If you both (Hafsah and Aeysha) turn in repentance to Allah - foryour hearts have sinned - you shall be pardoned; and if you backup each other against him (the Prophet), then you should knowthat his protectors are Allah, Gabriel and all righteousbelievers, furthermore the angels too are his supporters.
Is this a magic, or do you not see?
Now burn therein; it will be the same for you, whether you bearit patiently or do not bear it patiently. You are being rewardedaccording to your deeds."
As for the righteous, they will be in Gardens and bliss,
rejoicing in what their Rabb has given them and their Rabb shallshield them from the torment of hell.
Say O Muhammad: "Whoever is the enemy of Jibra'el (Gabriel)should know that he revealed this Qur'an to your heart by Allah'scommand, which confirms previous scriptures, and is a guidanceand good news for the believers."
Let them know that whoever is an enemy to Allah, His angels, HisRasools, Jibra'el (Gabriel) and Mika'el (Michael); Allah is anenemy to such unbelievers.
he (Muhammad) indeed saw him (Gabriel) in the clear horizon
Is this a magic, or do you not see?
Now burn therein; it will be the same for you, whether you bearit patiently or do not bear it patiently. You are being rewardedaccording to your deeds."
As for the righteous, they will be in Gardens and bliss,
rejoicing in what their Rabb has given them and their Rabb shallshield them from the torment of hell.
O mankind, you have been distracted by the rivalry of piling upworldly gains against one another.
You will never be satisfied until you get into the grave.
Nevertheless, soon you shall come to know.
Again, nevertheless, soon you shall come to know.
Nay! Would that you knew through the real knowledge provided toyou in this Qur'an and care about your life in the Hereafter.
Because on the Day of Judgement when you shall see the hell,
and see it with the certainty of your own eyes
- you shall believe it, but that belief is going to do you nogood because - on that Day, you shall be questioned about theblessings (faculties and resources that you were given in theworldly life - as to how you used them?)
by such people whom neither business nor business profit candivert from the remembrance of Allah, nor from establishing Salahand nor from paying Zakah, for they fear the Day of Judgementwhen hearts will be overturned and eyes will be petrified,
who hope that Allah will reward them according to the best oftheir deeds and add for them even more out of His grace: forAllah gives without measure to whom He pleases.
by such people whom neither business nor business profit candivert from the remembrance of Allah, nor from establishing Salahand nor from paying Zakah, for they fear the Day of Judgementwhen hearts will be overturned and eyes will be petrified,
who hope that Allah will reward them according to the best oftheir deeds and add for them even more out of His grace: forAllah gives without measure to whom He pleases.
by such people whom neither business nor business profit candivert from the remembrance of Allah, nor from establishing Salahand nor from paying Zakah, for they fear the Day of Judgementwhen hearts will be overturned and eyes will be petrified,
who hope that Allah will reward them according to the best oftheir deeds and add for them even more out of His grace: forAllah gives without measure to whom He pleases.
Woe to those who write the Book with their own hands and thensay: "This is from Allah," so that they may sell it for a pettyprice! Woe to them for what their hands have written and woe tothem for what they have earned.
The Jews say: "The fire shall not touch us except for a fewdays." O Muhammad, say: "Have you obtained such a promise fromAllah which He would not break ? Or do you assert against Allahwhat you do not know?"
Yea! Those who commit evil and become encircled in sin are theinmates of Hellfire; they shall live there forever.
Woe to those who write the Book with their own hands and thensay: "This is from Allah," so that they may sell it for a pettyprice! Woe to them for what their hands have written and woe tothem for what they have earned.
The Jews say: "The fire shall not touch us except for a fewdays." O Muhammad, say: "Have you obtained such a promise fromAllah which He would not break ? Or do you assert against Allahwhat you do not know?"
Yea! Those who commit evil and become encircled in sin are theinmates of Hellfire; they shall live there forever.
There are some people who worship Allah standing on the verge offaith (half faith and half disbelief). When such a person isblessed with good fortune he is content; but if he encounters atrial he turns back headlong; thus losing both this world and theHereafter, which is a clear-cut loss.
