Therefore be patient with what they say. Glorify your Rabb withHis praise before sunrise and before sunset, glorify Him duringthe hours of the night as well as at the ends of the day, so thatyou may find satisfaction.
Say: Should I seek a judge other than Allah, when He is the OneWho has revealed this Book (The Qur'an) with full details? Thosewhom We gave the Book, before you, know very well that it isrevealed to you from your Rabb with the Truth; therefore, youshould not be of those who have doubts.
Allah did in fact make a covenant with the Children of Israel andappointed twelve chieftains from among them and said: "I am withyou; if you establish Salah (prayers) pay Zakah, believe in MyRasools, support them and give a generous loan to Allah (spend incharity), I will certainly forgive you your sins and admit you togardens beneath which the rivers flow. However, if any one ofyou, after this, violates this covenant, he will indeed go astrayfrom the Right Way."
On the Day when He will assemble them all together, ( Allah willaddress the Jinns): "O assembly of Jinns! You seduced mankind ingreat number." And their votaries from among mankind will say:"Our Rabb, we have both enjoyed each other's fellowship but alas!Now we have reached the end of our term which You had decreed forus." Then Allah will say: "Now hellfire is your dwelling-place;you will live therein forever unless Allah ordains otherwise."Surely your Rabb is Wise, Knowledgeable.
The unbelievers say: "The Hour of Doom will never come to us."Tell them: "Nay! By my Rabb, the Knower of the unseen, it shallcertainly come upon you. Nothing, even equal an atom, in theheavens or the earth is hidden from Him; nor there is anythingsmaller or greater than that, but is recorded in the Clear Book.
The hour of Doom is sure to come, there is no doubt about it; yetmost people do not believe it.
surely, that which you are being promised is true;
the torment of your Rabb will surely come to pass!
When the inevitable event will come to pass
So, what causes them to disbelieve you concerning the Day ofJudgement?
They ask you about the Hour of Doom and when will it take place.Say: "Knowledge about it rests only with my Rabb: He Himself willdisclose it at the proper time. Heavy is its weight in theheavens and the earth. It will not come gradually but all of asudden. They ask you as if you yourself were in search of it.Tell them: "The knowledge about it rests only with Allah thoughmost people do not understand."
Further, they say: "When will this promise of resurrection cometo pass, if what you say is true?"
People ask you about the Hour of Doom. Tell them: "Allah Alonehas the knowledge of it. Who knows? It may be that the Hour isnear at hand."
Tell them: "Allah Alone has the knowledge of that; my mission isonly to warn you plainly."
They ask you about the hour: "When will it come?"
The Hour of Doom is drawing near, the moon has split asunder;which is a clear proof that the same thing can happen to theearth.
Then you shall be divided into three groups:
Those of the right hand - happy shall be those on the right hand!
As for those of the left hand - how unfortunate will be thepeople of the left hand!
On that Day, some faces shall be bright,
About what are they asking?
Have you seen the one who denies the Day of Judgment?
Every nation was sent a Rasool. Once their Rasool came, judgementwas passed between them with all fairness and they were notwronged in the least.
Nay! In fact you deny the Day of Judgement!
O Muhammad, surely We have granted you the Kauthar (countlessblessings - it is also the name of a special fountain which willbe granted to Prophet Muhammad on the Day of Judgement ).
Therefore, offer Salah (prayer) to your Rabb and sacrifice.
Surely your enemy is the one who will be cut off from the root.
You see that those who have the disease of hypocrisy in theirhearts move around in their camp saying: "We fear lest a turn offortune strike us." But soon when Allah gives you victory or adecision according to His will, they will regret for what theyare hiding in their hearts.
You should prepare for that Day when We will set the mountains in motion and you will see the earth as a barren waste; when We shall assemble mankind all together, leaving not even a single soul behind.
On that Day We shall let the people loose to surge like waves on one another. The trumpet will be blown and We shall assemble the mankind all together.
