Lit., "the best of creators". As Tabari points out, the Arabs apply the designation "creator" to every artisan (sani') - a usage also current in European languages with reference to the "creation" of works of art and imagination. Since God is the only Creator in the real, primary sense of this word, the phrase ahsan al-khaliqin must be understood in this secondary sense of the term khaliq (cf. Taj al-'Arus, art. khalaqa).
Lit., "as another creature", i.e., existing independently of the mother's body.
This happens when the spirit is breathed into the embryo.
From a mere animal, we now consider man as man. Is it not a Sign of wonder in itself that from dry dust (turab, xxii. 5) or inorganic matter should be made protoplasm (moist clay or organic matter); from it should grow a new animal life; and out of it should grow human life, with all its capacities and responsibilities? Man carries within himself Signs of Allah's wisdom and power, and he can see them every day in the universe around him.