Those men who accuse their own wives but have no witness exceptthemselves, each one of them shall be made to swear four times byAllah that his charge is true,
Surely those who conceal any part of the Book which Allah hasrevealed and sell His revelations for petty price (materialgain), shall swallow nothing but fire into their bellies. On theDay of Resurrection Allah will neither speak to them nor purifythem and they shall have painful punishment.
These are the kind of people who barter guidance for error andforgiveness for punishment. How stubborn are they to encounterHell fire!
Their doom is because Allah has revealed the Book with the truth;surely those who seek causes of dispute in the Book (The Qur'an)are in extreme schism (divergence).
Believe in My revelations, which are confirming your scriptures;do not be the first one to deny My revelations, and do not sellthem for a petty price, fear Me and Me alone.
They have sold the revelations of Allah for paltry worldly gainand they have hindered others from His way; indeed evil are thedeeds that they have done.
Those who are still weak in Iman (faith), when they see somebargain or some sport they rush to it and leave you standing. OProphet declare to them that what Allah has in store for them isfar better than any sport and bargain, and Allah is the bestprovider.
Perish the hands of Abu Lahab! And perish he!
His wealth and whatever he earned did not avail him anything.
Soon he shall be burnt in a flaming fire (a pun on the meaning ofAbu Lahab, "father of flames"),
and his wife, the carrier of crackling fire wood,
shall have a rope of palm-leaf fibre around her neck.
There is no blame on those who believe and do good deeds for whatthey ate in the past, provided they abstain from those thingswhich have been made unlawful, then remain steadfast in theirbelief and do righteous deeds, then abstain themselves fromwhatever they are forbidden and believe in Divine Law, and thenfear Allah and do good deeds. For Allah loves those who do gooddeeds.
Shaitan desires to stir up enmity and hatred between you withintoxicants and gambling and to prevent you from the remembranceof Allah and from Salah (prayers). Will you not abstain?
Allah has made the Ka'bah of the Sacred House an eternal valuefor mankind, and so are the Sacred Months, the animal offerings,and the animals which are collared as a mark of dedication; soyou must know that Allah has knowledge of what is in the heavensand in the earth and that Allah is well aware of everything.
O believers! Allah will put you to trial by making game (thatwhich is to be hunted) well within the reach of your hands andyour spears, in order to see who fears Him, though unseen. Thereshall, therefore, be a painful punishment for those whotransgress after this warning.
O believers! Do not kill game while you are in Ihram (pilgrimgarb). If anyone kills game intentionally, he will have to pay apenalty through an offering brought to the Ka'bah of a domesticanimal equivalent to the one which was killed as determined bytwo just men among you; or as an expiation, either feed a fewindigent or fast their equivalent days, so that he may taste theevil consequences of what he did. Allah has forgiven whathappened in the past; but if anyone repeats it now, Allah willinflict retribution on him. Allah is Mighty, Capable ofRetribution.
O believers! Do not kill game while you are in Ihram (pilgrimgarb). If anyone kills game intentionally, he will have to pay apenalty through an offering brought to the Ka'bah of a domesticanimal equivalent to the one which was killed as determined bytwo just men among you; or as an expiation, either feed a fewindigent or fast their equivalent days, so that he may taste theevil consequences of what he did. Allah has forgiven whathappened in the past; but if anyone repeats it now, Allah willinflict retribution on him. Allah is Mighty, Capable ofRetribution.
O believers! Allah will put you to trial by making game (thatwhich is to be hunted) well within the reach of your hands andyour spears, in order to see who fears Him, though unseen. Thereshall, therefore, be a painful punishment for those whotransgress after this warning.
O believers! Do not kill game while you are in Ihram (pilgrimgarb). If anyone kills game intentionally, he will have to pay apenalty through an offering brought to the Ka'bah of a domesticanimal equivalent to the one which was killed as determined bytwo just men among you; or as an expiation, either feed a fewindigent or fast their equivalent days, so that he may taste theevil consequences of what he did. Allah has forgiven whathappened in the past; but if anyone repeats it now, Allah willinflict retribution on him. Allah is Mighty, Capable ofRetribution.