Inspite of this, the sects from among them are divided concerningJesus. So woe to the disbelievers who shall be punished afterwitnessing this Truth on the Great Day of Judgement.
Those who reject it, shall bear a heavy burden on the Day ofResurrection.
The Day, when the Trumpet will be blown and We shall assemble allthe sinners, their eyes will turn blue with terror.
- On that Day the people will follow the call of the Caller, noone will dare show any crookedness; their voices hushed beforethe Beneficent (Allah), and you shall here nothing but the soundof the marching feet.
On that Day, no intercession will avail except the one to whomthe Beneficent (Allah) shall grant permission and would like togive him a hearing.
but the one who is a believer and does good deeds shall fear notyranny or injustice.
but the one who will turn away from My reminder shall live ameager life and We shall raise him back to life as a blind personon the Day of Resurrection."
and the time of fulfillment for the True Promise will draw near,then behold! The eyes of the unbelievers will fixedly stare inhorror: "O woe to us! We were indeed heedless of this warning;nay we were wrongdoers."
O mankind! Have fear of your Rabb; the catastrophic quaking ofthe Hour of Doom will be terrible indeed.
On the Day when the Trumpet will be blown, they will neither haveworldly relations between them any more, nor will they ask abouteach other.
We shall say to them: "Were My revelations not recited to you,and did you not deny them?"
They will be asked: "How many years did you live on earth?"
On that Day, He will gather all these people together along withthe deities whom they worshiped besides Allah, and ask: "Was ityou who misled these servants of Mine, or did they choose to goastray themselves?"
On that Day the wrongdoer will bite his hands saying: "Oh! Wouldthat I had only taken the pathway alongside the Rasool!
On that Day We shall gather from every nation a multitude ofthose who disbelieved Our revelations; then they shall bearranged in classifications according to their merits,
On the Day when the Hour of Judgement will be established, thecriminals shall be in despair.
Then a trumpet shall be blown and, behold, they will rise up fromtheir graves and hasten to their Rabb.
It will be commanded: "Gather all the wrongdoers, their spousesand those whom they used to worship
So on that Day they shall all be partners in the punishment.
So on that Day they shall all be partners in the punishment.
But the sincere devotees of Allah
In fact, they found their fathers on the wrong path,
Then he looked at the stars one time
They have not recognized the worth of Allah as his worth shouldbe recognized. On the Day of Resurrection the whole earth shallbe in His grasp and all the heavens shall be rolled up in Hisright hand. Glory be to Him! Exalted be He above what theyassociate with Him.
O Prophet, warn them of the Day that is drawing near, when thehearts will leap up to the throats with grief; when thewrongdoers will have neither friend nor intercessor who could begiven heed to.
Are they waiting for the Hour of Doom that it should come on themall of a sudden, without warning?
To Allah belongs the Kingdom of the heavens and the earth. Onthat Day when the Hour of Judgment will be established, those whohave denied His revelations shall be doomed to loss.
So leave them alone until they encounter that Day of theirswherein they shall be made to swoon with terror.
Therefore, O Prophet, let them be. On the Day when the callerwill call them to a terrible event.
The Day when He will gather you all; will be the Day of Assembly,which shall be the Day of mutual loss and gain among the people.Those who believe in Allah and do good deeds, He will remove fromthem their sins and admit them to gardens beneath which riversflow, to live therein forever, and that will be the supremeachievement.
On the Day of Judgement, when the dreadful events shall beunfolded, and they shall be asked to prostrate themselves, theyshall not be able to do so.
As for the dooms- day, it shall come, when the Trumpet will beblown with a single blast
The Day when they shall rush forward from their graves, as if they were racing towards a goal,
When they shall see the punishment that they are being threatenedwith, then they shall find out whose helpers are weak and whosesupporters are fewer in number.
If you persist in unbelief, how will you save yourselves on thatDay which shall turn the children grey-headed (old),
When the Trumpet will be sounded,
Surely, that which you are being promised, shall be fulfilled.
On the Day of Judgement it will be said to the disbelievers:"Walk on to hell which you used deny!
