For an explanation of Moses' wanderings in the desert, see note [7] on 20:10 ; for that of the allegory of the "fire", note [7] on {27:7-8}. - Throughout this work, the noun at-tur ("the mountain") is being rendered as "Mount Sinai", for it is to this and to no other mountain that the Qur'an invariably refers in the above term.
Sc., "as to which way we are to pursue".
lit., information. Moses and his family lost their way in the dark while they were travelling from Midian to Egypt.
Note how the transition is effected from the happy life of Moses to the new prophetic mission.
The episode in the desert, full of human interest, now closes, and we come to the threshold of the sacred Call to the divine ministry of Moses. Here we may compare this passage with that in xxvii. 7-14 and previous passages. In this passage we are told, after reference to Moses's preparation for his high destiny, of the particular sin of Arrogance and Sacrilege of which Pharaoh was guilty (xxviii 38-39), how it was punished, and with what instruments in the hands of Moses and Pharaoh. The notes on the earlier passage should be read, as explanations already given need not now be repeated.