O believers! Do not kill game while you are in Ihram (pilgrimgarb). If anyone kills game intentionally, he will have to pay apenalty through an offering brought to the Ka'bah of a domesticanimal equivalent to the one which was killed as determined bytwo just men among you; or as an expiation, either feed a fewindigent or fast their equivalent days, so that he may taste theevil consequences of what he did. Allah has forgiven whathappened in the past; but if anyone repeats it now, Allah willinflict retribution on him. Allah is Mighty, Capable ofRetribution.
O believers! Allah will put you to trial by making game (thatwhich is to be hunted) well within the reach of your hands andyour spears, in order to see who fears Him, though unseen. Thereshall, therefore, be a painful punishment for those whotransgress after this warning.
O believers! Do not kill game while you are in Ihram (pilgrimgarb). If anyone kills game intentionally, he will have to pay apenalty through an offering brought to the Ka'bah of a domesticanimal equivalent to the one which was killed as determined bytwo just men among you; or as an expiation, either feed a fewindigent or fast their equivalent days, so that he may taste theevil consequences of what he did. Allah has forgiven whathappened in the past; but if anyone repeats it now, Allah willinflict retribution on him. Allah is Mighty, Capable ofRetribution.
O believers! Do not kill game while you are in Ihram (pilgrimgarb). If anyone kills game intentionally, he will have to pay apenalty through an offering brought to the Ka'bah of a domesticanimal equivalent to the one which was killed as determined bytwo just men among you; or as an expiation, either feed a fewindigent or fast their equivalent days, so that he may taste theevil consequences of what he did. Allah has forgiven whathappened in the past; but if anyone repeats it now, Allah willinflict retribution on him. Allah is Mighty, Capable ofRetribution.
Game of the sea and its use as food is lawful for you and theseafarers, but the game of the land is forbidden as long as youare in Ihram (pilgrim garb). Have fear of Allah to whom you shallall be assembled.
Surely We shall try them as We tried the owners of the gardenwhen they swore that they would pluck its fruit the next morning,
without adding any reservation ( such as God willing).
So a calamity from your Rabb came down upon it while they slept,
and by the morning it lay as if it had been already harvested.
At daybreak they called out to one another,
saying: "Go out early to your crop, if you want to pick itsfruit."
So they went, whispering to one another:
"Let no needy person enter upon you in the garden today."
Thus they went out, fixed in their stingy resolve (not to giveany fruit to the poor people, as if they had the full controlover harvesting the fruit).
But when they saw the garden, they cried: "Surely we must havelost our way!
Nay, we have become destitute."
The most upright among them said: "Did I not tell you to glorifyAllah? Why did you not glorify Him?"
Then they said: "Glory be to our Rabb! Surely we were unjust,"
and they started blaming one another.
Finally they said: "Woe to us! Surely we had become rebellious.
It may be that our Rabb will give us in exchange a better gardenthan this: surely to our Rabb do we make our humble petition."
Such is the punishment in this life; but the punishment in theHereafter is even greater, if they but knew it.
O believers! Do not violate the sanctity of the Symbols of Allah:the Sacred Month , the animals brought for sacrifice, thegarlands that mark such animals, and those people visiting theSacred House (Ka'bah) to seek the grace and good pleasure oftheir Rabb. When you put off your Ihram (pilgrimage is over) thenyou are allowed to hunt. Let not the hatred of some people - whoonce hindered you from the Sacred Mosque - incite you to committransgression. Cooperate with one another in righteousness andpiety, and do not cooperate in sin and transgression. Have fearof Allah. Allah is stern in punishment.
There is no blame on such elderly women who have no interest ingetting married, if they lay aside their cloaks withoutdisplaying their adornment, but it is better for them if they donot discard. Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing.
Enjoin the believing men to lower their gaze and guard theirmodesty; that is chaster for them. Surely Allah is well aware oftheir actions.
Do they not see how many generations We have destroyed beforethem who will never return to them?
While each one of them will be brought before Us on the Day ofJudgment.
How many generations have We destroyed before them? When theirdoom approached, they all cried out for mercy, but it was nolonger the time to be saved.
These are the stories of the nations which We relate to you; ofthem some have survived and some have ceased to exist.
