Lit., "lamps" - i.e., stars: cf. 37:6 "We have adorned the skies nearest to the earth with the beauty of stars".
For the wider meaning of shayatin - a term which in this context points specifically to "the satans from among mankind, that is, the astrologers" (Baydawi) - see surah {15}, note [16]. As regards the term rajm (pl. rujum), which literally denotes the "throwing [of something] like a stone," - i.e., at random - it is often used metaphorically in the sense of "speaking conjecturally" or "making [something] the object of guesswork" (Jawhari, Raghib - the latter connecting this metaphor explicitly with the above verse -, Lisan al-'Arab, Qamus, Taj al-'Arus, etc.). Cf. also {37:6-10}.
See 72:8-10.
"Lowest (or nearest) heaven": see n. 4035 to xxxvii. 6.
The phenomenon of the shooting stars has been, explained in xv. 16-18, notes 1951-54; and in xxxvii. 6-10, and notes thereon.