For the meaning of the term latif as applied to God, especially in combination with the term khabir, see note [89] on 6:103 .
Allah’s revelations refers to verses of the Quran whereas prophetic wisdom refers to the sayings and teachings of the Prophet (ﷺ), known collectively as ḥadîth.
The verb is uzkurna, feminine gender, as referring to the Azwaj again. It means not only "remember", but "recite", "teach", "make known", "publish", the Message which ye learn at home from the holy Prophet, the fountain of spiritual knowledge. The "Signs of Allah" refer specially to the verses of the Qur-an, and Wisdom to the resulting Instruction derived therefrom.
Cf. xxii. 63 and n. 2844. Allah's understanding is perfect in every detail, however minute. Therefore use His Revelation for every phase of life.