Most of the commentators assume that this relates to the conquest of Khaybar, which took place a few months after the Truce of Hudaybiyyah. It is probable, however, that the implication is much wider than that - namely, a prophecy of the almost bloodless conquest of Mecca in the year 8 H., the victorious establishment of Islam in all of Arabia and, finally, the tremendous expansion of the Islamic Commonwealth under the Prophet's immediate successors.
I.e., at Hudaybiyyah (see introductory note).
The conquest of Khaibar in 7 A.H./628 C.E.
The great ceremony of the Fealty of Allah's Good Pleasure took place while the holy Prophet sat under a tree in the plain of Hudaibiya.
Or tested: see n. 4855 to xlvii. 31.
Sakina=Peace, calm, sense of security and confidence, tranquillity. Cf. above xlviii. 4, and n. 4869. The same word is used in connection with the battle of Hunain in ix. 26, and in connection with the Cave of Thaur at an early stage in the Hijrat: ix. 40.
The Treaty of Hudaibiya itself was a "speedy Victory": it followed immediately after the Bai'at.
The noun from the verb radhiya is Ridhwan (Good Pleasure); hence the name of this Bai'at, Bai'at ur Ridhwan, the Fealty of Allah's Good Pleasure: see n. 4877 to xlviii. 10.