Yet before it the Book of Musa was revealed which was a guide andblessing; and this Book (Qur'an) confirms it. It is revealed inthe Arabic language to forewarn the wrongdoers and to give goodnews to those who have adopted the righteous conduct.
And the one who comes with the truth and the one who confirms it- surely are the Godfearing.
They shall have from their Rabb all that they wish for. Thusshall the righteous be rewarded.
Allah will do away from their account their worst deeds andreward them according to their best deeds.
O People of the Book! Why do you confound the truth withfalsehood and knowingly conceal the truth?
Do not create mischief in the land after it has been set inorder. Pray to Him with fear and hope. Surely the mercy of Allahis always close to those who do good to others.
O believers! When the call for Salah (prayer) is made on Friday(the day of congregational prayers), hasten to the remembrance ofAllah and cease your business. That is better for you if you butknew.
When you finish the Salah, then disperse through the land andseek the bounty of Allah (go back to your normal business).Remember Allah frequently, so that you may prosper.
Those who are still weak in Iman (faith), when they see somebargain or some sport they rush to it and leave you standing. OProphet declare to them that what Allah has in store for them isfar better than any sport and bargain, and Allah is the bestprovider.
Those who are still weak in Iman (faith), when they see somebargain or some sport they rush to it and leave you standing. OProphet declare to them that what Allah has in store for them isfar better than any sport and bargain, and Allah is the bestprovider.
O believers! When the call for Salah (prayer) is made on Friday(the day of congregational prayers), hasten to the remembrance ofAllah and cease your business. That is better for you if you butknew.
When you finish the Salah, then disperse through the land andseek the bounty of Allah (go back to your normal business).Remember Allah frequently, so that you may prosper.
Those who are still weak in Iman (faith), when they see somebargain or some sport they rush to it and leave you standing. OProphet declare to them that what Allah has in store for them isfar better than any sport and bargain, and Allah is the bestprovider.
Those who are still weak in Iman (faith), when they see somebargain or some sport they rush to it and leave you standing. OProphet declare to them that what Allah has in store for them isfar better than any sport and bargain, and Allah is the bestprovider.
If you obey (other than the Rasool then you should know that)most of the people on earth will lead you away from the Way ofAllah, for they follow nothing but guesswork and preach nothingbut falsehood.
The fact is that most of them follow nothing but mere conjectureand conjecture is in no way a substitute for the truth. SurelyAllah is well aware of all that they do.
Be aware! Indeed whatever is in the Heavens and in the Earthbelongs to Allah. Those who invoke other deities besides Allahfollow nothing but conjectures and preach nothing but falsehood.
These (Lat, Uzza and Manat) are nothing but names which you andyour forefathers have invented, for Allah has vested no authorityin them. The unbelievers follow nothing but mere conjecture andthe whims of their own souls, even though right guidance hasalready come to them from their Rabb.
But they have no knowledge of it. They follow mere conjecture;and surely conjecture does not avail against the truth at all.
You may put off any of your wives you please and take to your bedany of them you please, and there is no blame on you if you callback any of them you had temporarily set aside. This is mostproper, so that their eyes may be cooled and they may not grieve,and that they will remain satisfied with what you give them. Obelievers! Allah knows all that is in your hearts; for Allah isAll-Knowing, Most Forbearing.
As for those who rejected the Divine Revelations, there have beenmany examples before you; therefore, travel through the earth andsee what was the end of those who rejected the truth.
All the Rasools that We sent before you, O Muhammad, were humanbeings, to whom We sent Our Revelations after choosing them fromthe people of their town. Have these unbelievers not traveledthrough the land and seen what was the end of those who passedaway before them? From their destiny you should know that thehome of the hereafter is better for those who are righteous. Whydon't you understand?
Have they not traveled through the earth and seen what was theend of those before them? They were superior in strength thanthese; they tilled the soil and built on it more than these haveever built. There came to them their Rasools with clear signs(but they rejected them to the detriment of their owndestruction): it was not Allah Who wronged them, but they wrongedtheir own souls.
Evil was the outcome for those who committed evil, rejected therevelations of Allah and kept ridiculing them!
Have they not traveled through the earth and seen what was theend of those before them? They were superior in strength thanthese; they tilled the soil and built on it more than these haveever built. There came to them their Rasools with clear signs(but they rejected them to the detriment of their owndestruction): it was not Allah Who wronged them, but they wrongedtheir own souls.
Evil was the outcome for those who committed evil, rejected therevelations of Allah and kept ridiculing them!
No doubt We raised in every nation a Rasool, saying: "Serve Allahand keep away from Taghut (Satanic forces)." After that, Allahguided some of them while deviation proved true against theothers. So travel through the earth and see what was the end ofthose who denied Our Message.