The Day of decision is already fixed.
On that Day, the Spirit (Gabriel) and the angels shall stand intheir ranks; none shall speak except the one to whom theCompassionate (Allah) shall grant permission to speak, and hewill speak straight to the point.
The Day on which the quake shall cause a violent commotion,
They should know that it shall be only a single shout,
Finally when there come the deafening blast,
When the sun will cease to shine;
When the heaven will cleft asunder;
What will explain to you what the Day of Judgment is?
When heaven will split asunder,
on the Day when the hidden secrets will be brought to scrutiny,
Has the news of the over shadowing event of resurrection reachedyou?
Nay! You should know, when the earth will be pounded to powder,
Is he not aware that when those who lie in the graves will beraised to life,
The Qariah!
Are they waiting for Allah to come down to them in the shadow ofclouds, along with the angels, and make His decision known?Ultimately all matters will be presented to Allah for decision.
Now are these people waiting for anything other than the Day ofFulfillment (Day of Judgement)? When the Day of Fulfillment willcome, those who have disregarded it, will say: "Indeed theRasools of our Rabb had come with the truth. Are there anyintercessors now, who could intercede on our behalf? Or could webe sent back so that we would not do as we have done before." Infact they would have lost their souls and the things they hadinvented will leave them in the lurch.
O Muhammad, admonish with this (The Qur'an), those who have thefear of being assembled before their Rabb in such a conditionthat there will be no one to protect them or intercede on theirbehalf other than Him. It may be that, by this admonition, theymay become righteous.
and they are the ones who join together what Allah has commandedto be joined, who fear their Rabb and are afraid of the terriblereckoning;
But he who had feared standing before his Rabb and curbed hisevil desires
shall have his home in paradise.
Do not misappropriate one another's property unjustly, nor bribethe judges, in order to misappropriate a part of other people'sproperty, sinfully and knowingly.
To you, O Muhammad, We have revealed this Book with the truth. Itconfirms whatever has remained intact in the scriptures whichcame before it and also to safeguard it. Therefore, judge betweenpeople according to Allah's revelations and do not yield to theirvain desires diverging from the truth which has come to you. Wehave ordained a law and a Way of life for each of you. If Allahwanted He could have made all of you a single nation. But Hewilled otherwise in order to test you in what He has given you;therefore try to excel one another in good deeds. Ultimately youall shall return to Allah; then He will show you the truth ofthose matters in which you dispute.
So, O Muhammad, pronounce judgement among them according to thelaw which Allah has revealed and do not follow their vaindesires, and beware of them lest they tempt you away from a partof that which Allah has revealed to you. If they reject yourjudgement, then know that it is Allah's wish to scourge them forsome of their sins. In fact most of the people are transgressors.
By rejecting the Divine Law do they wish to be judged by the lawsof ignorance? Who is a better Judge than Allah for those whobelieve in Him?
When such people are called to Allah and His Rasool that He mayjudge between them, behold! A party of them decline to come.
However, if they have the truth on their side, they come to himvoluntarily.
Is there a disease in their hearts? Either they are skeptical, orelse they fear that Allah and His Rasool will deny them justice.Nay! In fact they are the ones who are the wrongdoers.
That is because they listen to falsehood and eat what isforbidden. Therefore, if they come to you with their cases, youmay judge between them or refuse to do so. Even if you refuse,they will not be able to harm you the least, but if you do act asa judge, judge between them with fairness, for Allah loves thosewho judge with fairness.
But why do they come to you for judgement when they have theTaurat which contains Allah's commandments? Yet they turn backafter that. In fact, they are not true believers.
That is because they listen to falsehood and eat what isforbidden. Therefore, if they come to you with their cases, youmay judge between them or refuse to do so. Even if you refuse,they will not be able to harm you the least, but if you do act asa judge, judge between them with fairness, for Allah loves thosewho judge with fairness.
But why do they come to you for judgement when they have theTaurat which contains Allah's commandments? Yet they turn backafter that. In fact, they are not true believers.
