O believers! When you deal with each other in lending for a fixedperiod of time, put it in writing. Let a scribe write it downwith justice between the parties. The scribe, who is given thegift of literacy by Allah, should not refuse to write; he isunder obligation to write. Let him who incurs the liability(debtor) dictate, fearing Allah his Rabb and not diminishinganything from the settlement. If the borrower is mentally unsoundor weak or is unable to dictate himself, let the guardian of hisinterests dictate for him with justice. Let two witnesses fromamong you bear witness to all such documents, if two men cannotbe found, then one man and two women of your choice should bearwitness, so that if one of the women forgets anything the othermay remind her. The witnesses must not refuse when they arecalled upon to do so. You must not be averse to writing (yourcontract) for a future period, whether it is a small matter orbig. This action is more just for you in the sight of Allah,because it facilitates the establishment of evidence and is thebest way to remove all doubts; but if it is a common commercialtransaction concluded on the spot among yourselves, there is noblame on you if you do not put it in writing. You should havewitnesses when you make commercial transactions. Let no harm bedone to the scribe or witnesses; and if you do so, you shall beguilty of transgression. Fear Allah; it is Allah that teaches youand Allah has knowledge of everything.
Observe the orphans through testing their abilities until theyreach the age of marriage, then if you find them capable of soundjudgment, hand over to them their property; and do not consume itwastefully in haste lest they grow up to demand it. If theguardian is well-off, he should not take compensation from theorphan's property, but if he is poor let him take a just andreasonable remuneration. When you hand over their property tothem, call in some witnesses; even though Allah is sufficient intaking the accountability.
But now there is no reason why Allah should not punish them whenthey are blocking others from the Masjid-al-Haram (Ka'bah),whereas they are not its lawful guardians. In fact, its onlyguardians are those who fear Allah, even though most of them donot understand.
Surely the Muslim men and the Muslim women, the believing men andthe believing women, the devout men and the devout women, thetruthful men and the truthful women, the patient men and thepatient women, the humble men and humble women, the charitablemen and the charitable women, the fasting men and the fastingwomen, the men who guard their chastity and the women who guardtheir chastity, and the men who remember Allah much and the womenwho remember Allah much - for all those, Allah has preparedforgiveness and a great reward.
and guard their private parts,
except from their wives and those whom their right hands possess,for in their case they are not blameworthy.
As for those who seek to go beyond this, they are transgressors.
As for those who seek to go beyond this, they are transgressors.
Men are overseers over women because Allah has given the one morestrength than other, and because men are required to spend theirwealth for the maintenance of women. Honorable women are,therefore, devoutly obedient and guard in the husband's absencewhat Allah require them to guard their husband's property andtheir own honor. As to those women from whom you feardisobedience, first admonish them, then refuse to share your bedwith them, and then, if necessary, beat them. Then if they obeyyou, take no further actions against them and do not make excusesto punish them. Allah is Supremely Great and is aware of youractions.
Guard yourselves against the day on which one soul shall notavail another, no intercession shall be accepted, no ransom shallbe taken and no help shall be given.
Guard yourselves against the day when one soul shall not availanother, no ransom shall be taken, no intercession shall profitanyone, and no help shall be given.
Fear the Day when you shall all return to Allah; when every oneshall be paid in full what they have earned and none shall bedealt with unjustly.
So when he (her husband) saw that Yusuf's shirt was ripped frombehind, he said to her: "It is one of the tricks of you women!Your trick was mighty indeed!
When it is said to them: "Have fear of that which is before youand that which is behind you, so that you may receive mercy,"they pay no heed.
Indeed successful are those believers
who are humble in their Salah (prayers),
who avoid vain talk,
who are punctual in the payment of Zakah (charity),
who guard their private parts
except with their spouses or those who are legally in theirpossession, for in that case they shall not be blamed
- however those who seek to go beyond that in lust are the oneswho shall be the transgressors
- who are true to their trust and covenants,
and who are diligent about their Salah (prayers).
These are the heirs
who will inherit paradise; and live therein forever.
