For this rendering of the plural noun hur (which is both masculine and feminine), see note [8] on 56:22 , the earliest occurrence of this term in the Qur'an; also note [13] on 56:34 .
Maqsurat here is the passive participle of the same verb as the active participle Qasirat in Iv. 56, xxxvii. 48 and xxxviii. 52. As I have translated Qasirat by the phrase "restraining (their glances)", I think I am right in translating the passive Maqsurat by "restrained (as to their glances)". This is the only place in the Qur-an where the passive form occurs.
The Pavilions seem to add dignity to their status. In the other Gardens (Iv. 58), the description "like rubies and corals" is perhaps an indication of higher dignity.