Shortly before the expedition which ended at Hudaybiyyah, the Prophet had a dream in which he saw himself and his followers entering Mecca as pilgrims. This dream-vision was destined to be fulfilled a year later, in 7 H., when the Muslims were able to perform their first peaceful pilgrimage to the Holy City.
Namely, the future.
Male pilgrims usually shave or (which is the meaning of the conjunctive wa in this context) cut their hair short before assuming the pilgrim's garb (ihram), for it is not permitted to do so while in the state of pilgrimage. A repetition of the same act marks the completion of the pilgrimage (cf. 2:196 ).
See note [22].
Pilgrims are required to shave or trim their hair upon successfully completing the rituals of pilgrimage.
This refers to the Treaty of Ḥudaibiyah and/or the gains of Khaibar before the fulfilment of the Prophet’s vision to enter Mecca for ’umrah.
The Prophet had had a dream that he had entered the Sacred Mosque at Makkah, just before he decided on the journey which resulted in the Treaty of Hudaibiya. By it he and his people could enter next year without the least molestation and in the full customary garb, with head shaved or hair cut short, and all the customary minor rites of pilgrimage.
See above, xlviii. 18, and n. 4895.