The "fig" and the "olive" symbolise, in this context, the lands in which these trees predominate: i.e., the countries bordering on the eastern part of the Mediterranean, especially Palestine and Syria. As it was in these lands that most of the Abrahamic prophets mentioned in the Qur'an lived and preached, these two species of tree may be taken as metonyms for the religious teachings voiced by the long line of those God-inspired men, culminating in the person of the last Judaic prophet, Jesus. "Mount Sinai", on the other hand, stresses specifically the apostleship of Moses, inasmuch as the religious law valid before, and up to, the advent of Muhammad - and in its essentials binding on Jesus as well - was revealed to Moses on a mountain of the Sinai Desert. Finally, "this land secure" signifies undoubtedly (as is evident from 2:126 ) Mecca, where Muhammad, the Last Prophet, was born and received his divine call. Thus, verses {1-3} draw our attention to the fundamental ethical unity underlying the teachings - the genuine teachings - of all the three historic phases of monotheistic religion, metonymically personified by Moses, Jesus and Muhammad. The specific truth to be considered here is referred to in the next three verses.
This passage refers to the land of figs and olives where Jesus (ﷺ) lived, Mount Sinai where Moses (ﷺ) communicated with Allah, and the city of Mecca where the Prophet (ﷺ) started his mission. A similar reference can be found in Deuteronomy 33:1, ˹Moses proclaimed:˺ “The Lord came from Sinai. Rising from Seir upon us, he [sic] shone forth from Mount Paran.” Seir is a mountain near Jerusalem, and Paran is a mountain near Mecca.
"This City of security" is undoubtedly Makkah. Even in Pagan times its sacred character was respected, and no fighting was allowed in its territory. But the same City, with all its sacred associations, persecuted the greatest of the Prophets and gave itself up for a time to idolatry and sin, thus presenting the contrast of the best and the worst.
Having discussed the four symbols in detail, let us consider them together. It is clear that they refer to Allah's Light or Revelation, which offers man the highest destiny if he will follow the Way. Makkah stands for Islam, Sinai for Israel, and the Mount of Olives for Christ's original and pure Message.