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DonateLit., "let them dwell wherever you dwell" - i.e., tropically, "let them share fully your standard of living".
E.g., for reasons of her health, or because she intends to remarry, etc.
I.e., at the father's expense: see 2:233 and the corresponding notes [219] and [220].
After the divorce is finalized.
Cf. n. 5507 above. A selfish man, because he has divorced his wife, may, in the probationary period before the divorce becomes absolute, treat her with contumely, and while giving her residence and maintenance, may so restrict it as to make her life miserable. This is forbidden. She must be provided on the same scale as he is, according to his status in life. There is still hope of reconciliation, and if not, yet the parting must be honourable.
If there is pregnancy, a sacred third life comes on the scene, for which there is added responsibility (perhaps added hope of reconciliation) for both parents. In any case no separation is possible until after the child is born. Even after birth, if no reconciliation between parents is possible, yet for the nursing of the child and for its welfare the care of the mother remains the duty of the father, and there must be mutual counsel between him and the mother in all truth and sincerity.
"If ye find yourselves in difficulties": e.g., if the mother's milk fails, or if her health fails, or if any circumstance arises which bars the natural course of the mother nursing her own child. There may be psychological difficulties also.
That is, the father must stand all expenses.
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Lit., "out of".
We must trust in Allah, and do whatever is possible for us in the interests of the young life for which we are responsible. We must not be frightened by difficulties. Allah will give us relief and provide a solution if we act with honest integrity. Cf. xciv. 5-6.
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This connects with, and stresses, the fact that all the preceding injunctions are divinely ordained.
Insolent impiety consists not only in the breach of the rites of religion. Even more vital is the defiance of the laws of nature which Allah has made for us. These laws, for us human beings include those which relate to our fellow-beings in society to whom kindness and consideration form the basis of our social duties. Our duties to our families and our children in intimate matters such as were spoken of in the last Section, are as important as any in our spiritual life. Peoples who forgot the moral law in marriage or family life perished in this world and will have no future in the Hereafter. The lessons apply not only to individuals but to whole nations or social groups.
This refers to the present life: apparently the Hereafter is implied in verse 10 below.
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See note [4] on 64:5 .
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This is one of the names of the Quran.
See last note.
There is no excuse for us to go astray, seeing that Allah in His infinite Mercy has explained to us His Message by His many Signs around us and clearly by means of the human Teachers and Messengers whom He has sent for our instruction: see next verse.
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Cf. xxiv. 40: the unbelievers' state is "like the depths of darkness in a vast deep ocean, overwhelmed with billow topped by billow, topped by dark clouds; depths of darkness, one above another." Cf. ii. 257; "Allah is the Protector of those who have Faith: from the depths of darkness He will lead them forth into light."
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See surah {2}, note [20].
Lit., "the command". The verbal form yatanazzalu implies recurrence and continuity; its combination with the noun al-amr reflects the concept of God's unceasing creative activity.
"Seven Firmaments." (Cf. ii. 29; xvii. 44; xxiii- 86; and xli. 12.)
Literally: they are seven in number, each one separate from the other.
But in all spheres of life and Creation, whatever conception we are able to form of them, it is certain that the Command or Law of Allah runs through them all, for His knowledge and power extend through all things.
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