O believers! Indeed most of the (Jewish) rabbis and (Christian)priests misappropriate the wealth of people and hinder them fromthe way of Allah. To those who hoard gold and silver and do notspend it in the way of Allah, proclaim a painful punishment.
O believers! Indeed most of the (Jewish) rabbis and (Christian)priests misappropriate the wealth of people and hinder them fromthe way of Allah. To those who hoard gold and silver and do notspend it in the way of Allah, proclaim a painful punishment.
They (Jews and Christians) have taken their rabbis and priests tobe their Lords beside Allah and so they did with Messiah (Jesus)the son of Maryam (Mary), although they were commanded in theTorah and the Gospel to worship none but One Ilah (Allah);besides Whom there is none worthy of worship. Exalted be He abovethose whom they associate with Him.
They desire to extinguish the light of Allah with their mouthsbut Allah will not allow it to happen, for He seeks to perfectHis light even though the disbelievers may dislike it.
Of His signs, one is that He created you from dust; and thenbehold you men are scattered throughout the earth.
In the Earth He has created things of different colors: surelythere is a sign in this for those who want to learn a lesson.
And yet others of His signs are the creation of the heavens andthe earth, and the difference of your languages and colors;surely there are signs in this for the knowledgeable.
Baptism is from Allah; and who is better than Allah in baptizing?Him do we worship.
O mankind, you have been distracted by the rivalry of piling upworldly gains against one another.
You will never be satisfied until you get into the grave.
Nevertheless, soon you shall come to know.
Again, nevertheless, soon you shall come to know.
Nay! Would that you knew through the real knowledge provided toyou in this Qur'an and care about your life in the Hereafter.
Because on the Day of Judgement when you shall see the hell,
and see it with the certainty of your own eyes
- you shall believe it, but that belief is going to do you nogood because - on that Day, you shall be questioned about theblessings (faculties and resources that you were given in theworldly life - as to how you used them?)
Do not envy that Allah has given some of you more than theothers. Men will be rewarded according to their deeds and womenwill be rewarded according to theirs. Ask Allah for His grace.Surely Allah has perfect knowledge of everything.
You are forbidden to eat the meat of any animal that dies byitself (dead body), blood, the flesh of swine (pork) and that onwhich any name other than Allah has been invoked; also that whichis strangled to death , killed by a violent blow, killed by aheadlong fall and of those beaten or gored to death; and thatwhich has been partly eaten by a wild animal unless you are ableto slaughter it before its death; also that which is sacrificedon altars or is divided by raffling of arrows. All these aresinful acts. Today the unbelievers have given up all their hopeof vanquishing your religion. Have no fear of them, fear Me.Today I have perfected your religion for you, completed my favorupon you and approved Al-Islam as a Deen (way of life for you).Anyone who is compelled by hunger to eat what is forbidden, notintending to commit sin, will find Allah Forgiving, Merciful.
O children of Adam! We have sent down to you clothing to coveryour nakedness and as an adornment, however, the best clothing isthe clothing of piety. This is one of Allah's revelations so thatthe people may learn a lesson.
It is He Who sends down water from the sky, which providesdrinking water for you and brings forth fodder to pasture yourcattle.
With it He grows for you crops, olives, date-palms, grapes, andevery kind of fruit: surely there is a great sign in this forthose who think.
He is the One Who has made the earth a cradle for you, traced theroads on it for you to walk on; and sends down water from the skywith which We produce pairs of various kinds of vegetation
- eat from these yourselves and pasture your cattle. Surely thereare Signs in it for those who use their brains.
When you, O Muhammad, are with them, leading their Salah (prayerin the state of war), let one party of them stand up to pray withyou, armed with their weapons. After they finish theirprostrations, let them withdraw to the rear and let the otherparty who have not yet prayed come forward to pray with you; andlet them also be on their guard, armed with their weapons. Theunbelievers wish to see you neglect your arms and your baggage,so that they could suddenly attack to overpower you all in onestroke. However, there is no blame on you if you lay aside yourarms because of heavy rain or because you are sick, but youshould still be on your guard. Allah has prepared a humiliatingpunishment for the unbelievers.
He replied, "Surely someone has done it; the chief of them, thatis! Ask them, if they can speak!"
Do they not see how We drive the rain to the parched lands andtherefrom bring forth crops of which they and their cattle eat?Have they no vision?
And among His other signs is the earth that you see barren; butwhen We send down rain upon it, it stirs to life and it's yieldincreases. Surely He Who gives it life, will raise the dead tolife. Surely He has power over all things.
Allah sends down water from the sky, and with it gives life tothe land after it has been dead (this Qur'an is being sent toserve the same purpose). Surely in this example there is a signfor those who listen.
And of His signs is the showing of lightning, in which there isfear as well as hope, and He sends down rainwater from the skyand with it gives life to the earth after its death; surely thereare signs in this for those who use their common sense.
The dead land may serve as a sign for them; We give it life andproduce from it grain for them, which they eat.
We also produce from it gardens with date-palms and vines, and Wecause springs to gush forth from it.
So that they may enjoy the fruits thereof. It was not their handsthat made all this; should they not then give thanks?
and in the alternation of night and day, in the sustenance thatAllah sends down from heaven with which He revives the earthafter its death and in the changing of the winds, there are signsfor those who use their common sense.