We were not unjust to them, but they were unjust to themselves.The deities they invoked beside Allah did not avail them when thejudgement of your Rabb came to pass; they added nothing to theirlot but perdition.
Such is the scourge of your Rabb when He seizes a sinful town;indeed, His seizure is terrible and painful.
In fact, there is a sign in this for those who fear thepunishment of the hereafter; that is a Day in which mankind willbe gathered together and that will be a Day of Testimony.
Have you not heard the information of those who passed awaybefore you, the people of Nuh (Noah), `Ad and Thamud, and thosewho came after them? Allah Alone knows them. Their Rasools cameto them with clear signs; but they bit their hands with theirmouths and said: "Certainly we reject the Message with which youhave been sent and certainly we strongly doubt the faith to whichyou invite us."
Their Rasools responded: "Are you doubting the existence ofAllah, Who is the Creator of the heavens and the earth? He is theOne Who invites you so that He may forgive your sins and give yourespite till your appointed term." They said: "You are nothingbut a human like us! You only wish to turn us away from theworship of those deities whom our forefathers used to worship.Bring us some clear sign."
Their Rasools said to them: "It is true that we are human likeyourselves, but Allah bestows His grace of appointing a Rasool onsuch of His servants as He pleases. It is not in our power tobring you any sign except by Allah's permission, and in Allah letthe believers put their trust.
What reason do we have not to put our trust in Allah, when He hasalready guided us to the ways of our lives? We shall certainlyendure your persecution patiently, and those who want to puttheir trust, should put their trust in Allah."
Finally the unbelievers said to their Rasools: "Return to ourreligion or we will expel you from our land." But their Rabbrevealed His will to them: "We shall destroy the wrongdoers
and give you the land to dwell in after they are gone! This isthe reward for the ones who dread My eminence and fear Mythreats."
The Rasools called for judgement, (and when the judgement waspassed) every tyrant opposer of the Truth was disappointed.
Hell is next for him wherein he will be given festering water todrink;
he will sip, but never will be able to swallow. Death willsurround him from all sides, yet he will not die; beyond thatthere will be horrible punishment.
The parable of the deeds of those who deny their Rabb is thattheir deeds are like ashes which the wind scatters on a stormyday; they will gain nothing from their deeds, and this is tostray far away from the goal of getting back to Paradise.
How many townships, teaming with wrong doings, have We utterlydestroyed! Today they lie with their roofs fallen in, their wellsabandoned, and their lofty castles deserted.
Have they not traveled through the land? Have they no hearts tolearn wisdom, or ears to hear the Truth? Certainly it is nottheir eyes which are blind, but it is the hearts in their breastswhich are blind.
These people ask you to hasten the threatened punishment. Well,Allah will never go back on His promise. In fact a day of yourRabb (time period in which Allah's decision is executed) is equalto a thousand years of your calculation.
There have been many townships teeming with wrong doings, to whomat first I gave respite and at the end I smote them. Towards Meis the destination of all.
Have they not traveled through the land and see what was the endof those who have gone before them? Allah destroyed them utterlyand a similar fate awaits these unbelievers.
All the Rasools that We sent before you, O Muhammad, were humanbeings, to whom We sent Our Revelations after choosing them fromthe people of their town. Have these unbelievers not traveledthrough the land and seen what was the end of those who passedaway before them? From their destiny you should know that thehome of the hereafter is better for those who are righteous. Whydon't you understand?
Have they not traveled through the earth and seen what was theend of those before them? They were superior in strength thanthese; they tilled the soil and built on it more than these haveever built. There came to them their Rasools with clear signs(but they rejected them to the detriment of their owndestruction): it was not Allah Who wronged them, but they wrongedtheir own souls.
Evil was the outcome for those who committed evil, rejected therevelations of Allah and kept ridiculing them!
O disbelievers, We have already destroyed many like you. Will younot take admonition?
Have you not heard of those who disbelieved before you? So theytasted the evil result of their deeds, and in the Hereafter thereshall be a painful punishment for them.
That is because, when their Rasools came to them with clearrevelations, they said: "Are human beings going to guide us?" Sothey disbelieved and paid no heed. Allah has no need of suchpeople. Allah is free of all needs, worthy of all praise.
