pray and invokethe curse of Allah on the liars."
Do not argue with the People of the Book except in good taste -except with those who are wicked among them - and say: "Webelieve in that which is sent down to us and that which is sentdown to you; Our God and your God is the same One God to Whom wesubmit as Muslims."
The thunder declares His glory with His praises and so do theangels with awe. He is the One Who sends thunderbolts and smiteswith them whomever He wants. Yet these unbelievers disputeconcerning Allah; He is mighty in strength.
None dispute the revelations of Allah but those who disbelieve;so let not their affluent activity in the land deceive you.
Before them the people of Nuh denied the Message and so did othergroups after them. Every nation plotted against its Prophet,seized him and sought to refute the truth through falsearguments; but I smote them, and how terrible was My retribution!
Thus shall the Word of your Rabb be proved true against thedisbelievers; they are the inmates of hellfire.
Do you not see how those who argue about the revelations of Allahturn away from the Right Way?
Those who have denied the Book and the Message which We have sentthrough Our Rasools shall soon come to know the truth when theywill be cast into the fire of hell:
when, with yokes and chains around their necks, they shall bedragged
through scalding fluid and burned in the fire of hell.
Then they shall be asked: "Where are those gods whom you invokedin worship
besides Allah?" They will answer: "They have forsaken us, now wehave come to know that those to whom we used to invoke, were infact nothing." Thus Allah confounds the disbelievers.
It will be said: "You have met this fate because during your lifeon earth, you took delight in things other than the truth and youled a wanton life.
Now enter the gates of hell to live therein forever. What an evilabode will be for the arrogant!"
Those who dispute about Our revelations should know that there isno escape for them.
who dispute the revelations of Allah having no authorityvouchsafed to them. Such an attitude is disgusting in the sightof Allah and of the believers. Thus Allah seals up the heart ofevery arrogant transgressor."
Those who dispute the revelations of Allah with no authoritybestowed on them; they nurture in their hearts arrogant ambitionswhich they shall never attain. Therefore, seek refuge with Allah;It is He Who hears all and sees all.
Yet there are others among people who wrangle about Allah, thoughthey neither have knowledge nor guidance, nor an enlighteningBook,
twisting things around in order to lead others astray from thePath of Allah - for such persons there is disgrace in this life,and on the Day of Judgment we shall make them taste thepunishment of burning fire,
saying: "This is what you prepared and sent forth with your ownhands." Rest assured that Allah is not unjust to His worshippers.
Do you not see that Allah has subjected to your benefit all thatis in the heavens and in the earth, and has lavished on you Hisevident and hidden favors? Yet there are some people who stillargue about Allah without knowledge, without guidance or anenlightening Book.
Yet there are others among people who wrangle about Allah, thoughthey neither have knowledge nor guidance, nor an enlighteningBook,
twisting things around in order to lead others astray from thePath of Allah - for such persons there is disgrace in this life,and on the Day of Judgment we shall make them taste thepunishment of burning fire,
saying: "This is what you prepared and sent forth with your ownhands." Rest assured that Allah is not unjust to His worshippers.
Do you not see that Allah has subjected to your benefit all thatis in the heavens and in the earth, and has lavished on you Hisevident and hidden favors? Yet there are some people who stillargue about Allah without knowledge, without guidance or anenlightening Book.