Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) addressed them saying, "You women should give alms even if it consists of your jewellery, for you will be the majority of the inhabitants of Jahannam on the Day of Resurrection."
Tirmidhi transmitted it.
I asked Ubai bin Ka'b regarding the two Muwwidhat (Surats of taking refuge with Allah). He said, "I asked the Prophet about them. He said, 'These two Surats have been recited to me and I have recited them (and are present in the Quran).' So, we say as Allah's Apostle said (i.e., they are part of the Qur'an."
I asked Ubai bin Ka'b, "O Abu Al-Mundhir! Your brother, Ibn Mas'ud said so-and-so (i.e., the two Mu'awwidhat do not belong to the Qur'an)." Ubai said, "I asked Allah's Apostle about them, and he said, 'They have been revealed to me, and I have recited them (as a part of the Qur'an).' " So Ubai added, "So we say as Allah's Apostle has said."
I heard Jarir bin 'Abdullah (Praising Allah). On the day when Al-Mughira bin Shu'ba died, he (Jarir) got up (on the pulpit) and thanked and praised Allah and said, "Be afraid of Allah alone Who has none along with Him to be worshipped. (You should) be calm and quiet till the (new) chief comes to you and he will come to you soon. Ask Allah's forgiveness for your (late) chief because he himself loved to forgive others." Jarir added, "Amma badu (now then), I went to the Prophet and said, 'I give my pledge of allegiance to you for Islam." The Prophet conditioned (my pledge) for me to be sincere and true to every Muslim so I gave my pledge to him for this. By the Lord of this mosque! I am sincere and true to you (Muslims). Then Jarir asked for Allah's forgiveness and came down (from the pulpit).
A man went to Ibn 'Umar and said, "A man vowed to fast one day (the sub-narrator thinks that he said that the day was Monday), and that day happened to be 'Id day." Ibn 'Umar said, "Allah orders vows to be fulfilled and the Prophet forbade the fasting on this day (i.e. Id)."
I was with Ibn 'Umar when a man asked him, "I have vowed to fast every Tuesday or Wednesday throughout my life and if the day of my fasting coincided with the day of Nahr (the first day of 'Id-al-Adha), (What shall I do)?" Ibn 'Umar said, "Allah has ordered the vows to be fulfilled, and we are forbidden to fast on the day of Nahr." The man repeated his question and Ibn 'Umar repeated his former answer, adding nothing more.
Umar said to me: Do you know what demolishes Islam? I said: No. Whereupon he said: It is the slip of a scholar and the dispute of the hypocrite by the Book, and the commands of the misguided rulers which demolish it.
Transmitted by Darimi.
Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) spoke of something and said: It will happen when knowledge will be no more. I said: Allah's Messenger, how will knowledge vanish despite the fact that we will be reciting the Qur'an and teaching its recitation to our children and our children will teach its recitation to their children up to the Day of Resurrection? Thereupon he said: Ziyad, may your mother weep over you. I was of the opinion that you were one of those who have greatest understanding of religion in Medina. Do these Jews and Christians not recite the Torah and the Bible but not act according to what is contained in them?
Transmitted by Ahmad, Ibn Majah, Tirmidhi.
I came to the Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him) and sworeallegiance to him, and after telling a long story he said: Then aman came to him and said: Give me some of the sadaqah (alms). TheApostle of Allah (peace be upon him) said: Allah is not pleasedwith a Prophet's or anyone else's decision about sadaqat till Hehas given a decision about them Himself. He has divided thoseentitled to them into eight categories, so if you come withinthose categories, I shall give you what you desire.
When the adhan for the dawn prayer was initially introduced, theProphet (peace be upon him) commanded me to call the adhan and Idid so. Then I began to ask: Should I utter iqamah, Apostle ofAllah? But he began to look at the direction of the east,(waiting) for the break of dawn, and said: No. When the dawnbroke, he came down and performed ablution and he then turned tome. In the meantime his Companions joined him. Then Bilal wantedto utter the iqamah, but the Prophet (peace be upon him) said tohim: The man of Suda' has called the adhan, and he who calls theadhan utters the iqamah.
The Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him) sent an army to Banual-Anbar. They captured them at Rukbah in the suburbs of at-Ta'ifand drove them to the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him). I rodehurriedly to the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) and said: Peacebe on you, Apostle of Allah, and the mercy of Allah and Hisblessings. Your contingent came to us and arrested us, but we hadalready embraced Islam and cut the sides of the ears of ourcattle. When Banu al-Anbar arrived, the Holy Prophet (peace beupon him) said to me: Have you any evidence that you had embracedIslam before you were captured today? I said: Yes. He said: Whois your witness? I said: Samurah, a man from Banu al-Anbar, andanother man whom he named. The man testified but Samurah refusedto testify. The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) said: He(Samurah) has refused to testify for you, so take an oath withyour other witness. I said: Yes. He then dictated an oath to meand I swore to the effect that we had embraced Islam on a certainday, and that we had cut the sides of the ears of the cattle. The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) said: Go and divide half oftheir property, but do not touch their children. Had Allah notdisliked the wastage of action, we should not have taxed you evena rope. Zubayb said: My mother called me and said: This man hastaken my mattress. I then went to the Holy Prophet (peace be uponhim) and informed him.He said to me: Detain him. So I caughthim with a garment around his neck, and stood there with him .Then the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) looked at us standingthere. He asked: What do you intend (doing) with your captive?Isaid: I shall let him go free if he returns to this (man) themattress of his mother which he has taken from her. He said:Prophet of Allah (peace be upon him), I no longer have it. Hesaid: The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) took the sword of theman and gave it to me, and said to him: Go and give him some sa'sof cereal. So he gave me some sa's of barley.
The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: The wedding feast on thefirst day is a duty, that on the second is a good practice, butthat on the third day is to make men hear of it and show it tothem. Qatadah said: A man told me that Sa'id ibn al-Musayyab wasinvited (to a wedding feast on the first day and he accepted it.He was again invited on the second day, and he accepted. When hewas invited on the third day, he did not accept; he said: Theyare the people who make men hear of it and show it to them.
When the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) sat in prayer, heplaced the left foot between his thigh and shank and stretchedthe right foot and placed his left hand on his left knee andplaced his right hand on his right thigh, and raised his finger.