I.e., "do not think that their beliefs are based on reason": a reference, primarily, to the pagan Arabs who - like the wrongdoers spoken of in the preceding passages - rejected God's message on the plea that it conflicted with their ancestral beliefs, and more generally, to all people who are accustomed to worship (in the widest sense of this word) false values handed down from their ancestors and who, consequently, observe false standards of morality: an attitude which must unavoidably - as the last sentence of this verse shows - result in future suffering, be it in this world or in the hereafter, or in both.
Lit., "We shall repay them their portion in full, undiminished". For an explanation of this sentence, see note [27] on verses {15-16} of this surah.
Their worship is not based on any spiritual attitude of mind. They merely follow the ways of their fathers.
Allah will take fully into account all their motives in such mummery as they call worship, and they will have their full spiritual consequences in the future.