Lit., "deferred unto God's decree (amr)" - i.e., kept in abeyance in anticipation of their future repentance. As in the preceding four verses, the people referred to here are, in the first instance, the waverers who stayed away from the campaign of Tabuk, and, by implication, all half-hearted believers who confusedly hover between right and wrong: with the difference, however, that whereas the repentant sinners spoken of in verses {102-105} are said to have realized their sinfulness spontaneously, the kind of people referred to in verse {106} have not yet reached the stage of moral self-examination and repentance, with the result that their cases are "deferred" until such a time as their impulses sway them entirely one way or another. From a psychological point of view, it is possible to discern a subtle connection between this verse and {7:46-47}.
This verse refers to Ka’b ibn Mâlik, Murarah ibn Rabi’, and Hilâl ibn Umaiyah, the three companions who remained in Medina with no excuse, but were honest about what they did. They were boycotted by Muslims for about fifty days until verses 118-119 of this chapter were revealed declaring the acceptance of their repentance.
Three categories of men are mentioned, whose faith was tested and found wanting in the Tabuk affair, but their characteristics are perfectly general, and we may here consider them in their general aspects: (1) the deep-dyed hypocrites, who when found out make excuses because otherwise they will suffer ignominy; they are unregenerate and obstinate, and there is no hope for them (ix. 101); (2) there are those who have lapsed into evil, but are not altogether evil; they repent and amend, and are accepted (ix. 102-105); and (3) there are doubtful cases, but Allah will judge them (ix. 106). A fourth category is mentioned in ix. 107, which will be discussed later.