Have they not traveled through the earth and seen what was theend of those before them? They were superior in strength thanthese; they tilled the soil and built on it more than these haveever built. There came to them their Rasools with clear signs(but they rejected them to the detriment of their owndestruction): it was not Allah Who wronged them, but they wrongedtheir own souls.
Evil was the outcome for those who committed evil, rejected therevelations of Allah and kept ridiculing them!
Have they not traveled through the earth and seen what was theend of those before them? They were superior in strength thanthese; they tilled the soil and built on it more than these haveever built. There came to them their Rasools with clear signs(but they rejected them to the detriment of their owndestruction): it was not Allah Who wronged them, but they wrongedtheir own souls.
Evil was the outcome for those who committed evil, rejected therevelations of Allah and kept ridiculing them!
O Prophet, tell them: "Travel through the earth and see what wasthe end of those who have passed away before you: most of themwere mushrikin (worshipped other gods besides Allah)".
They regard the angels, who are themselves servants of theCompassionate, as female divinities. Did they witness theircreation? They should know that their testimony shall be noteddown and they shall be called to account for it.
Do they not look at the camels, how they were created?
Let man reflect on the food he eats,
How We pour down rainwater in abundance
and cleave the soil asunder.
How We bring forth grain,
grapes and nutritious vegetation;
olives and dates,
lush gardens,
fruits and fodder,
as a means of sustenance for you and your cattle.
Those who do not expect to meet Us on the Day of Judgement say:"Why are not the angels sent down to us or why do we not see ourRabb?" Certainly they are too proud of themselves, and haverevolted in a great revolt.
On the Day when they see the angels, it will not be a Day ofrejoicing for the criminal; rather they will cry: "May there be astone barrier between us and the angels of punishment."
Then We shall turn to the deeds which they did, based on theirwrong opinions, and render them vain like blown dust.
Can that person be guided whose evil deeds are so fair seeming tohim that he considers them good? The fact is that Allah leaves tostray whom He wills and guides to whom He pleases. Therefore, OProphet, let not your soul expire in sorrow on their account.Allah is aware of all their actions.
Say: "I do not claim that I possess the treasures of Allah, orthat I know the unseen nor do I claim that I am an angel. What Isay is, that I follow only that which is revealed to me." Askthem: "Are the blind and the seeing alike? Why don't you think?"
Have you not seen how your Rabb dealt with 'Ad?
Have they not pondered the kingdom of the heavens and the earthand whatever Allah has created, and that maybe their hour ofdeath has come closer? In what message after this would they thenbelieve?
It is Allah Who sends the winds to raise the clouds, then Hespreads them in the sky and breaks them into fragments as Hepleases, then you see raindrops falling from their midst. When Heshowers this rain upon those of His servants whom He pleases, lo!They are filled with joy,
though before its coming they may have lost all hope.
Just look at the traces of Allah's Mercy! How He gives life tothe earth after its death. Surely the same way He will give lifeto the dead; for He has power over all things.
The Rasool will say: "O my Rabb! Surely my people took thisQur'an for foolish nonsense."
It is Allah Who sends the winds to raise the clouds, then Hespreads them in the sky and breaks them into fragments as Hepleases, then you see raindrops falling from their midst. When Heshowers this rain upon those of His servants whom He pleases, lo!They are filled with joy,
though before its coming they may have lost all hope.
Just look at the traces of Allah's Mercy! How He gives life tothe earth after its death. Surely the same way He will give lifeto the dead; for He has power over all things.
The mountains, how they were firmly set?
And the earth, how it is spread out?
As for those who disbelieve Allah's revelations and deny thatthey will ever meet Him, they are the ones who shall despair ofMy mercy and they the ones who shall have a painful punishment.
On the Day when He will assemble them all together, ( Allah willaddress the Jinns): "O assembly of Jinns! You seduced mankind ingreat number." And their votaries from among mankind will say:"Our Rabb, we have both enjoyed each other's fellowship but alas!Now we have reached the end of our term which You had decreed forus." Then Allah will say: "Now hellfire is your dwelling-place;you will live therein forever unless Allah ordains otherwise."Surely your Rabb is Wise, Knowledgeable.
That is how, in the hereafter, We will make wrongdoers thecomrades of one another on account of what they earned duringtheir life on Earth with evil friendship.
At that time Allah will also ask: "O Assembly of Jinns andmankind! Did not there come to you the Rasools from amongst youwho proclaimed to you My revelations and warned you about themeeting of this Day?" They will reply: "Yes they did, We bearwitness against our own souls." Today this worldly life hasdeceived them but on that Day they will testify againstthemselves that they were indeed kuffar (unbelievers).