Surely the Muslim men and the Muslim women, the believing men andthe believing women, the devout men and the devout women, thetruthful men and the truthful women, the patient men and thepatient women, the humble men and humble women, the charitablemen and the charitable women, the fasting men and the fastingwomen, the men who guard their chastity and the women who guardtheir chastity, and the men who remember Allah much and the womenwho remember Allah much - for all those, Allah has preparedforgiveness and a great reward.
Enjoin the believing men to lower their gaze and guard theirmodesty; that is chaster for them. Surely Allah is well aware oftheir actions.
Likewise enjoin the believing women to lower their gaze and guardtheir modesty; not to display their beauty and ornaments exceptwhat normally appears thereof; let them draw their veils overtheir bosoms and not display their charms except to theirhusbands, their fathers, their fathers-in-law, their own sons,their stepsons, their own brothers, their nephews on eitherbrothers' or sisters' sides, their own womenfolk, their ownslaves, male attendants who lack sexual desires or small childrenwho have no carnal knowledge of women. Also enjoin them not tostrike their feet in order to draw attention to their hiddentrinkets. And O believers! Turn to Allah in repentance, all ofyou, about your past mistakes, so that you may attain salvation.
Guard your Salah (obligatory regular prayers) especially themiddle Salah and stand up with true devotion to Allah.
Indeed successful are those believers
who are humble in their Salah (prayers),
who avoid vain talk,
who are punctual in the payment of Zakah (charity),
who guard their private parts
except with their spouses or those who are legally in theirpossession, for in that case they shall not be blamed
- however those who seek to go beyond that in lust are the oneswho shall be the transgressors
- who are true to their trust and covenants,
and who are diligent about their Salah (prayers).
These are the heirs
who will inherit paradise; and live therein forever.
and strictly guard their Salah (prayers).
It is they who shall live with honor in paradise.
Indeed successful are those believers
who are humble in their Salah (prayers),
who avoid vain talk,
who are punctual in the payment of Zakah (charity),
who guard their private parts
except with their spouses or those who are legally in theirpossession, for in that case they shall not be blamed
- however those who seek to go beyond that in lust are the oneswho shall be the transgressors
- who are true to their trust and covenants,
and who are diligent about their Salah (prayers).
These are the heirs
who will inherit paradise; and live therein forever.
O believers! You are accountable for none but for yourselves;anyone who has gone astray cannot harm you if you are on theRight Way. To Allah you shall all return and He will let you knowthe truth of all that you did.
Tell them about the guests of Ibrahim (Abraham).
They entered upon them and said: "Peace be upon you!" But hereplied: "Surely we are afraid of you."
They answered: "Do not be afraid of us! We have come to you withgood news of a son endowed with knowledge."
He said: "Are you giving me the good news of a son when I havebecome old? What kind of good news you are giving?"
They replied: "We are giving you true good news; you should notbe of those who despair."
He said: "Who would despair of the mercy of his Rabb except onewho goes astray?"
Then he asked: "On what expedition you have been sent, Oemissaries of Allah?"
Yet there are others among people who wrangle about Allah, thoughthey neither have knowledge nor guidance, nor an enlighteningBook,
twisting things around in order to lead others astray from thePath of Allah - for such persons there is disgrace in this life,and on the Day of Judgment we shall make them taste thepunishment of burning fire,
saying: "This is what you prepared and sent forth with your ownhands." Rest assured that Allah is not unjust to His worshippers.
Do you not see that Allah has subjected to your benefit all thatis in the heavens and in the earth, and has lavished on you Hisevident and hidden favors? Yet there are some people who stillargue about Allah without knowledge, without guidance or anenlightening Book.
O Muhammad, those were the people who were rightly guided byAllah, therefore, follow their guidance and tell these people: "Iam not asking you any compensation for this work of deliveringthe Message to you, this message is nothing but a reminder to allthe worlds."
O believers! You are accountable for none but for yourselves;anyone who has gone astray cannot harm you if you are on theRight Way. To Allah you shall all return and He will let you knowthe truth of all that you did.
Then in the footsteps of those Prophets, We sent Isa (Jesus) theson of Maryam (Mary) confirming whatever remained intact from theTaurat in his time, and gave him the Injeel (Gospel) wherein wasguidance and light, corroborating what was revealed in theTaurat; a guidance and an admonition to those who fear Allah.
