Lit., "but if, then, thou shouldst die, will they live forever?"-implying an assumption on their part that they would not be called to account on death and resurrection.
This relates to the objection of the unbelievers, mentioned in verse {3} of this surah, that Muhammad is "but a mortal like yourselves", and connects also with verses {7-8}, which stress that all of God's apostles were but mortal men (cf. {3: 144}).
The obvious implication is, "and so We shall not grant it unto thee, either". Cf. {39: 30}-"thou art bound to die".
Life on this planet without death has not been granted to any man. The taunt of the Unbelievers at the holy Prophet was therefore futile. Could any of them live without death at some time or other? Could they name any one who did?