Are you not aware that Allah knows all that is in the heavens andin the earth? It cannot be that three persons converse in secretand He is not the fourth of them; or five persons converse insecret and He is not sixth of them; whether fewer or more,wherever they may be, He is with them. Then on the Day ofResurrection He will inform them of what they have done, surelyAllah has knowledge of all things.
Have you not seen those who, though forbidden to hold secretcounsels, persistently do what was forbidden? They hold secretcounsels among themselves for sin, hostility and disobedience tothe Rasool. Yet when they come to you, they greet you in wordswhich Allah does not greet you with, and say to themselves: "Whydoes Allah not punish us for what we say?" Hell is enough forthem, they shall burn in its flames, what an evil destination!
O believers! When you confer together in private, do not talkabout sin and hostility and disobedience to the Rasool; but tocounsel about virtue and piety, and fear Allah, before whom youshall be brought together.
That is why they said to those who showed an aversion to whatAllah has revealed: "We shall obey you in some matters," andAllah knows their secret talks.
Then what will they do when the angels carry off their souls,smiting their faces and their backs?
That will happen because they followed the way that called forthe wrath of Allah and hated to adopt the way of His pleasure,therefore He made all their deeds void.
Do those in whose hearts is a disease think that Allah will notreveal their malice?
Had We so pleased, We could have pointed them out to you and youwould have recognized them promptly by their faces. But you willsurely know them by the tone of their speech. Allah knows all ofyour actions.
Have you not seen those who, though forbidden to hold secretcounsels, persistently do what was forbidden? They hold secretcounsels among themselves for sin, hostility and disobedience tothe Rasool. Yet when they come to you, they greet you in wordswhich Allah does not greet you with, and say to themselves: "Whydoes Allah not punish us for what we say?" Hell is enough forthem, they shall burn in its flames, what an evil destination!
O believers! When you confer together in private, do not talkabout sin and hostility and disobedience to the Rasool; but tocounsel about virtue and piety, and fear Allah, before whom youshall be brought together.
Conspiring in secret is the work of shaitan, who means to vex thebelievers; but he cannot harm them at all except as Allahpermits; so in Allah let the believers put their trust.
O believers! When you confer together in private, do not talkabout sin and hostility and disobedience to the Rasool; but tocounsel about virtue and piety, and fear Allah, before whom youshall be brought together.
Have you not seen those who, though forbidden to hold secretcounsels, persistently do what was forbidden? They hold secretcounsels among themselves for sin, hostility and disobedience tothe Rasool. Yet when they come to you, they greet you in wordswhich Allah does not greet you with, and say to themselves: "Whydoes Allah not punish us for what we say?" Hell is enough forthem, they shall burn in its flames, what an evil destination!
O believers! When you confer together in private, do not talkabout sin and hostility and disobedience to the Rasool; but tocounsel about virtue and piety, and fear Allah, before whom youshall be brought together.
Have you not seen those who, though forbidden to hold secretcounsels, persistently do what was forbidden? They hold secretcounsels among themselves for sin, hostility and disobedience tothe Rasool. Yet when they come to you, they greet you in wordswhich Allah does not greet you with, and say to themselves: "Whydoes Allah not punish us for what we say?" Hell is enough forthem, they shall burn in its flames, what an evil destination!
O believers! When you confer together in private, do not talkabout sin and hostility and disobedience to the Rasool; but tocounsel about virtue and piety, and fear Allah, before whom youshall be brought together.
O believers! When you confer together in private, do not talkabout sin and hostility and disobedience to the Rasool; but tocounsel about virtue and piety, and fear Allah, before whom youshall be brought together.
O believers! When you confer together in private, do not talkabout sin and hostility and disobedience to the Rasool; but tocounsel about virtue and piety, and fear Allah, before whom youshall be brought together.
Have you not seen those who, though forbidden to hold secretcounsels, persistently do what was forbidden? They hold secretcounsels among themselves for sin, hostility and disobedience tothe Rasool. Yet when they come to you, they greet you in wordswhich Allah does not greet you with, and say to themselves: "Whydoes Allah not punish us for what we say?" Hell is enough forthem, they shall burn in its flames, what an evil destination!
O believers! When you confer together in private, do not talkabout sin and hostility and disobedience to the Rasool; but tocounsel about virtue and piety, and fear Allah, before whom youshall be brought together.
This is the blessed Book, like the one given to Musa (Moses),which We have revealed, confirming what came before it, that you,O Muhammad, may warn the people living in the Mother City(Makkah) and those who live around her. Those who believe in thehereafter, will believe in this (Book) and will be steadfast intaking care of their Salah (prescribed prayers).