Therefore, let the people who follow the Injeel (Gospel) judge bythe Law which Allah has revealed therein; those who do not judgeby the Law which Allah has revealed, they are the transgressors.
Those who conceal the clear proofs and the guidance, after Wehave made it clear in the Book for mankind, will have Allah'scurse and that of those who are entitled to curse;
except those who repent, reform and let the truth be known; I'llaccept their repentance, for I am the Receiver of Repentance, theMerciful.
Those who conceal the clear proofs and the guidance, after Wehave made it clear in the Book for mankind, will have Allah'scurse and that of those who are entitled to curse;
except those who repent, reform and let the truth be known; I'llaccept their repentance, for I am the Receiver of Repentance, theMerciful.
As for those who have faith and do good deeds, Allah willcertainly admit them to gardens beneath which rivers flow. Theyshall be decked with pearls and bracelets of gold, and theirgarments will be of silk.
This is because during their life on earth, they were guided toaccept the pure words of Allah and they were shown the Way of theAll-Praiseworthy.
This is The Book in which there is no doubt. (Since its Author,Allah, the Creator of this universe, possesses completeknowledge, there is no room for doubt about its contents.) It isa guide for those who are God conscious,
They say: "Our Rabb, Do not cause our hearts to deviate now afteryou have guided us. Grant us Your own mercy; You are the Grantorof bounties without measure.
Our Rabb, You will surely gather all mankind before You on theDay about which there is no doubt; surly Allah does not break Hispromise."
without adding: "If Allah wills!" And if you forget to say this, then call your Rabb to mind and say: "I hope that my Rabb shall guide me and bring me ever closer than this to the Right Way."
As for those who have faith and do good deeds, Allah willcertainly admit them to gardens beneath which rivers flow. Theyshall be decked with pearls and bracelets of gold, and theirgarments will be of silk.
This is because during their life on earth, they were guided toaccept the pure words of Allah and they were shown the Way of theAll-Praiseworthy.
This (Al-Qur'an) is a clear declaration to mankind, a guidanceand an admonition to those who fear Allah!
They even say: "We have killed the Messiah, Isa (Jesus), son ofMaryam, the Rasool of Allah." Whereas in fact, neither did theykill him nor did they crucify him but they thought they didbecause the matter was made dubious for them. Those who differtherein are only in doubt. They have no real knowledge, theyfollow nothing but merely a conjecture, certainly they did notkill him (Jesus).
O people of the Book (Jews and Christians)! Now Our Rasool hascome to you to reveal much of what you have concealed from theHoly Books and to pass over much which is no longer necessary.There has come to you from Allah a new Light and a clear Book,
with which Allah will guide to the ways of peace all those whoseek His good pleasure and bring them out of the depth ofdarkness into the light of His grace and guide them to the RightWay.
For We have certainly brought them a Book which provides cleardetails based on knowledge and which is a guidance and blessingfor the true believers.
When you, O Muhammad, do not bring them a revelation, they say:"Have you not yet invented?" Tell them: "I follow only what isrevealed to me from my Rabb. This Book contains veritable insightfrom your Rabb, a guidance and blessing for the true believers."
Tua Sin. These are verses of the Qur'an, the Glorious Book;
a guide and good news for the believers,
It is certainly a guide and blessing to true believers.
and that I should recite The Qur'an. Now, whoever follows thisguidance will be guided for his own good, and to him who goesastray, say: "I am merely a Warner."
Those to whom knowledge has been given can see that therevelations send down to you from your Rabb are the Truth and itguides to the Way of the Almighty, the Praise Worthy.
who listen to the Word and follow the best meaning of it. Suchare the ones whom Allah has guided and such are the ones who areendowed with understanding.
Allah has revealed the most beautiful message, a Book consistentin its verses yet repeating its teachings in different ways.Those who fear their Rabb are filled with awe when they hear it,their skins and their hearts become pliant to the remembrance ofAllah. Such is the guidance of Allah: He guides with it whom Hepleases. But he to whom He confounds shall have none to guidehim.