We have destroyed the towns which were once flourished around you- and We repeatedly sent them Our revelations so that they mayturn to the Right Way.
- Then Why did not those whom they worshipped besides Allahhelped them who they regarded as a means of attaining nearness toHim? But those deities utterly forsake them, because those werenothing but their lies and their false inventions.
How many townships, teaming with wrong doings, have We utterlydestroyed! Today they lie with their roofs fallen in, their wellsabandoned, and their lofty castles deserted.
Have they not traveled through the land? Have they no hearts tolearn wisdom, or ears to hear the Truth? Certainly it is nottheir eyes which are blind, but it is the hearts in their breastswhich are blind.
These people ask you to hasten the threatened punishment. Well,Allah will never go back on His promise. In fact a day of yourRabb (time period in which Allah's decision is executed) is equalto a thousand years of your calculation.
There have been many townships teeming with wrong doings, to whomat first I gave respite and at the end I smote them. Towards Meis the destination of all.
Have they not travelled through the land and seen what was theend of those who have gone before them? They were far greater inpower than these and left great traces in the land: but Allahseized them for their sins and there was none to protect themfrom Allah.
Certainly We sent Rasools before you among the early nations;
but whenever a Rasool came to them, they mocked him.
Thus do We let doubt creep into the hearts of the criminals;
that they do not believe in it (The Qur'an), despite the examplesof the people who passed before them.
Even if we had opened a gate in Heaven and they ascend through itand keep on ascending,
still they would have said, 'Our eyes have been dazzled; ratherwe have been bewitched.'"
still they would have said, 'Our eyes have been dazzled; ratherwe have been bewitched.'"
When you lived among those people who had wronged their souls, itwas explained to you how We dealt with them and We even describedfor you their examples."
Have you not seen how your Rabb dealt with 'Ad?
How many townships have rebelled against the commandments oftheir Rabb and His Rasools! Stern was Our reckoning with them andexemplary was Our punishment.
So they tasted the fruit of their misdeeds, and the fruit oftheir misdeeds was perdition.
Allah has prepared for them a severe punishment in the Hereafter.Therefore, fear Allah! O men of understanding and faith. Allahhas indeed sent down to you an admonition;
How many townships have rebelled against the commandments oftheir Rabb and His Rasools! Stern was Our reckoning with them andexemplary was Our punishment.
So they tasted the fruit of their misdeeds, and the fruit oftheir misdeeds was perdition.
Allah has prepared for them a severe punishment in the Hereafter.Therefore, fear Allah! O men of understanding and faith. Allahhas indeed sent down to you an admonition;
How many townships have rebelled against the commandments oftheir Rabb and His Rasools! Stern was Our reckoning with them andexemplary was Our punishment.
So they tasted the fruit of their misdeeds, and the fruit oftheir misdeeds was perdition.
Allah has prepared for them a severe punishment in the Hereafter.Therefore, fear Allah! O men of understanding and faith. Allahhas indeed sent down to you an admonition;
These unbelievers must have passed by that town which wasdestroyed by a fatal rain; had they not seen its ruins? But thefact of the matter is they do not believe in the life hereafter.
If they deny you O Muhammad, remember that before them the peopleof Nuh (Noah), 'Ad and Thamud;
the people of Ibrahim (Abraham) and Lut (Lot);
as well as the residents of Madyan had denied their Prophets,likewise Musa (Moses) was also denied. Initially, I gave respiteto all those unbelievers and then I seized them: see how terriblewas My disapproval!
Have these people not learned a lesson that; We have destroyedbefore them many generations in whose ruins they walk through?Certainly in these ruins there are Signs for people ofunderstanding.
Do they not learn a lesson from the historical events of how manygenerations We have destroyed before them in whosedwelling-places they move about? Surely there are signs in this.Do they not listen?
Have they not seen how many generations We have destroyed beforethem? We had made those nations more powerful in the land thanyourselves. We sent down for them abundant rain from the sky andmade the rivers to flow beneath their feet: yet for their sins Wedestroyed them all and raised up other generations in theirplaces.
