It is in these two Qur'anic statements - "unto God belong the treasures...", etc., and "all honour belongs to God...", etc. - that the real, lasting purport of the above historical allusions is to be found.
I.e., Medina, the "City of the Prophet" (Madinat an-Nabi), as the town previously called Yathrib began to be known after the hijrah. Since - as it is established through several ahadith - the subsequent saying was uttered by 'Abd Allah ibn Ubayy during the campaign against the tribe of Banu Mustaliq in 5 H., it is obvious that verses {7} and {8} were revealed at the same date or a little later.
Words of this import were spoken by 'Abdullah ibn Ubai, the leader of the Madinah Hypocrites, to or about the Exiles, in the course of the expedition against the Banu Mustaliq in the fourth or fifth year of the Hijra. He had hopes of leadership which were disappointed by the coming to Madinah of a man far greater than he. So he arrogated to himself and his clique the title of "the more honourable (element)" and slightingly spoke of the Emigrants as the "meaner" element that had intruded from outside.