O Prophet, surely We have revealed to you the Book with thetruth, for the instruction of Mankind. He who follows the RightWay shall follow it for his own good; and he who goes astrayshall do so at his own peril. You are not set up as a guardianover them.
Say, "The Holy Spirit (Gabriel) has brought it down piecemealintact from your Rabb to strengthen the faith of the believers,and to give guidance and good news to the Muslims."
O Muhammad, declare: "O mankind! The truth has come to you fromyour Rabb! He that follows guidance (Right Way) follows it forhis own good, and he that goes astray does so at his own risk;for I am not a custodian over you."
Say: "If I am in error, the loss is surely mine and if I amright, it is because of what my Rabb has revealed to me. SurelyHe hears all and is very close."
On that Day when He will gather them all together, it will appearto them as if they had not stayed in this world but an hour of aday to get to know each other. At that time they will realizethat: in fact the losers are those who denied the meeting withAllah and were not rightly guided.
In fact, Allah increases in guidance those who seek guidance;everlasting are only the good deeds, which are the best in thesight of your Rabb to earn you a better reward and yield you thebest fruit?"
Section 1 He (the Prophet) frowned and turned away
when there came to him the blind man (Ibn Umme Maktum, who cameto the Prophet and interrupted his conversation with the chiefsof Makkah).
How could you tell? He might have sought to purify himself
or become reminded and might have benefited from Our reminder.
As for him who is indifferent,
to whom you were attending;
you will not be held responsible if he would not purify himself.
Yet to him who came to you with zeal on his own
and with fear of Allah in his heart,
you gave no heed.
It should not be so! Indeed, this is but an admonition;
let him who wants, accept it.
Then in the footsteps of those Prophets, We sent Isa (Jesus) theson of Maryam (Mary) confirming whatever remained intact from theTaurat in his time, and gave him the Injeel (Gospel) wherein wasguidance and light, corroborating what was revealed in theTaurat; a guidance and an admonition to those who fear Allah.
Therefore, let the people who follow the Injeel (Gospel) judge bythe Law which Allah has revealed therein; those who do not judgeby the Law which Allah has revealed, they are the transgressors.
As you can see We gave Musa the Book of guidance and We made thechildren of Israel to inherit that Book,
which was a guide and an admonition to the people ofunderstanding.
Do not follow anyone except the one who follows your ownreligion." O Muhammad, tell them: "The only true guidance is theguidance of Allah." These people of the Book do not believe thatrevelation could be sent to anyone besides themselves, like thatwhich has been sent to you; or that they will ever argue with youin the presence of your Rabb. Tell them: "For sure, grace is inthe hands of Allah: He bestows it on whom He pleases; Allah hasboundless knowledge."
Those who turn back to unbelief after the guidance has becomeclear are seduced by Shaitan who gives them false hopes.
That is why they said to those who showed an aversion to whatAllah has revealed: "We shall obey you in some matters," andAllah knows their secret talks.
Then what will they do when the angels carry off their souls,smiting their faces and their backs?
That will happen because they followed the way that called forthe wrath of Allah and hated to adopt the way of His pleasure,therefore He made all their deeds void.
Do those in whose hearts is a disease think that Allah will notreveal their malice?
Had We so pleased, We could have pointed them out to you and youwould have recognized them promptly by their faces. But you willsurely know them by the tone of their speech. Allah knows all ofyour actions.
They are on True Guidance from their Rabb and they are the oneswho will attain salvation.
saying: "Get down from here all of you (Adam, Eve and Iblees);you will remain enemies to one another, whenever there comes toyou guidance from Me and whosoever will follow My guidance willneither go astray nor get into trouble;
It is neither their meat nor their blood that reaches Allah; itis your piety that reaches Him. Thus, He has subjected theseanimals to you so that you may glorify Allah for giving youguidance, and O Prophet, give good news to those who do good toothers.
When all people appear before Allah, those who were weak in theworld will say to those who thought themselves mighty: "We wereyour followers. Now! Can you do anything to relieve us from thepunishment of Allah?" They will reply: "Had Allah given usguidance, we would have guided you. Now it makes no differencewhether we panic or bear it with patience, for there is no escapefor us."