Allah commands you to give back the trusts to their rightfulowners, and when you judge between people, judge with fairness.Surely, excellent is the counsel which Allah gives you. Allah isHe who hears and observes all.
We have revealed to you the Book with the Truth so that you mayjudge between people in accordance with the Right Way which Allahhas shown you, so be not an advocate for those who betray trust;
Remember Allah's favor to you and the covenant which He ratifiedwith you when you said: "We hear and we obey." Have fear ofAllah; surely Allah knows the secrets of your hearts.
Then in the footsteps of those Prophets, We sent Isa (Jesus) theson of Maryam (Mary) confirming whatever remained intact from theTaurat in his time, and gave him the Injeel (Gospel) wherein wasguidance and light, corroborating what was revealed in theTaurat; a guidance and an admonition to those who fear Allah.
Therefore, let the people who follow the Injeel (Gospel) judge bythe Law which Allah has revealed therein; those who do not judgeby the Law which Allah has revealed, they are the transgressors.
Have you not seen the behavior of those (Jews) who have beengiven a portion of the Book? When they are invited to settletheir disputes according to the Book of Allah, some of them turnback and decline.
This is because they say: "The fire of Hell shall not touch us;even if it does, it will be for a few days." In their religionthey are deceived by their own self-invented beliefs.
What will they do when We will gather them together on the Daywhich is sure to come, when every soul will be given what it hasearned and there shall be no injustice?
Indeed We revealed the Taurat to Moses, in which there isguidance and light: By its laws, all the Prophets, who wereMuslims, judged those who call themselves Jews and so did therabbis and jurists of law. They were entrusted the protection ofAllah's Book and they themselves were witnesses. Have no fear ofpeople; fear Me, and do not sell My revelations for a pettyprice: those who do not judge by the law which Allah hasrevealed, are indeed kafirs (unbelievers).
We ordained in Taurat for them: "A life for a life, an eye for aneye, a nose for a nose, an ear for an ear, a tooth for a toothand for a wound an equal retaliation." But if anyone remits theretaliation by way of charity it will be an act of atonement forhim; those who do not judge by the law which Allah has revealed,they are the wrongdoers.
Then in the footsteps of those Prophets, We sent Isa (Jesus) theson of Maryam (Mary) confirming whatever remained intact from theTaurat in his time, and gave him the Injeel (Gospel) wherein wasguidance and light, corroborating what was revealed in theTaurat; a guidance and an admonition to those who fear Allah.
Therefore, let the people who follow the Injeel (Gospel) judge bythe Law which Allah has revealed therein; those who do not judgeby the Law which Allah has revealed, they are the transgressors.
To you, O Muhammad, We have revealed this Book with the truth. Itconfirms whatever has remained intact in the scriptures whichcame before it and also to safeguard it. Therefore, judge betweenpeople according to Allah's revelations and do not yield to theirvain desires diverging from the truth which has come to you. Wehave ordained a law and a Way of life for each of you. If Allahwanted He could have made all of you a single nation. But Hewilled otherwise in order to test you in what He has given you;therefore try to excel one another in good deeds. Ultimately youall shall return to Allah; then He will show you the truth ofthose matters in which you dispute.
So, O Muhammad, pronounce judgement among them according to thelaw which Allah has revealed and do not follow their vaindesires, and beware of them lest they tempt you away from a partof that which Allah has revealed to you. If they reject yourjudgement, then know that it is Allah's wish to scourge them forsome of their sins. In fact most of the people are transgressors.
By rejecting the Divine Law do they wish to be judged by the lawsof ignorance? Who is a better Judge than Allah for those whobelieve in Him?
When such people are called to Allah and His Rasool that He mayjudge between them, behold! A party of them decline to come.
However, if they have the truth on their side, they come to himvoluntarily.
Is there a disease in their hearts? Either they are skeptical, orelse they fear that Allah and His Rasool will deny them justice.Nay! In fact they are the ones who are the wrongdoers.
