For an explanation of the Qur'anic concept of "intercession", see note [7] on 10:3 , as well as notes [26] and [27] on 10:18 .
Cf. xx. 109 and xxi. 28. No one can intercede except with the permission of Allah, and that permission will only be given for one who is acceptable to Allah. For a possible different shade of meaning. See n. 2643 to xx. 109.
We are apt to imagine the angelic host of heaven as beings of immense power. But their power is all derived from Allah. Men, when they attain to the highest spiritual dignities, may have even more power and position than angels in the sight of Allah, as in typified by angels being hidden to bow down to Adam: ii. 34. The Quraish superstition about angels being intermediaries and intercessors for man with Allah is condemned.