Ask the mushrikin: "Should we call on those, instead of Allah,who can neither benefit us nor harm us? Should we turn upon ourheels after Allah has guided us to the Right Way? Like the onewhom Shaitan has misled and is wandering around in the land,while his friends are calling him to the right way, shouting:"Come this way!" Tell them: "Allah's guidance is the onlyguidance. We are commanded to surrender (become Muslims) to theRabb of the worlds,
In fact Ibrahim (Abraham) was a nation in himself, an upright manobedient to Allah, and he was not of the mushrikin.
He was always grateful for the favors of Allah, Who chose him andguided him to a Right Way.
We gave him a good life in this world, and in the hereafter hewill be among the righteous.
And now We have revealed to you Our will, saying: "Follow thefaith of Ibrahim the upright, he was not of the mushrikin."
Thus, have We revealed to you O Muhammad, a Spirit (inspired Book- The Qur'an) by Our command: while you did not know what is TheBook and what is the Iman (faith)? But We have made it (TheQur'an) a light whereby We guide those of Our servants whom Weplease; and surely you are guiding mankind to the Right Way
This is The Book in which there is no doubt. (Since its Author,Allah, the Creator of this universe, possesses completeknowledge, there is no room for doubt about its contents.) It isa guide for those who are God conscious,
Say O Muhammad: "Whoever is the enemy of Jibra'el (Gabriel)should know that he revealed this Qur'an to your heart by Allah'scommand, which confirms previous scriptures, and is a guidanceand good news for the believers."
Baptism is from Allah; and who is better than Allah in baptizing?Him do we worship.
O mankind! There has come to you an instruction from your Rabb, acure for whatever (disease) is in your hearts, a guidance and ablessing for the true believers.
There is a lesson in these stories of former people for the menof common sense. This story of Yusuf revealed in the Qur'an isnot an invented tale, but a confirmation of previous scriptures -a detailed exposition of all things, and is a guidance andblessing for the people who believe.
Alif L'am Ra. O Muhammad! This is a Book which We have revealedto you so that you may bring mankind out of utter darkness (waysof ignorance) to the light; by the leave of their Rabb, to theWay of the Mighty, the Praiseworthy (Allah),
We have revealed to you the Book (The Qur'an) so that you mayclearly explain to them the reality of those things in which theydiffer - it is a guidance and blessing for those people whobelieve.
O Muhammad, warn them about that Day when We shall call a witnessfrom every nation to testify against it, and We shall call you OMuhammad to testify against your people: that is why We have sentdown to you this Book (The Qur'an) to explain everything - aguide, a blessing and good news for Muslims.
Had We revealed this Qur'an in a foreign language, they (samepeople) would have said: "Why have not its verses been madeclear? Why in a foreign language, while the audience are Arabs?"Say O Prophet: "To the believers, it is a guide and a healing;and the ones who do not believe, it is merely their deafness andtheir blindness; because they act as if they are being calledfrom a far-off place."
Thus, have We revealed to you O Muhammad, a Spirit (inspired Book- The Qur'an) by Our command: while you did not know what is TheBook and what is the Iman (faith)? But We have made it (TheQur'an) a light whereby We guide those of Our servants whom Weplease; and surely you are guiding mankind to the Right Way
This Qur'an is the true Guidance. As for those who deny therevelations of their Rabb, there will be a terribly painfulpunishment.
These (the Qur'an and Shari'ah) are the eye openers for mankind;a guidance and a blessing to the true believers.
Alif Lam M'im.
The Romans have been defeated (by the Persians, in Syria - A.D.615; the Prophet Muhammad's sympathies were with the Romans whowere Christians, while the pagan Arabs were on the side of thePersians who were idol worshippers)
in the neighboring land, but they, after this defeat, will soonbe victorious
Among those whom We have created, there are some people who guideothers with the truth and establish justice therewith.
When you are blessed with good fortune they grieve; but if somemisfortune overtakes you they rejoice. If you are patient andguard yourself against evil, their schemes will not harm you inany way. Surely Allah encompasses all their actions.
Every nation was sent a Rasool. Once their Rasool came, judgementwas passed between them with all fairness and they were notwronged in the least.