Have they not travelled through the land and seen what was theend of those who have gone before them? They were far greater inpower than these and left great traces in the land: but Allahseized them for their sins and there was none to protect themfrom Allah.
Have they never travelled through the earth and seen what was theend of those who have gone before them? They were more in numberand superior in strength than these and they have left behindgreat traces of their power in the land; yet all that they didwas of no avail to them.
When their Rasools came to them with clear revelations, theyproudly boasted about their own knowledge; but the veryforewarned scourge at which they mocked, hemmed them in.
When they saw Our scourge, they cried out: "We believe in Allah,the One and Only, and we reject all those gods whom we used toassociate with Him."
But after seeing Our scourge, their professing the faith (Islam)was of no use to them; such was the practice of Allah in dealingwith His servants in the past, and thus the disbelievers werelost.
How many generations, far stronger in power, have We destroyedbefore them! They searched the entire land: but could they findany refuge?
Surely in this there is a lesson for every person who has aheart, and can hear and witness.
O Prophet, tell them: "Travel through the earth and see what wasthe end of those who have passed away before you: most of themwere mushrikin (worshipped other gods besides Allah)".
We have destroyed generations before your time when they adoptedunjust attitudes: their Rasools came to them with clear signs butthey would not believe! Thus, do We requite the criminals.
Then, We made you their successors in the land so that We mayobserve how you would conduct yourselves.
These are the stories of the nations which We relate to you; ofthem some have survived and some have ceased to exist.
We were not unjust to them, but they were unjust to themselves.The deities they invoked beside Allah did not avail them when thejudgement of your Rabb came to pass; they added nothing to theirlot but perdition.
Such is the scourge of your Rabb when He seizes a sinful town;indeed, His seizure is terrible and painful.
In fact, there is a sign in this for those who fear thepunishment of the hereafter; that is a Day in which mankind willbe gathered together and that will be a Day of Testimony.
When you lived among those people who had wronged their souls, itwas explained to you how We dealt with them and We even describedfor you their examples."
Therefore, when you meet the unbelievers in the battlefield smitetheir necks and, when you have thoroughly subdued them, then takeprisoners of war and bind them firmly. After the war lay down herburdens, then you have the choice whether you show them favor oraccept ransom. Thus are you commanded. If Allah wanted, HeHimself could have punished them; but He adopted this way so thatHe may test some of you by means of others. As for those who areslain in the cause of Allah, He will never let their deeds belost.
Those who spend their wealth in the cause of Allah and do notfollow their charity with reminders of their generosity or injurethe feeling of the recipient, shall get their reward from theirRabb; they shall have nothing to fear or to regret.
O believers! Do not make your charity worthless by reminders ofyour generosity or by injury to the recipients feelings, likethose who spend their wealth to be seen by people and believeneither in Allah nor in the Last Day. Their parable is like ahard barren rock covered with thin layer of soil; a heavy rainfalls, leaving it just a bare stone. Such people will not gainany reward that they thought they had earned. Allah does notguide the unbelievers.
As for those who have faith and do good deeds, Allah willcertainly admit them to gardens beneath which rivers flow. Theyshall be decked with pearls and bracelets of gold, and theirgarments will be of silk.
This is because during their life on earth, they were guided toaccept the pure words of Allah and they were shown the Way of theAll-Praiseworthy.
O Muhammad, it is a great Mercy of Allah that you are very gentlewith them; had you been rough or hard-hearted, they would havedeserted you. Therefore pardon them and ask Allah's forgivenessfor them. Consult them in the conduct of affairs; and when youmake a decision to do something, then put your trust in Allah(hold fast to your decision). Allah loves those who put theirtrust in Him.
Do not look at the worldly wealth which We have given todifferent people among them, nor grieve at their condition. Leavethem alone, attend to the believers in kindness,
Nay! I swear by all that you can see,
and all that you cannot see,
that this is the word of a noble Rasool.
is it not the word of a poet - little is it that you believe,
nor it is the word of a soothsayer - little admonition is thatyou take.
This is a revelation from the Rabb of the worlds.
