Who Must Pay Zakat ul-Fitr
Zakat ul-fitr is incumbent on every free Muslim who possesses one sa' of dates or barley which is not needed as a basic food for himself or his family for the duration of one day and night. Every free Muslim must pay zakat ul-fitr for himself, his wife, children, and servants.
Amount of Zakat ul-Fitr
The required amount of zakat ul-fitr is one sa' of wheat, barley, raisins, dry cottage cheese (aqit), rice, corn, or similar items considered as basic foods (qut). Abu Hanifah made it permissible to set aside, as a zakat ul-fitr, an equivalent value and also said that if the payer pays in wheat, one-half of a sa' would be sufficient. Abu Sa'id al-Khudri reported: "We used to give on behalf of every child, old person, freeman, and slave during the lifetime of the Messenger of Allah, upon whom be peace, one sa' of food, or one sa' of dried cottage cheese, or one sa' of barley, or one sa' of dates, or one sa' of raisins as zakat ul-fitr. We continued to do so until Mu'awiyyah came to us to perform pilgrimage (hajj) or a minor pilgrimage ( 'umrah). He then addressed the people from the pulpit and said to them: 'I see that two mudds of wheat of Syria equals one sa' of dates.' The people accepted that." However, Abu Sa'id contended: "I would continue to give as I used to give, namely, one sa' as long as I live." This is related by most hadith narrators. At-Tirmidhi remarks: "Some of the scholars gave one sa' from every charitable item [which is accepted as a sound practice]." Ash-Shaf'i and Ishaq sustain this view but some other scholars gave one sa' from every charitable item except wheat, of which only half a sa' would be sufficient. This is the saying of Sufyan, Ibn al-Mubarak, and the scholars of Kufah.
When Zakat ul-Fitr is Due
The jurists agree that zakat ul-fitr is due at the end of Ramadan. They differ, however, about the exact time.
Ath-Thauri, Ahmad, Ishaq, and ash-Shaf'i (in his later opinion), and Malik (in one of his reports) are of the opinion that it is due at the sunset of the night of breaking the fast, for this is when the fast of Ramadan ends. Abu Hanifah, al-Layth, ash-Shaf'i (in his original opinion), and the second report of Malik say that zakat ulfitr is due at the start of fajr on the day of 'id.
These two different views acquire relevance if a baby is born after sunset but before dawn on the day of 'id; the question then is whether zakat ul-fitr is obligatory for the baby or not. In accordance with the first view, it is not since the birth took place after the prescribed time, while according to the second view, it is due because the birth took place within the prescribed space of time.
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"When a person dies, his works end, except for three: ongoing charity, knowledge that is benefited from, and a righteous child who prays for him."
Prophet Mohammed (PBUH)
"The best of what a man leaves behind are three: a righteous child who supplicates for him, ongoing charity the reward of which reaches him, and knowledge that is acted upon after him."
Sunan Ibn Mājah
"Every day two angels come down from Heaven and one of them says, 'O Allah! Compensate every person who spends in Your Cause,' and the other (angel) says, 'O Allah! Destroy every miser.'"
Sahih Bukhari