The response of the true believers, when they are called to Allahand His Rasool that he may judge between them, is only to say:"We hear and we obey." Such are the ones who will attainfelicity.
Only those who obey Allah and His Rasool, have fear of Allah anddo good deeds, are the ones who will be the winners.
Indeed We revealed the Taurat to Moses, in which there isguidance and light: By its laws, all the Prophets, who wereMuslims, judged those who call themselves Jews and so did therabbis and jurists of law. They were entrusted the protection ofAllah's Book and they themselves were witnesses. Have no fear ofpeople; fear Me, and do not sell My revelations for a pettyprice: those who do not judge by the law which Allah hasrevealed, are indeed kafirs (unbelievers).
We ordained in Taurat for them: "A life for a life, an eye for aneye, a nose for a nose, an ear for an ear, a tooth for a toothand for a wound an equal retaliation." But if anyone remits theretaliation by way of charity it will be an act of atonement forhim; those who do not judge by the law which Allah has revealed,they are the wrongdoers.
Then in the footsteps of those Prophets, We sent Isa (Jesus) theson of Maryam (Mary) confirming whatever remained intact from theTaurat in his time, and gave him the Injeel (Gospel) wherein wasguidance and light, corroborating what was revealed in theTaurat; a guidance and an admonition to those who fear Allah.
Therefore, let the people who follow the Injeel (Gospel) judge bythe Law which Allah has revealed therein; those who do not judgeby the Law which Allah has revealed, they are the transgressors.
To you, O Muhammad, We have revealed this Book with the truth. Itconfirms whatever has remained intact in the scriptures whichcame before it and also to safeguard it. Therefore, judge betweenpeople according to Allah's revelations and do not yield to theirvain desires diverging from the truth which has come to you. Wehave ordained a law and a Way of life for each of you. If Allahwanted He could have made all of you a single nation. But Hewilled otherwise in order to test you in what He has given you;therefore try to excel one another in good deeds. Ultimately youall shall return to Allah; then He will show you the truth ofthose matters in which you dispute.
So, O Muhammad, pronounce judgement among them according to thelaw which Allah has revealed and do not follow their vaindesires, and beware of them lest they tempt you away from a partof that which Allah has revealed to you. If they reject yourjudgement, then know that it is Allah's wish to scourge them forsome of their sins. In fact most of the people are transgressors.
By rejecting the Divine Law do they wish to be judged by the lawsof ignorance? Who is a better Judge than Allah for those whobelieve in Him?
Finally, Allah said: "O earth! Swallow up your water," and "Osky! Cease your rain." The floodwater abated and the judgementwas carried out. The ark rested on Mount Al-Judi and it was said:"Gone are the wrongdoing people!"
Thus shall it be! He that retaliates equal to the infliction hereceived and then is wronged again, will most certainly be helpedby Allah; surely Allah is the One Who is All-Forbearing, MostForgiving.
Warn those who deny Allah's revelations, slay the Prophetswithout any justification, and kill those from among the peoplewho enjoin justice about the news of a painful punishment.
They are the ones whose deeds will become void in this world andin the Hereafter, and they will have no helpers.
Allah commands you to give back the trusts to their rightfulowners, and when you judge between people, judge with fairness.Surely, excellent is the counsel which Allah gives you. Allah isHe who hears and observes all.
Nay! O Muhammad - by your Rabb - they will never be truebelievers until they accept you as a judge in their disputes,then they do not find any resentment in their hearts against yourverdicts and accept them with complete submission.
We have revealed to you the Book with the Truth so that you mayjudge between people in accordance with the Right Way which Allahhas shown you, so be not an advocate for those who betray trust;
O believers! Stand firm for justice and bear true witness for thesake of Allah, even though it be against yourselves, your parentsor your relatives. It does not matter whether the party is richor poor - Allah is well wisher of both. So let not your selfishdesires swerve you from justice. If you distort your testimony ordecline to give it, then you should remember that Allah is fullyaware of your actions.
