Lit., "seven paths", which may signify the orbits of the visible planets or - as the classical commentators assume - the "seven heavens" (i.e., cosmic systems) repeatedly spoken of in the Qur'an. In either case, the number "seven" is used metonymically, indicating multiplicity. See in this connection note [20] on 2:29 .
Taraiq: literally tracts, roads, orbits or paths. Here it means: seven heavens. The assurance given in the next clause, that Allah cares for us and all His Creation, calls out attention to Allah's goodness, which is further illustrated in the subsequent verses.
Allah's care for His Creation is ceaseless. A few examples of His care for our physical well-being are given in verses 18-22, and for our spiritual well-being, in Sections 2 to 5.