Lit., "remote aberration". (For the Qur'anic use of the term dalal - lit., "error" or "going astray" - in the sense of "aberration", see 12:8 and {95}.) The construction of this phrase points definitely to suffering in this world (in contrast with the suffering in the hereafter spoken of in verse {5} above): for whereas the concept of "aberration" is meaningless in the context of the life to come, it has an obvious meaning in the context of the moral and social confusion - and, hence, of the individual and social suffering - which is the unavoidable consequence of people's loss of belief in the existence of absolute moral values and, thus, in an ultimate divine judgment on the basis of those values.
The answer is: the Future Life is the truest of all Truths; so far is the man who teaches it from being demented, that it is those who deny it, that lack knowledge and are in real jeopardy for their souls; for they persecute Truth and must not only suffer defeat, but go farther and farther from Realities and thus suffer the worst hallucination about the next world.