Had he (Muhammad) invented false statement concerning Us,
We would certainly have seize him by his right hand
then cut off his main artery,
and none of you could prevent it!
O Muhammad, ask them: "Who has forbidden you to wear decentclothes or to eat the good food which Allah has provided for Hisdevotees?" Say: "All these things are for the enjoyment of thebelievers in the life of this world though shared by others; butthese shall be exclusively theirs on the Day of Resurrection.Thus do We make Our revelations clear for those who understand."
As for those who follow the Right Way, Allah will increase theirguidance and bestow on them their righteousness.
He is the One Who has made you the inheritors of the earth andraised some of you in ranks over others so that He may test youin what He has given you. Surely your Rabb is swift inretribution; yet He is also very Forgiving, Merciful."
If the relatives, orphans or needy are present at the time of thedivision of an inheritance, give them something out of it, andspeak to them kind words.
Let those (disposing of an estate) have the same fear in theirminds as they would have for their own if they were to leave ahelpless family behind: they should, therefore, fear Allah andspeak for justice.
And let those who do not find means to marry keep themselveschaste until Allah enriches them out of His bounty. As for thoseof your slaves who wish to buy out their liberty, execute thedeed of liberty with them if you find them deserving, and givethem some of the wealth which Allah has given you. Do not forceyour slave-girls into prostitution for your own worldly gains, ifthey wish to preserve their chastity; and if anyone forces theminto it, then surely after such a compulsion Allah will beforgiving and merciful to them.
O believers! If you marry believing women and divorce them beforethe marriage is consummated, you are not required to observe theIddat (waiting period) which you should count for them, so givethem some present and relieve them gracefully.
There is no blame on you if you divorce women before the marriageis consummated or the dowry is settled. Pay them somethinganyhow, the rich man according to his means and poor according tohis, a reasonable amount in all fairness. This is an obligationon the righteous people.
Complete the Hajj (obligatory pilgrimage to Makkah) and the Umrah(optional visit to Makkah) for the sake of Allah. If you areprevented from proceeding then send such offering for sacrificeas you can afford and do not shave your head until the offeringshave reached their destination. But if any of you is ill or hasan ailment in his scalp which necessitates shaving, he must payransom either by fasting or feeding the poor or offering asacrifice. If in peacetime anyone wants to take the advantage ofperforming Umrah and Hajj together, he should make an offeringwhich he can afford; but if he lack the means, let him fast threedays during the Hajj and seven days on his return making ten daysin all. This order is for the one whose household is not in theprecincts of the Sacred Mosque. Fear Allah and know that Allah isstrict in retribution.
And let those who do not find means to marry keep themselveschaste until Allah enriches them out of His bounty. As for thoseof your slaves who wish to buy out their liberty, execute thedeed of liberty with them if you find them deserving, and givethem some of the wealth which Allah has given you. Do not forceyour slave-girls into prostitution for your own worldly gains, ifthey wish to preserve their chastity; and if anyone forces theminto it, then surely after such a compulsion Allah will beforgiving and merciful to them.
If any of you cannot afford to marry a free believing woman, lethim marry one of his own slave girls who is a believer; Allahknows how good you are in your faith. You all belong to one andthe same community. Marry them with the permission of theirfamily and give them their fair dowry so that they may live adecent life in wedlock and not live as prostitutes or look forsecret illicit relationships. Then if after marriage they commitadultery, they shall be given half the punishment prescribed fora free adulteress. The concession of such a marriage is for thoseof you who fear that they might commit a sin if they do not getmarried, but it is better for you to practice self-restraint.Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
And let those who do not find means to marry keep themselveschaste until Allah enriches them out of His bounty. As for thoseof your slaves who wish to buy out their liberty, execute thedeed of liberty with them if you find them deserving, and givethem some of the wealth which Allah has given you. Do not forceyour slave-girls into prostitution for your own worldly gains, ifthey wish to preserve their chastity; and if anyone forces theminto it, then surely after such a compulsion Allah will beforgiving and merciful to them.
Get the singles among you married as well as those who are fitfor marriage among your male slaves and female slaves. If theyare poor, Allah will make them free from want out of His grace:for Allah has boundless resources and is All-Knowing.