Enjoin Salah on your people and be diligent in its observance. Wedemand nothing of you; instead We provide you sustenance. Blessedshall be the end of the Righteous.
by such people whom neither business nor business profit candivert from the remembrance of Allah, nor from establishing Salahand nor from paying Zakah, for they fear the Day of Judgementwhen hearts will be overturned and eyes will be petrified,
who hope that Allah will reward them according to the best oftheir deeds and add for them even more out of His grace: forAllah gives without measure to whom He pleases.
with the exception of those who offer the Salah (prayer),
remain steadfast in their Salah (prayer),
O believers! When you want to consult the Rasool in private,offer something in charity before your consultation, that is bestand purest for you. But if you lack the means, know that Allah isOft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
Do you hesitate to give out in charity before your privateconsultation with him? If you cannot afford it - Allah willforgive you - so establish Salah and pay Zakah, and obey Allahand His Rasool. Allah is well aware of all your actions.
Whatever you are given is nothing but a provision for thetransitory life of this world, better and ever lasting is thereward which Allah has for those who believe, put their trust intheir Rabb,
avoid major sins and shameful deeds, forgive even when they areangry;
answer the call of their Rabb, establish Salah, conduct theiraffairs with mutual consultation, spend out of the sustenancewhich We have given them,
Let those women, during their waiting period ('Iddat), live whereyou yourselves live according to your means. You shall not harassthem so as to make life intolerable for them. If they arepregnant, maintain them until their delivery: and if, after that,they suckle your offspring, compensate them and settle the matterof compensation with mutual consultation and in all fairness. Butif you cannot bear with each other then let another woman sucklethe baby for you.
Let the rich man give according to his means, and the poor mangive according to what Allah has given him. Allah does not chargea man with more than He has given him; soon Allah may bring easeafter hardship.
O Muhammad, it is a great Mercy of Allah that you are very gentlewith them; had you been rough or hard-hearted, they would havedeserted you. Therefore pardon them and ask Allah's forgivenessfor them. Consult them in the conduct of affairs; and when youmake a decision to do something, then put your trust in Allah(hold fast to your decision). Allah loves those who put theirtrust in Him.
O believers! When you want to consult the Rasool in private,offer something in charity before your consultation, that is bestand purest for you. But if you lack the means, know that Allah isOft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
Do you hesitate to give out in charity before your privateconsultation with him? If you cannot afford it - Allah willforgive you - so establish Salah and pay Zakah, and obey Allahand His Rasool. Allah is well aware of all your actions.
answer the call of their Rabb, establish Salah, conduct theiraffairs with mutual consultation, spend out of the sustenancewhich We have given them,
There is no blame on you if you divorce women before the marriageis consummated or the dowry is settled. Pay them somethinganyhow, the rich man according to his means and poor according tohis, a reasonable amount in all fairness. This is an obligationon the righteous people.
And if you divorce them before the marriage is consummated butafter the fixation of a dowry, give them half of their dowryunless the woman wants to waive it or the man in whose hand isthe marriage tie is generous enough (to pay the dowry in full).It is more appropriate that the man should act generously. Do notforget to show kindness to each other. Surely Allah observes youractions.
And if you divorce them before the marriage is consummated butafter the fixation of a dowry, give them half of their dowryunless the woman wants to waive it or the man in whose hand isthe marriage tie is generous enough (to pay the dowry in full).It is more appropriate that the man should act generously. Do notforget to show kindness to each other. Surely Allah observes youractions.
There is no blame on you if you divorce women before the marriageis consummated or the dowry is settled. Pay them somethinganyhow, the rich man according to his means and poor according tohis, a reasonable amount in all fairness. This is an obligationon the righteous people.
There is no blame on you if you make a proposal of marriageduring their waiting period openly or keep it in your hearts.Allah knows that you will naturally cherish them in your hearts;however, be careful not to make any secret agreement, and if youwish to marry, speak to them in an honorable manner. Do notconfirm the marriage tie until the prescribed waiting periodexpires. You should know that Allah is aware of what is in yourhearts, so fear Him. Bear in mind that Allah is Forgiving,Forbearing.
O Children of Israel! Remember the special favor which I bestowedupon you; that I exalted you above all other nations.
It is made lawful for you to approach your wives during the nightof the fast; they are an apparel for you and you for them. Allahknows that you were committing dishonesty to your souls. So Hehas relented towards you and pardoned you. Now, you may approachyour wives and seek what Allah has written for you. Eat and drinkuntil the white thread of dawn appears to you distinct from theblack thread of night, then complete your fast till nightfall. Donot approach your wives during I'htikaf (retreat in the mosquesin last ten days of Ramadhan). These are the limits set by Allah:do not ever violate them. Thus Allah makes His revelations clearto mankind so that they may guard themselves against evil.
We send the Rasools only to proclaim good news and to give warnings but with false arguments the unbelievers seek to defeat the Truth, through mocking at My revelations and My warnings.
We have given all kinds of examples in this Qur'an to make the people understand this Message, but man is exceedingly contentious.