Or: "God lets go astray whomever He wills". Regarding the rendering adopted by me, see surah {14}, note [4].
See verse {7} of this surah and the corresponding note [16]. The repetition of this question at this place points to its connection with the reference to "those who break their bond with God after it has been established [in their nature]" in verse {25} above (elucidated in note [19] on 2:27 ). The abandonment of their original, innate faculty to realize the existence of God and their own dependence on His guidance - caused by their utter immersion in the passing pleasures of this world's life - makes it impossible for "those who are bent on denying the truth" to sense the breath of the divine in the message propounded to them by Muhammad: and so they refuse to accept it as true unless it is supported by an outward "miracle". (See in this connection note [94] on 6:109 .)
The disbelievers demanded a tangible miracle such as the staff of Moses.
The question is repeated from xiii. 7 above; for the line of reasoning there suggested in answer is now completed, and another line of reasoning is now taken up. Allah provides every guidance for those who turn to Him in penitence, but He will leave those to wander astray who deliberately close their eyes and their hearts to His grace and the comfort that comes from remembering Him and celebrating His praises.