Dua of the Day
اللَّهُمَّ بَاعِدْ بَيْنِي وَبَيْنَ خَطَايَاىَ كَمَا بَاعَدْتَ بَيْنَ الْمَشْرِقِ وَالْمَغْرِبِ اللَّهُمَّ نَقِّنِي مِنْ خَطَايَاىَ كَمَا يُنَقَّى الثَّوْبُ الأَبْيَضُ مِنَ الدَّنَسِ اللَّهُمَّ اغْسِلْنِي مِنْ خَطَايَاىَ بِالثَّلْجِ وَالْمَاءِ وَالْبَرَدِ
O Allah, remove my sins from me as Thou hast removed the East from the West. O Allah purify me from sins as a white garment is purified from filth. O Allah! wash away my sins with snow, water and ice.
اَللّـهُمَّ اجْعَلْ صِيامى فيهِ بِالشُّكْرِ وَالْقَبُولِ عَلى ما تَرْضاهُ وَيَرْضاهُ الرَّسُولُ، مُحْكَمَةً فُرُوعُهُ بِالاْصُولِ، بِحَقِّ سَيِّدِنا مُحَمَّد وَآلِهِ الطّاهِرينَ، وَالْحَمْدُ للهِ رَبِّ الْعالَمينَ
O ALLAH, on this day, make my fasts worthy of appreciation and acceptance, according to what pleases You, and pleases the Messenger, the branches being strengthened by the roots, for the sake of our leader, Muhammad, and his purified family. Praise be to ALLAH, the Lord of the worlds.
Hadith of the Day
Whoever observes the fast of Ramadan and follows it up with six fasts in Shawwal will be
rewarded as if he has fasted the entire year.
Deed of the Day
Pay Fitr charity (zakah).
"Whoever distributes Fitr Charity before Eid prayer, it will be accepted as Fitr charity. Whoever distributes it after Eid prayer, his Fitr charity will be similar to ordinary charity."
[Ahmad, Ibn Majah]