Cf. {20:17-20}.
For a tentative explanation of the symbolism underlying the miracle of the staff, see note [14] on {20:20-21}.
Moses was now transported into an entirely new world. What he had taken to be an ordinary fire was a gleam of the heavenly light. His own rod or staff was no longer the dead piece of wood that had hitherto supported him. It became instinct with life, a life that moved, and had the power of offence and defence in it, as all living Good must have in its fight with Evil. His own transformation is described in the next note.
In this great, new, wonderful world, that was opening out to Moses, he had to get his vision adjusted to his new surroundings, as an ordinary man has to adjust his sight before he can see in any very strong light that is new to him. The staff which had become alive as a snake frightened him: yet it was to be his own instrument of work in his new mission. All fear was to be cast out of his mind, as befitted a man chosen by Allah.