O Muhammad, say to them: "My Rabb has commanded justice and thatyou set your faces in the right direction at the time of everyprayer and call on Him with true devotion. You shall return toHim as He created you in the beginning."
It is not possible for you to do justice between your wives evenif you wish to do so; therefore, in order to comply with DivineLaw, do not lean towards one wife to the extent that you leavethe other hanging in air. If you work out a friendlyunderstanding and fear Allah, Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
O believers! Stand firm for justice and bear true witness for thesake of Allah, even though it be against yourselves, your parentsor your relatives. It does not matter whether the party is richor poor - Allah is well wisher of both. So let not your selfishdesires swerve you from justice. If you distort your testimony ordecline to give it, then you should remember that Allah is fullyaware of your actions.
Remember Allah's favor to you and the covenant which He ratifiedwith you when you said: "We hear and we obey." Have fear ofAllah; surely Allah knows the secrets of your hearts.
Among those whom We have created, there are some people who guideothers with the truth and establish justice therewith.
O believers! Stand firm for justice and bear true witness for thesake of Allah, even though it be against yourselves, your parentsor your relatives. It does not matter whether the party is richor poor - Allah is well wisher of both. So let not your selfishdesires swerve you from justice. If you distort your testimony ordecline to give it, then you should remember that Allah is fullyaware of your actions.
O believers! Stand firm for justice and bear true witness for thesake of Allah, even though it be against yourselves, your parentsor your relatives. It does not matter whether the party is richor poor - Allah is well wisher of both. So let not your selfishdesires swerve you from justice. If you distort your testimony ordecline to give it, then you should remember that Allah is fullyaware of your actions.
O believers! Stand firm for justice and bear true witness for thesake of Allah, even though it be against yourselves, your parentsor your relatives. It does not matter whether the party is richor poor - Allah is well wisher of both. So let not your selfishdesires swerve you from justice. If you distort your testimony ordecline to give it, then you should remember that Allah is fullyaware of your actions.
The Prophet is closer to the believers than their own selves andhis wives are as their mothers. Blood relatives have a greaterclaim on one another than the other believers and the Muhajirin(early Muslims who migrated from Makkah to Madinah) according tothe Book of Allah: although you are permitted to some good(through leaving bequests) for your friends . This has beenwritten in the Book of Allah.
Allah commands you to give back the trusts to their rightfulowners, and when you judge between people, judge with fairness.Surely, excellent is the counsel which Allah gives you. Allah isHe who hears and observes all.
We have revealed to you the Book with the Truth so that you mayjudge between people in accordance with the Right Way which Allahhas shown you, so be not an advocate for those who betray trust;
O believers! Be steadfast for the sake of Allah and bear truewitness and let not the enmity of a people incite you to doinjustice; do justice; that is nearer to piety. Fear Allah,surely Allah is fully aware of all your actions.
Allah does not forbid you to be kind and equitable to those whohad neither fought against your faith nor driven you out of yourhomes. In fact Allah loves the equitable.
They ask your decision concerning the women. Tell them: Allahmakes His decision concerning them and along with it reminds youabout those commandments, recited to you in the Book (TheQur'an), relating to orphan girls to whom you do not give theirlawful rights and to whom you do not wish to marry. He alsoreminds you regarding the helpless children, and to stand firmfor justice to orphans. Whatever good you do, Allah surely knowsit.
To Him you shall all return. Allah's promise is true. He is theOne Who originates the process of Creation and repeats it (willbring it back to life) so that He may justly reward those whobelieved in Him and did righteous deeds. As for those whodisbelieved, they shall have boiling fluids to drink and shallundergo a painful punishment because they rejected the truth.
Furthermore, not to go near the property of an orphan except inthe best way (to improve it). Until he attains maturity, givefull measure and just weight - We never charge a soul with morethan it can bear. Whenever you speak, be just, even if it affectsyour own relatives, and fulfill your covenant with Allah. Theseare the things which He has enjoined on you so that you may bemindful.
You shall give full measure, when you measure, and weigh witheven scale; this is the best way and will prove to be the best inthe end.