For an explanation of this rendering of ma'shar al-jinn wa-'l-ins, see note [112] on the first paragraph of 6:128 .
I.e., in order to escape God's judgment and chastisement.
I.e., "unless He wills to reprieve you": cf. the last paragraph of 6:128 and the corresponding note [114].
Cf. vi. 130, where the Jinns and men are addressed collectively. That whole passage, vi. 130-134, should be read as a commentary on this verse. 'If you think that because you do things in secret, or because some of your sins do not seem to meet their inevitable punishment or some of your good deeds seem to go unnoticed, do not be deceived. Judgment will soon come. You cannot possibly escape out of the zones in which your lives have been cast, without authority from Allah. Be grateful to Allah for the chances He has given you'. "All that hath been promised unto you will come to pass: nor can ye frustrate it in the least bit" (vi. 134).