Surely, In the creation of the heavens and the earth; in thealternation of the night and the day, in the sailing of the shipsthrough the ocean for the profit of mankind; in the rain whichAllah sends down from the skies, with which He revives the earthafter its death and spreads in it all kinds of animals, in thechange of the winds and the clouds between the sky and the earththat are made subservient, there are signs for rational people.
Allah sends down water from the sky, and with it gives life tothe land after it has been dead (this Qur'an is being sent toserve the same purpose). Surely in this example there is a signfor those who listen.
And of His signs is the showing of lightning, in which there isfear as well as hope, and He sends down rainwater from the skyand with it gives life to the earth after its death; surely thereare signs in this for those who use their common sense.
Have you ever considered the water which you drink?
He is the One Who sends the winds bearing good news of Hisblessings, so when they lift up heavy clouds, We drive them alongto a dead countryside and make the rain fall upon it and bringforth all kinds of fruits from the same dead land. Likewise Wewill raise the dead to life; this example is given so that youmay learn a lesson from this observation.
O believers! Do not put yourselves ahead of Allah and His Rasool.Fear Allah; surely Allah hears all and knows all.
It is made lawful for you to approach your wives during the nightof the fast; they are an apparel for you and you for them. Allahknows that you were committing dishonesty to your souls. So Hehas relented towards you and pardoned you. Now, you may approachyour wives and seek what Allah has written for you. Eat and drinkuntil the white thread of dawn appears to you distinct from theblack thread of night, then complete your fast till nightfall. Donot approach your wives during I'htikaf (retreat in the mosquesin last ten days of Ramadhan). These are the limits set by Allah:do not ever violate them. Thus Allah makes His revelations clearto mankind so that they may guard themselves against evil.
It is the month of Ramadhan in which the Qur'an was revealed, aguidance for mankind with clear teachings showing the Right Wayand a criterion of truth and falsehood. Therefore, anyone of youwho witnesses that month should fast therein, and whoever is illor upon a journey shall fast a similar number of days later on.Allah intends your well-being and does not want to put you tohardship. He wants you to complete the prescribed period so thatyou should glorify His Greatness and render thanks to Him forgiving you guidance.
It is the month of Ramadhan in which the Qur'an was revealed, aguidance for mankind with clear teachings showing the Right Wayand a criterion of truth and falsehood. Therefore, anyone of youwho witnesses that month should fast therein, and whoever is illor upon a journey shall fast a similar number of days later on.Allah intends your well-being and does not want to put you tohardship. He wants you to complete the prescribed period so thatyou should glorify His Greatness and render thanks to Him forgiving you guidance.
O believers! Do not violate the sanctity of the Symbols of Allah:the Sacred Month , the animals brought for sacrifice, thegarlands that mark such animals, and those people visiting theSacred House (Ka'bah) to seek the grace and good pleasure oftheir Rabb. When you put off your Ihram (pilgrimage is over) thenyou are allowed to hunt. Let not the hatred of some people - whoonce hindered you from the Sacred Mosque - incite you to committransgression. Cooperate with one another in righteousness andpiety, and do not cooperate in sin and transgression. Have fearof Allah. Allah is stern in punishment.
As to those who are unbelievers and die while they wereunbelievers, if they were to fill the whole earth with gold andoffer as a ransom for each one of them, that will not beaccepted. These are the ones who shall have the painfulpunishment, and shall have no helpers.
If every person that has done injustice possessed all that theearth contains, he would be willing to offer it all in ransom toredeem himself if he could. They will regret in their hearts whenthey see the punishment of Hell. The decision between them willbe made with justice and no wrong will be done to them.
There is an excellent reward for those who respond to the call oftheir Rabb. As for those who do not respond to Him - even if theyhad all that is in the earth, and as much besides, to offer as aransom in order to save themselves from punishment, it would beof no use. They are the ones who will have terrible reckoning;their abode will be hell - what an evil resting place.
Therefore, when you meet the unbelievers in the battlefield smitetheir necks and, when you have thoroughly subdued them, then takeprisoners of war and bind them firmly. After the war lay down herburdens, then you have the choice whether you show them favor oraccept ransom. Thus are you commanded. If Allah wanted, HeHimself could have punished them; but He adopted this way so thatHe may test some of you by means of others. As for those who areslain in the cause of Allah, He will never let their deeds belost.
Yet there you are, killing your own people, expelling a groupamongst you from their homes, backing each other with sin andaggression; and if they come to you as captives, you trade themfor ransoms whereas their expulsion was unlawful for you to beginwith. Do you believe in a part of your Holy Book and reject therest? So what other punishment do such people among you, whobehave like this, deserve, than disgrace in this world and to bedriven to grievous punishment on the Day of Judgment? Allah isnot unaware of what you do.
Such are the people who trade the life of this world at theexpense of the Hereafter; so neither their punishment shall belightened nor shall they be helped.
The nations of `Ad and Thamud were also destroyed, and so werethe dwellers of Ar-Rass, and many generations between them.
We admonished each of them by citing examples of those who weredestroyed before them, even then they rejected Our revelations,so We exterminated each one of them.
Those to whom We have given the book and who read it as it oughtto be read, they are the ones who believe in it; as for those whoreject it, they are for sure the losers.
We know all that the earth consumes of their bodies, and We havea Book which keeps records of everything.
The Haqqah!
Then he, who will be given his Book of Deeds in his right hand,will say: "Here it is, read my Book of deeds!"
Indeed not! The record of the wicked is in Sijjeen (prisonregister),
Then he who will be given his Book of deeds in his right hand,