I.e., before the expedition to Tabuk, during which these passages were revealed.
For example, ’Abdullâh ibn Ubai ibn Salûl, a chief hypocrite, marched with the Prophet (ﷺ) for the Battle of Uḥud in the outskirts of Medina, then decided not to join the fight and returned to Medina with his followers who made up around one third of the Muslim army.
Evil plotters against Truth are only too glad to get an opportunity of meddling from within with affairs which they want to spoil or upset. They plot from outside, but they like to get into the inner circle, that their chances of intrigue may be all the greater. They are, however, unwilling to incur any danger or any self-sacrifice. Their whole activities are directed to mischief. Great wisdom is required in a leader to deal with such a situation, and the best of such leaders must need divine guidance, as was forthcoming in this case.