Anas performed the Hajj on a packsaddle and he was not a miser. Anas said, "Allah's Apostle
performed Hajj on a packsaddle and the same mount was carrying his baggage too."
Ya'ish ibn Tikhfat al-Ghifari said: My father was one of thepeople in the Suffah. The Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him)said: Come with us to the house of Aisha. So we went and he said:Give us food, Aisha. She brought hashishah and we ate. He thensaid: Give us food, Aisha. She then brought haysah as small inquantity as a pigeon and we ate. He then said: Give us somethingto drink, Aisha. So she brought a bowl of milk, and we drank.Again he said: Give us something to drink, Aisha. She thenbrought a small cup and we drank. He then said: If you wish, youmay spend the night (here), or if you wish, you may go to themosque. He said: While I was lying on my stomach because of painin the lung, a man began to shake me with his foot and then said:This is a method of lying which Allah hates. I looked and sawthat he was the Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him).
Ibn AbuNajih reported from his father on the authority of two menfrom Banu Bakr who said: We saw the Apostle of Allah (peace beupon him) addressing (the people) in the middle of the tashriqdays when we were staying near his mount. This is the address ofthe Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him) which he gave at Mina.