Thus, after laying stress in the preceding verses on the reverence due to God's messagebearer - and, by implication, to every righteous leader of the community - the discourse turns to the moral imperative of safeguarding the honour and reputation of every member of the community, man and woman alike. This principle is taken up, more explicitly, in verse {12}.
I.e., verify the truth before giving credence to any such report or rumour. The tale-bearer is characterized as "iniquitous" because the very act of spreading unsubstantiated rumours affecting the reputation of other persons constitutes a spiritual offence.
Al-Walîd ibn ’Uqbah ibn Abi Mu’aiṭ was sent by the Prophet (ﷺ) to collect alms-tax from Bani Al-Muṣṭaliq. They went out to receive Al-Walîd but he assumed they wanted to harm him. Therefore, he quickly returned to the Prophet (ﷺ) with the bad news so he would punish them. Shortly after, a delegation from Bani Al-Muṣṭaliq came to clarify the misunderstanding.
All tittle-tattle or reports-especially if emanating from persons you do not know-are to be tested, and the truth ascertained. If they were believed and passed on, much harm may be done, of which you may have cause afterwards to repent heartily. Scandal or slander of all kinds is here condemned.